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Panetta Disarms our Marines

Guest RichieRich

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CYA action for Major General Mark Gurganus. I understand it.

However, if I were Panetta, my first order of business after learning of this would be a quick call to the Major General saying, "I want ALL my marines armed at ALL times. Especially when I'm with them!"

Edited by raydog1
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Guest bkelm18

Not surprising really. As recent evets have shown, people can become mentally unstable in a combat zone. All it takes is one bad soldier with access to weaponry and one of the most powerful men in the world is dead. Not saying anything bad against our men and women, but they're only human. No one is infallible. Just because they wear a uniform doesn't make them a saint, again as recent events have shown. It's just the world we live in.

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For a video interview, I mic'd up US Senator from Illinois Barack Hussein Obama in Baghdad in . . . 2005, and I was armed with an M9 pistol at the time.

. . . think it, smile it, just don't say it. . . .

I'll say this... you weren't disarmed.

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I'll say this... you weren't disarmed.

That's a fact.

And the fact that they are means that at some base level, the national leadership doesn't trust the troops. That's very damaging to morale. It doesn't BUILD trust amongst the troops, whether or not it deteriorates trust among the troops depends on the professionalism of the troops. They're Marines. They'll stay professional because they are Marines. However, as Marines, they generally have a heightened sense of purpose, and this doesn't help that.

It may seem like a little thing, but the disarming is a big thing.

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This is not something new. A few years back when either Obama or Hillary Clinton (sorry I can not remember which) gave a speech the troops IN A COMBAT ZONE were disarmed. It is WHO they ARE. NO ONE is trusted to be armed except their own body guards.

It was in Tuzla, Bosnia Herzegovina in 95-96 time frame. I was there during the event providing route security to the POTUS's convoy. Afterwards I spoke to some soldiers who were actually in the promotion ceremony and others who attended his speech. They said they were told to put their rifle bolts in their pockets during the event.

I didn't attend the speech because I was making sure the return route was still clear. Never even seen the President.


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story I read said they disarmed the Marine's because they made some Afghani army guys disarm. A little tit for tat I guess.

I don't see it as a big deal. I am sure there was ample security that WAS armed and not inside the event.

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Disarming the military in a combat zone. Brilliant! If he's that worried, stay home. There is a war with unfriendlies going on here, BTW.
Here's my idea, just make it voluntary for any Marine who wants to hear Pinheada's or any other of Obama's administration cronies speeches. I believe that if I had some spare time I would rather spend it doing countless other things than listening to some political pep rally. He wont be scared of them if they aren't there, of course it might be a little embarrassing to him to grand stand in front of only a few token brass. Edited by K191145
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The Foxsnews story said the Marine General was the one that ordered and it was for the reason Mike.357 said. To me, it wasn't a big deal either, since they quoted the General taking ownership. I was much more upset about the Obama Flag story.

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As a 30 year retired Marine (MGySgt E-9) I think everybody is making something out of nothing here. I am not about to question the judgement of a General grade combat commander. I don't the security issues he was facing nor the political environment at the time. I also don't get paid to make the decision. The general was in charge and it was his decision, I don't know enough about the place nor the time to say he was wrong.

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