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20 Anniversary 9/11


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Let us never forget how this country was devastated that morning. I know everyone recalls where they were that day and how for days and days there were no sounds of airplanes in the sky. How there was a solemn quietness in everyone. I remember there was no laughter for quite awhile. I hope and pray this country never experiences this kind of sucker punch again.

Edited by Dirtshooter
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Got up before sun rise, put my flags at half staff.

20 years ago I was turning a wrench, boss hollered to come to the office, got there in time to see the 2nd plane hit.


God Bless all that have fallen in the defense of our great country.

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I was a PFC in the barracks at Fort Campbell putting on my boots after PT and a shower so my roommate and I could go to breakfast.  My platoon sergeant ran into my room in a frenzy telling us to put on CNN then went to the next room with a TV.

Nothing was the same anymore.  Four and a half months later I was in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

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I was at work and secretary had to go to bank and I was manning the phone. Her mother-in-law called and told us. I went down the street to a business that kept the t.v. on and saw the 2nd plane go in real time. Let's hope this never happens to U.S. again!! But I don't feel very comfortable about all these Afghans coming here!!

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