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So what's the deal with "Nashvegas"


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I keep seeing people refering to Nashville as Nashvegas. I've been to Nashville and I've been to Las Vegas. I'd say there is very little similarity between the two. Wishfull thinking maybe? Can someone explain this to me. My inquiring mind wants to know.

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Guest jackdm3

Like putting the bling on a three dollar whore?

EDIT: I say it with love, fellas. Lived in and around for 4 years.

Edited by jackdm3
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Guest oldsmobile98

It's not just Nashvegas. You've never heard anyone refer to Knoxvegas?

I guess it's kinda lightheartedly poking fun at Tennessee culture. If you live out in the woods, it's a bit of a culture shift when you drive into the "big city" occasionally. Them neon lights are funny-lookin' at first...

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I don't know where I picked it up from, when I moved to TN 11 years ago just always heard it referred to as nashvegas and started using it myself. Though to me, it does kinda fit when you think about the high quotient of plastic people each posesses.

In its defense, I do have to say I prefer Nashvegas to Las Vegas. Less hookers.

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Lets don't even get into the, seen/saw usage, around some of the forums. My personal favorite though, are the gun ads with handguns having a 4' barrel. Must be hard to find a holster for a 4 foot barrel gun. Maybe thats why they are selling it!:hyper:

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More importantly, why haven't so many people from this area been able to distinguish the difference between the words 'sell" and "sale"?

They must be hooked on phonics and spell it like they say it. Some folks, no matter how hard they try to say sell, it comes out sale.

And to get back on topic, yes I've heard Knoxvegas a couple of times too. I figured they had heard someone say Nashvegas and didn't want to feel left out.

I will admit, the thuggery factor is pretty high in both Nashville and Las Vegas. "Pants on the ground. Pants on the ground. Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground."

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Some people say it because they feel it holds some irony, some people are just being silly. My question is.....so what, who cares???

Well, I care. That's why I asked. :rolleyes: Anything I don't understand must be investigated. A thirst for knowledge should never be suppressed. I may be old but my brain's not full yet. I'm never afraid to ask why or how. Free your mind, let it explore.

Besides, I thought it sounded silly. :D

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Guest Caveman
Well, I care. That's why I asked. :rolleyes: Anything I don't understand must be investigated. A thirst for knowledge should never be suppressed. I may be old but my brain's not full yet. I'm never afraid to ask why or how. Free your mind, let it explore.

Besides, I thought it sounded silly. :D

Ahhhh...my bad, you were asking out of curiousity. I had assumed you had other motives for asking. I guess I shouldn't assume huh? I agree with you though. Descartes questioned anything and everything down to his own existance. That's when he realized the fact that he had the ability to question his own existance proved he existed at some level. I think therefore I am.

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Ahhhh...my bad, you were asking out of curiousity. I had assumed you had other motives for asking. I guess I shouldn't assume huh? I agree with you though. Descartes questioned anything and everything down to his own existance. That's when he realized the fact that he had the ability to question his own existance proved he existed at some level. I think therefore I am.

It does seem that you have been working on filling your brain. :up:

We are, perhaps, more alike than it would appear on the surface. From one inconspicuous Reverend to another, if I recall correctly.

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