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Open yours ears in public it is getting loud

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So today I decided to do a little shopping since my son was let out of school early I took him out to eat at a little Chinese Buffet, then we went to Sportsmans , then Academy "to spend a gift card I had not gotten around to yet" then topped it off with Walmart "Needed some sale items" 


So at the Buffet my son and I were seated next to a group of guys and we could over hear the conversation with common phrases like that damn Obama thinks he's slick and they ain't getting my guns by god and a whole other assortment of phrases along the same line . "Made me smile a bit"


Then at Sportsmans that is all I heard in the Firearms section 

same thing at Academy 


Then at Walmart there was a fella on his cell phone talking with someone else as we passed by in an isle and heard "Telling me I can only have ten rounds....Sh*t Ill show them a$$holes ten rounds" Of course I kept walking and just heard that small bit of conversation and thought man everybody's on this subject today. Then at the check out line I heard another couple talking about how there was no ammo left and the guy was telling "I assume" his ole lady, that it was a good thing they got all that ammo when they did etc.


Now this is the first time I can think about ever hearing this much public backlash it just seemed no matter where I went everyone was talking about it and everyone seemed pissed "or maybe i just never listen till today who knows" .   Just figured I would share 

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Let Bloomberg, Obama, Brady and whoever else out of their cages. They will end up killing themselves, literally

or politically. 2014 will be interesting.


If that's the noise you were hearing, multiply it by hundreds of thousands. The sleeping giant may just wake up

this time.

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Let Bloomberg, Obama, Brady and whoever else out of their cages. They will end up killing themselves, literally

or politically. 2014 will be interesting.


If that's the noise you were hearing, multiply it by hundreds of thousands. The sleeping giant may just wake up

this time.


I sincerely hope and wish it so.


On a similar note, I was in a local Wallyworld Tuesday and happened upon some WWB 45. As I was paying for them, a young man passing by saw them and we struck up a conversation. He was probably mid 20s and actually could string 3 words together without a F/S/MF; and was intelligently talking with me about his guns. Ended up letting him have some of the 45. It was a pleasure to see a young man not a flaming lib and intelligent enough to know the difference between his butt and Obama.

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Let Bloomberg, Obama, Brady and whoever else out of their cages. They will end up killing themselves, literally

or politically. 2014 will be interesting.


If that's the noise you were hearing, multiply it by hundreds of thousands  millions.  The sleeping giant may just wake up

this time.


I'm betting more than that.

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I was at Wal-Mart Wed. night staring at the pretty beige shelves where the ammo used to be when another man started a conversation. Next thing i know there were 4 of us. I left there and went to K-Mart and ran into one of the dudes there. They have a ton of 12ga. slugs btw but nothing else. I even see people who are "non-political" posting on facebook. It's nice to see so many people engaged. Before the election I had a conversation with some people about how it wasn't bad enough yet. Things were bad but it was going to take something else to get people to wake up. This might be it.

Edited by KaNuckles
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We need to get the word out.


One thing the antis have that we do not is a comprehension and use of social media. They use social media regularly to get the word out while there are a lot of us who do not use things like Facebook, twitter or other forms of social media. That is also the sole reason why we failed to elect Romney. If we could offer and get more like mided individuals using socail media it will help us immensely. It will help now as well as in 2016, which will be a huge accomplishment if we win that election.


I have often said we need to take the plays from the antis playbook and social media is one of the better plays they have. We also need to be more vocal through calling friends, family or engaging complete strangers to explain to them why we are the winning team. A person who is sitting on the fence will choose to be on the winning team and if they think we are it then they will side with us. Those who are diehard antis are not fence sitters and no amount of logic is going to sway them. But for the fence sitters I think we can make a huge impact on which way they will vote by being more vocal.



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I agree fully with the observations on folks speakin up over what is goin on now; especially with regard to the guns, magazines, and ammo thing.  More and more folks are waking up to what these people really want to do.

People can understand what the plain reading of the second amendment says; and can compare it very quickly with what these sons of satan are proposing; and are, in fact, doin in the blue states like new york. 


Its the ultimate irony to me that this unholy alliance of apostate jewish eastern european demigogs like Bloomberg and the great "godfather" Rahm and their useful children in the black community would think that restricting gun ownership would be a good thing.  It seems to me that i remember that black folks were mistreated with gun laws until just after the civil war (...slaves dont own guns...); and the fathers and moms of these european folks gave their guns up to a guy by the name of Adolph Hitler (...and Joe Stalin, as well...).  If i wuz a member of either of those groups; it would be a cold day in hell before any stinkin politico took any of my guns and ammo; but that's just me.   In my mind, its just another proof that there just may be something to "social darwinism"; as my 23 year old so artfully argues (...mostly for the sake of arguement...): ...." There must be greater and lesser human beings; more advanced and less advanced...."  "Those anointed to rule and those consigned to be ruled over"...etc, etc...You get the picture.


