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Real sign times are hard - Thugs at gun show

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Times must be really hard. For the first time at a Nashville area gun show I was amazed to see numerous obvious gang members at the gun show. I'm talking full blown gang tats, mucho gold teeth and heavy armament. I guess their supply of ammo has dried up also and they were trolling for deals too.

I'm sure they unloaded before they entered just like all us good citizens.

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Guest HexHead
Times must be really hard. For the first time at a Nashville area gun show I was amazed to see numerous obvious gang members at the gun show. I'm talking full blown gang tats, mucho gold teeth and heavy armament. I guess their supply of ammo has dried up also and they were trolling for deals too.

I'm sure they unloaded before they entered just like all us good citizens.

Probably checking to see who they wanted to roll in the parking lot. Honest citizens will be walking out of the building with an unloaded gun, and if they saw you sell something figure you have cash.

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Guest TackleberryTom

A couple gun shows back,(in Nashvegas) I saw a young guy that most likely was in a gang, carrying around an AK with pistol grip and no stock and the shortest barrel on an AK I have ever seen. I felt safe though, it is illegal to own one of those with out an ffl. I know he wouldn't break the law!!

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A couple gun shows back,(in Nashvegas) I saw a young guy that most likely was in a gang, carrying around an AK with pistol grip and no stock and the shortest barrel on an AK I have ever seen. I felt safe though, it is illegal to own one of those with out an ffl. I know he wouldn't break the law!!

Sounds like an AK Pistol to me. :D

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Guest bkelm18
A couple gun shows back,(in Nashvegas) I saw a young guy that most likely was in a gang, carrying around an AK with pistol grip and no stock and the shortest barrel on an AK I have ever seen. I felt safe though, it is illegal to own one of those with out an ffl. I know he wouldn't break the law!!

That sounds like an AK pistol. There is no barrel length limitations on those since they fall into the handgun category.

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I was amazed to see numerous obvious gang members at the gun show. I'm talking full blown gang tats, mucho gold teeth and heavy armament

I saw a young guy that most likely was in a gang,

what are gang tattoos and how can you tell that someone is most likely in a gang?

I don't know much about gangs.

Could they not be some sort of benevolent society or a brotherhood, like Knights of Columbus and the Lions Club?

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Guest FiddleDog

They can't legally buy a firearm at a gun shop. I guess FTF is the only way for them to get a gun and not have a background check.

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They can't legally buy a firearm at a gun shop. I guess FTF is the only way for them to get a gun and not have a background check.

My understanding is FFL dealers at gun shows are still required to perform the background checks as if they were back at their shop. Is that correct?

Or are you saying that most of the tables at the gun show are private owners selling guns verses FFL dealers at the show?

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My understanding is FFL dealers at gun shows are still required to perform the background checks as if they were back at their shop. Is that correct?

Or are you saying that most of the tables at the gun show are private owners selling guns verses FFL dealers at the show?

They were doing them yesterday when I was there, I saw a 58 year old man fail one and they declined to sell him the pistol,

as far as the Hood being up the road, yea it is, but as far back as 15 years ago I have always seen several blacks at the gun show and have never seen any problems with them

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Hope all of you that attend the Goodman show remember the article interviewing one of the Goodmans saying that he believed in gun control ???? I haven't attend one of his shows since and don't plan on supporting his shows.

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Guest Spuds
You must not have made it to very many Nashville gun shows over the years. The hood is 1/2 a block from the fairgrounds. I've seen gang looking characters there for many years.

Ayup. I know a couple of dealers who claim they can always tell when it's 4 p.m. at the Goodman show, as the gangstas are out of bed after a late night out and finally get to the show.

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I'm not certain on this but I from the information I've been able to gather, to be in a gang you must have a lack of understanding on how a belt works and the inability to determine the proper orientation of headgear.

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I'm not certain on this but I from the information I've been able to gather, to be in a gang you must have a lack of understanding on how a belt works and the inability to determine the proper orientation of headgear.

Man, that does put a lot of folk that I see in the gang:D


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Hope all of you that attend the Goodman show remember the article interviewing one of the Goodmans saying that he believed in gun control ???? I haven't attend one of his shows since and don't plan on supporting his shows.

Do you have a link to that interview?

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I'm not certain on this but I from the information I've been able to gather, to be in a gang you must have a lack of understanding on how a belt works and the inability to determine the proper orientation of headgear.

And all this time I was thinking Walmart sold those ball caps with the bills on the side or back...hmmm...LOL

Dunno bout the thugs as I go early...but there are always a few NON dealers walking or standing around trying to sell a gun...not that thats a bad thing, but they dont run a check I reckon...

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what are gang tattoos and how can you tell that someone is most likely in a gang?

I don't know much about gangs.

Could they not be some sort of benevolent society or a brotherhood, like Knights of Columbus and the Lions Club?

I watch television, read newspapers and go to the movies. If they weren't gangstas they were sure playing the part.

The particular group I saw were escorted to the entrance by security. Not sure what the issue was.

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I went to that show only once, didn`t like it, not many nice guns and planty all other kinds of stuff, I did go to Smyrna Bob`s show, mostly regular guys there....


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I went yesterday and saw a crazy looking guy with those rasta-farian dreads and tattoo's everywhere around 1:30ish there....a guy was selling an ar-15 for 1200, he upped the price on this guy right there in front of him....you want 1200 right...nope I want 1600...dread's got mad and walked off, I saw him(dread's) later going to put it in his car!

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