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Disarmed....1/25/01 1400 hours


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Yep, that is what I wrote, I have officially been disarmed as of yesterday!!

Well, I still have my 2 pistols, a shotgun, and my trusty old Mosin, but...I am offially (semi-officially) shooting blanks! Yep, I got a vasectamy.

Just an FYI for those of you that have not had one, and are thinking, I have felt no pain whatsoever. They sedated me, did their thing to my thing, and woke my big arse up. Viola, done deal!

If you are in/around Nashville, and need this done, I would def check out Dr. Mark Flora at Urology Associates. Great dude, and took real good care of me and mine, if you know what I mean!


Edit: 1/25/10...my bad.....can't even blame med for that one, just being............. dickslexic

Edited by Angus
I am currently DICKSLEXIC
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Guest jackdm3

It was 11 years ago, around 8:30 or 9PM working that damn nightshift. We're having a slow night, and my buddy talks about having had his when he was in his mid-thirties. I'm intrigued, as are several of the other guys around. So we have a campfire group going. Everyone's got "Enquiring Minds" but I'm the only one asking questions. IN ALL SERIOUSNESS. So I ask:

Me: How did the amount of your fluid change?

Him: Stayed pretty much the same.

The group::popcorn:

Me: Did the cut hurt?

Him: Nope


Me: Was there a change in its consistency?

Him: A little


Me: Was there a change in color?

Him: Not really


Me: Change in smell?

Him: WHAT?!


Me: Well, did your wife notice a change in the taste?



Absolute silence.

So much for the advancement of scientific knowledge!:koolaid:

Edited by jackdm3
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Guest Caveman
It was 11 years ago, around 8:30 or 9PM working that damn nightshift. We're having a slow night, and my buddy talks about having had his when he was in his mid-thirties. I'm intrigued, as are several of the other guys around. So we have a campfire group going. Everyone's got "Enquiring Minds" but I'm the only one asking questions. IN ALL SERIOUSNESS. So I ask:

Me: How did the amount of your fluid change?

Him: Stayed pretty much the same.

The group::popcorn:

Me: Did the cut hurt?

Him: Nope


Me: Was there a change in its consistency?

Him: A little


Me: Was there a change in color?

Him: Not really


Me: Change in smell?

Him: WHAT?!


Me: Well, did your wife notice a change in the taste?



So much for the advancement of scientific knowledge!:koolaid:


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The doc who did mine is named Dr. Richard Pearson. He goes by Richard, but 'Dick Pearson' seems a lot more appropriate for his line of work...

He was actually extremely good and is among the highest recommended in this area.

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I was awake for mine... hurt a bit on one side cause it wasn't numbed all the way when he cut, but was doing dandy again within a few days... even back on the motorcycle within a week.

...and the consensus is that the taste is the same, but further testing is planned.

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A friend of mine had a vasectamy years ago. He told me that the doctor gave him a shot to make him woosy. The seadative started to take affect. He was loopy. He said the doctors good looking nurse asked him if she coluld watch the vasectamy. Of course he said. He said the more he looked at that good looking nurse. His MEMBER started to rise. The doctor saw what was happening. And the doctor had to tape his rising MEMBER to his leg! I won't ever forget that as long as I live. My buddy had werid sense of humor. gearyr

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