I say what they need to do is to keep stirrin this pot.  I think it will bring them a bitter harvest.  Lots of folks are ambivalent about taxes (...especially if they dont pay any....).  Folks can understand when things are contrary to the plain language to what is purported to be the supreme law of the land.


I say "...keep talkin..." dear sweet brother barak, bloomberg, coumo, wrangle and others.  More and more folks are listenin and gettin mad.


listenin leroy

Edited by leroy
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Anytime you overhear a conversation concerning this issue or are standing in front of the empty ammo case at Walmart It'd be an excellent opportunity to nicely inquire to if they are NRA members and encourage the talkers to join the fight. There are so many easy points you can make that in a short conversation they may be convinced. BPS gift card offer is out there too. Heck save the link in your phone and tell them you'll text it to them while standing there.
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I got stuck at Rafferty's one day having to overhear an older man berating his 20 something year old son about how he doesn't see the "need" for anyone to have a rifle that can shoot up to 1200 yards. It was the 1200 yards thing that perked my ears to their converstaion. He then went on to call his son selfish and immature to want something that could do so much damage and that he hoped to god that one day he would have kids of his own and understand what kind of danger he would be putting them in. :puke: Blah blah blah went the conversation with the son vainly trying to argue with him. But I could tell he wasn't informed enough on the facts so he had to just sit there and take it from him. I didn't want to have an argument right there in the restaurant so I quickly jotted down some facts for the guy on a napkin, paid my tab, and set it in front of him as I left. Things like: Who really "needs" half of the stuff we own? It's America. People died for the rights we currently enjoy. "Assault" is an action, not an object. And a couple more of the facts that folks on here know by heart. I know that I could have told that guy off unitl his ears bled and it wouldn't change his mind but I hope it at least gave the kid some ammo to fire back at that pompous idiot. Im glad they came in as I was finishing though. I might have actually told the guy to shove it if not.

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Agree with the "bitter harvest", Leroy.


As far as the word getting out, the sale of guns all over the country is speaking to that quite well, and the message is loud

and clear. Even if it is only the red states, and I don't believe that for a minute, that's 3/4 or more of the country(land mass)

called "fly over", and that is a good thing. The liberals can bitch all they want, but I doubt it will work. If it does, there won't be

any mass turning in on newly bought guns. They will have to wait until the economy tanks before they have a chance to do

any gun grabbing. The economy will tank, but we will be well armed, at least. Get your drones out! Get it over with, Janet.

Funny thing about economy tanking, They won't be able to pay their stormtroopers well, any more than those bullets they


"Damnit, Janet" Been wanting to say that for a while. :D

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Guest ThePunisher
I have an attitude that these commies and the sheeple that put these commies in power along with the MSM, that they all can kiss my Constitutional loving a**. I will not comply to these communist tenets that are being forced upon me and my fellow compatriots that love this nation and the principles our nation was founded upon.
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Ignoring the numbers for a minute, they are making life long enemies all over the country. When Sandy Hook fades away, those enemies will still be there. Those enemies will be lobbying against them long after the media takes on another cause... years after.


As painful as it is now, this could wind up being a cancer for liberalism that lasts for decades. We just don't need to let OUR crisis go to waste.

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We need to get the word out.


One thing the antis have that we do not is a comprehension and use of social media. They use social media regularly to get the word out while there are a lot of us who do not use things like Facebook, twitter or other forms of social media. That is also the sole reason why we failed to elect Romney. If we could offer and get more like mided individuals using socail media it will help us immensely. It will help now as well as in 2016, which will be a huge accomplishment if we win that election.


I have often said we need to take the plays from the antis playbook and social media is one of the better plays they have. We also need to be more vocal through calling friends, family or engaging complete strangers to explain to them why we are the winning team. A person who is sitting on the fence will choose to be on the winning team and if they think we are it then they will side with us. Those who are diehard antis are not fence sitters and no amount of logic is going to sway them. But for the fence sitters I think we can make a huge impact on which way they will vote by being more vocal.




A lot of us are on Facebook, and battle liberalism every day. My Facebook friends list includes a bunch of TGO members. There is a lot of sharing between TGO and Facebook too.


What I'm sayin'... get busy G. You can be my friend :). I know Tulip is already out there. :)

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Well it's great if people are talking about it and claiming they won't comply...won't get their guns, etc...but I wonder what they are DOING about it?


Talk, as they say, is cheap and actions speak a lot louder than words...we all need talk about it but more importantly, we need to be involved to whatever extent we can...once they show up on your doorstep to take your guns it will be far too late.

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Until recently, for whatever reason, I would purposely go out of my way to not discuss firearms related topics with many people, especially those I thought may not be so like-minded.

That has changed in recent weeks. I now find myself going out of my way to bring up the subject, even with people I'm fairly certain are not quite so gun-friendly. I've had some stand as firm in their beliefs as I do mine, but I know for a fact that at least a few have walked away from the conversation thinking about what I said. One or two may have even come to the dark side. One of them will be tagging along for a trip to the range sometime next week.

