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Should the media shut up about the shooting

Guest CCI

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Not yes, but hell yes!

They won't though because the media and Amerikan people are sick. They have a sick need to know EVERYTHING. People LIVE for this. They wanna know everything and what everyone is feeling. They want to know where each one of those little ones got hit and how much damage it did. What are their families feeling right now. Talk, talk, talk. It's all the morons of this country know how to do is run their mouth instead shutting it.
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I haven't watched 1 second of news on this story after the 2-3 minutes I saw mid day on Friday. Only thing we've watched this weekend was some Dinosaur Train, Veggie Tales, and the Elf on a Shelf Story from the other night. I don't plan to watch any of it b/c the media will just piss me off and from what I've read on here they just make it up as they go anyway. Fixing to watch a little Frosty The Snowman

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The media reaction is as much a part of political history as anything else, so it's actually quite fascinating in that context to me.


The way the various opposing sides are juggled to suit a particular media agenda helps one to understand the cultural flow of issues, and I find many ironies throughout.


But understand, since the election I've up-shifted into "stoic historian mode", lugging along in overdrive as dispassionately as possible -- it's the only way I can helplessly watch the daily slide away from personal liberty and responsibility that has taken hold with warp speed. 


Guess I'll keep it up until they pull the plug and keep us all in the total dark on everything -- or join the first million or so when they're finally ready to  .... um, never mind, just kidding, you DHS folks listening in. ;)


- OS

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Not yes, but hell yes!

They won't though because the media and Amerikan people are sick. They have a sick need to know EVERYTHING. People LIVE for this. They wanna know everything and what everyone is feeling. They want to know where each one of those little ones got hit and how much damage it did. What are their families feeling right now. Talk, talk, talk. It's all the morons of this country know how to do is run their mouth instead shutting it.

Don't ya know it's easier to talk about stuff than to work a real job and make stuff for a living.

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"should the media shut up about the shooting"

no. they (owners, employees, audience) should not have to suspend their civil rights any more then we suspend ours.

It's not a matter of 'should they be made to' because of course they should not.
The bat rastards oughta have the damn common courtesy to let the little ones rest in peace instead of turning it into a ratings game. Likewise, it would be fine with me to make it legal to shoot these reporters in the face for knocking on the doors of the families to ask them how it feels to have a dead kid. The media is heartless family of vacuous ghouls. Edited by Caster
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I haven't watched 1 second of news on this story after the 2-3 minutes I saw mid day on Friday. Only thing we've watched this weekend was some Dinosaur Train, Veggie Tales, and the Elf on a Shelf Story from the other night. I don't plan to watch any of it b/c the media will just piss me off and from what I've read on here they just make it up as they go anyway. Fixing to watch a little Frosty The Snowman


I haven't watched any of it either. I have only read a couple of news links that were posted initially here on TGO. That was enough for me. However, this whole tragedy has been heavy on my mind. Saturday morning, I felt like I was waking up after having a bad nightmare, but it was real. Sick and horrific event. My 5 year old had a school play Friday night, and all I could think of were those kids and families. My heart and prayers go out to the families.


As for the question of the thread... I don't think the media should be made to stop covering it (First Amendment and all), but I do think that they should stop. The crazies do this stuff for the attention. If the media would just report the facts of the story and then give the soap opera type drama a rest, they might just stop fueling repeat murders. This guy is getting the attention he may have been looking for.

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"should the media shut up about the shooting"


no.  they (owners, employees, audience) should not have to suspend their civil rights any more then we suspend ours.



It's not a matter of 'should they be made to' because of course they should not.
The bat rastards oughta have the damn common courtesy to let the little ones rest in peace instead of turning it into a ratings game. Likewise, it would be fine with me to make it legal to shoot these reporters in the face for knocking on the doors of the families to ask them how it feels to have a dead kid. The media is heartless family of vacuous ghouls.


I sense that you are holding back, brother.  Let it out.  let it out.


Seriously, I agree that they are scavengers feeding on carrion.  I saw a visual the other day that describes the media. As I was turning in to the 'hood.  A possum was completely flattened, except for his tail. A second possum was feeding on the first.

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Caster, they aren't doing any of it for their own ratings. They quit worrying about ratings when they decided to push

certain agendas, especially for this "one".

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I have refused to watch anything about it on TV.  Not because I'm ignorant, but because I'm sure they are trying to sensationalize everything.  I did confirm the story on a news website after I heard about it but that's all the attention that I have given the media concerning this situation.  I really do believe that when the media harps about these things copycat incidences will take place. 

I really do think that Morgan Freeman said it very well...


"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."


We are riding a fine line between limiting what the media is saying and stepping on their first amendment rights.  Personally I don't want to infringe on anyone's constitutional rights anymore than I want them infringing on mine.  However, at the same time I hate to see the media sensationalizing such a tragedy while making the shooter a household name while all the while forgetting about the victims.
Edited by 10-Ring
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Not only should the media shut up but so should the internet.  LITTLE KIDS DIED!  Do you people not realize how horrible this is?  Think of the parents that are sitting in their houses right now with presents under the friggin Christmas trees.  And no kids to open those presents.  Its absolutely horrible.  


And all I've heard or seen for three friggin days is a bunch of people preaching gun control or preaching about how gun control isn't the answer.  Not a single person is doing those little kids any justice by talking about all this gun control BS. 



And the sad truth is that there will eventually be another shooting.  Nothing will ever stop that.  And when that happens, all of the same talking heads are going to be talking about the same crap.  Its friggin ridiculous!  



Have some respect for those little kids and their families.  For the teachers or administrators that lost their lives as well.  

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You can't blame the media. They are whores and will do anything necessary to sell air time.

If the American public didn't watch this excrement, the media would stop covering it.

We (present company excluded), as a country, wallow in this sort of exploitative filth everyday.

If we want them to stop covering it, we just have to stop watching.

The whores will, as they always do, follow the money and the coverage will change.

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Just a heads up, on the drive this morning, I heard 3 completely seperate talk shows refer to semi-auto pistols and rifles as "weapons of mass destruction" So it looks like that is going to be this week's angle in the media Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2 Edited by Sam1
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I recorded Meet The Press late last night. Gregory, Dyson, Bloomberg and Feinstein made me want to destroy my television. Everyone wants something done, but no one is talking about how decent people can protect themselves from the criminal element after the pixie dust has been sprinkled and all of the bad guns disappear.
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