I wish I would have done this much earlier, and I'd like to urge others to do the same thing. I've realized it is often possible to have a discussion with the opposition without it turning into a disaster of a confrontation. It's been rather enjoyable.
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I've had conversations with people I never met at restaurants, the booth or table next to me, hear me say something and join in

about they like the fact I'm carrying and will always carry. The discussions are better now because they are people who want or

are getting their first gun or permit. I like it when they say they like the idea of carrying, instead of more gun laws. There are some

pretty nice folks that have their heads on. Good to hear a compliment from them. I'm glad they are engaging now. They were

always there.


Individuals used to only see a little bit of it but are beginning to see more everywhere they go. Good sign.

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Ignoring the numbers for a minute, they are making life long enemies all over the country. When Sandy Hook fades away, those enemies will still be there. Those enemies will be lobbying against them long after the media takes on another cause... years after.


As painful as it is now, this could wind up being a cancer for liberalism that lasts for decades. We just don't need to let OUR crisis go to waste.



Mike has made a stupendous point here.  The good ole usa is devolving into confederations (....i believe....) of like minded people.  The great nobama and this useful far left idiots have kicked the can so far down the road and have used the devisive card to make "enemies" of those who oppose them  politically well enough to have precipitated the "i dont give a damn" in many folks; and im one of them.  I can remember when there was some sense of commonality and community between Americans, regardless of political view.  It aint there now in a lot of people.  We have been "tribalized" to the point that we dont care what happens with regard to anything from the "red" to "blue" states.   The cup of kindness between citizens of different states has been dumped and replaced with the "cup of wrath" or indifference.  Folks in "red states" and some blue states as well (...i think....) see this devisiveness and retaliation as a redux of post civil war reconstruction; and view the gubmt as the enemy.



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Counter point and food for thought...


After living in "The People's Republic of Illinois" for thirty-eight (38) miserable wasted years because of employment, here's a little insight on the attitudes of 2nd Amendment Rights.


There's not much law Illinois can pass to further restrict your gun rights, save an all out ban. The attitude of many of the on the fence people I talked to about gun rights in my 38 year indentured servitude was, so what, you can't do this and that now anyway, what difference does it make? The general attitude of the middle-of-the-roaders is not to rock the boat, what will be will be, don't get involved. If my observations are anywhere close to correct, I suspect New York and Kal-a-for-ni-a are similar?


As I mentioned in another post, seems the urban population centers hold sway over law and lack of critical thinking and common sense. The one thing all major urban areas have in common is their over fluorinated poisonous water supply. Could the poisonous water be the source of lack of common sense and loss of critical thought?


Don't drink the Kool-Aid!


Fortunately I retired and escaped the iron curtain of "The People's Republic" and fled to the country in Tennessee. I can't run anywhere else at my age, I have my line in the sand drawn and it will not retreat. This is America, land of the free and home of the brave, and I like it that way. I do what most of y'all do to maintain our freedoms, I peacefully write my two senators, congressman, governor and president and express my Constitutional rights as a citizen and NOT a subject to the crown.


I fought communism, aggression and the bee hive mentality once already in my life time for a foreign nation I had no investment in. It now appears to me our government wants to subjugate us to the same defenseless subjects as Canada, Australia and England.


As far as I'm concerned, there's only two types of legal American citizens, those that will cower and accept what the government passe's as law, and those who will take a stand and not let that happen. Unfortunately, my rant is preaching to the choir, as I'm not reveling anything new under the sun to those not drinking the Kool Aid.

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I have noticed how the conversations have changed significantly from +24 hours after Sandy Hook, to +1 month after Sandy Hook.  I have to agree with the OP, I too have over heard many conversations in similiar fashion.  I have jumped in when and where I could.  Momentum is shifting, but I do have to pinch myself, this is Tennessee (a heavily conservative state). 

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I was at SHOT Show in Las Vegas all week, and if you think there was a lot of that kind of talk in TN(there is), you should have heard it out there. There were 60k people at SHOT, with the vast majority being conservative gun owners and dealers. The firearms industry isn't holding their breath hoping no anti-gun laws pass, but they are fighting also. Ruger, for instance, was handing out pamphlets with info on how to contact your congressmen. This is more than a livelihood to them also, it's a God-given right and passion that they don't plan on forfeiting. I guess the panic will provide them with some additional resources to fight back. I'm proud to see so many new people jumping into our cause. I'm young at 26, and don't remember the last AWB, but I never remember seeing an AR15 except on tv. Now, I know maybe 100 people that have them. I know 80 year old men that love their ARs. A recent poll was conducted that said that 60% of HS and college kids in the US plan on owning firearms once they are old enough. Keep up the fight guys!

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It makes me feel good too when I hear strangers talking about everything that is going on. A guy that I've known for 15 years moved here from New York before I met him and for the past few years I've noticed him posting things like "I can believe all these people down here think Obama wants their guns!" And of course his New York FB friends share the same view according to their responses. My words have not changed his views no matter how much I try to inform him. But......since the word got out about NY's New laws......crickets! Imagine that, someone may actually not want us to be armed, if he asks, I will say "I told you so"
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