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Murfreesboro DUI Checkpoint Video Making its Way Across the Web

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Looks like the kid got exactly what he was looking for...making an ass of himself and getting attention.  With this kind of attitude and thought processes I wouldn't be surprised of this punk isn't up for a Darwin Award at some point.


'Ol Leonard would be proud.

Edited by RobertNashville
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The dog scratching up his car for one, a neighbor of ours had a similar situation happen in his new Mercedes.  He didn't have anything obviously, and refused a search for a speeding ticket, they brought the dog, did over $1000 in paint damage to his car and it took him almost a year of suing the county to make them pay for it. 


I agree with the car. That's not big taxpayer money. I was talking a about a real settlement, because he was butt hurt by those bad police men,

Edited by mikegideon
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Looks like the kid got exactly what he was looking for...making an ass of himself and getting attention.  With this kind of attitude and thought processes I wouldn't be surprised of this punk isn't up for a Darwin Award at some point.


'Ol Leonard would be proud.



My very first thought when I heard this was in TN. 

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Here's an interesting Facebook post out in the world for everybody to see from Axl David, at https://www.facebook.com/ohheyitsaxl


(you must be logged into facebook to get to his page)  who's allegedly the Tennessee Libertarian Party communications director that apparently planned the whole check point challeng despite protestation on-line to the contrary, at:




and on Facebook, where he writes:


". . .This was not a set-up initiated by me. Chris and several others read a copy of my Guest Column, as well as media reports of the checkpoints, and acted independently to film their interactions, should they be stopped at a checkpoint."


This stance is apparently at odds with his other statements and other media reports.


Apparently, he has several acolytes that are/were preparing to participate, one of which is the author of the viral video, identified by the media as Chris Kalbaugh, (at https://www.facebook.com/chris.kalbaugh.5



(and again, you must be logged into Facebook to see his page)



I wonder if the Libertarians are planning on running a Rutherford County Sheriff's candidate in the next election, or if they are merely in collusion with Democrats who plan on running a Rutherford County Sheriff's candidate?



(From Axl E. David's facebook page):


9 hours ago

If you're in Murfreesboro and want to help Timothy and I crash the checkpoint party tonight, let me know. We're meeting at 9:45 to plan everything.

Top of Form


Joe Liggett VIDEO up!

19 hours ago · 3


Bill Rohling I get off at 11

19 hours ago via mobile · 1


Axl E. David We got that covered, Joe.

19 hours ago · 2


Joe Liggett Would love to go! Just too late for me. I can not wait!

19 hours ago · 1


Chris Kalbaugh Absolutely beautiful

19 hours ago · 2


Steve Lane I would gladly be involved but that's a little bit too short of notice for my comfort. I think more planning is required. I've challenged officers at a checkpoint and it's not for the faint of heart. Were it not for some quick thinking on my feet I would have been beaten and jailed for certain.

Make certain cameras are everywhere and I would even suggest finding some way to video externally in case you stumble across a crooked LEO who attempts to destroy your recording device, plant drugs in your vehicle, or worse.

19 hours ago · 2


David Criswell I've got a "flip"

19 hours ago · 1


Timothy Meredith Steve Lane,

With my mobile management software I would be impressed if they deleted anything. In addition to that it would log any attempts of tampering on my remote server, could likely even set it up to stream to my server.

19 hours ago · 3


Steve Lane Ok, good. Can we get a live feed somehow or have I seen to many movies?

19 hours ago · 3


Axl E. David You can but it's too much trouble. If you have time to sit at your computer and watch it live, you have time do participate or help in person.

19 hours ago · 2


Timothy Meredith I'd say you can but that would be if I had verizon and not sprint who fails lol

19 hours ago · 1


Joe Liggett Timothy Meredith if you need tech help call Gary.

19 hours ago · 1


Steve Lane No, I have wife and kids and don't like doing things half assed since they depend on me being able to be at work

19 hours ago · 2


Axl E. David >assuming we're going to half-ass it

19 hours ago · 2


Steve Lane If you need bail money call me. You have my number, right?

19 hours ago · 1


Joe Liggett 2 halves = a whole ass

19 hours ago · 1


Axl E. David I'm not going to need bail money because I'm not doing anything against the law.

19 hours ago · 2


Steve Lane It's just a bit rushed is all. I'm just suggesting you not take poking at a hornet's nest, especially one where the hornets have guns, badges, and sovereign immunity under the law, lightly. I've done it before and have a willingness to do it again but it's a very scary thing. I promise you will be scared though not as much as the LEOs. At least that was my experiences.

19 hours ago


Steve Lane You don't have to break the law to get beat up and end up in jail

19 hours ago · 1


Axl E. David I pray that they beat me up and take me to jail.

19 hours ago · 2


Steve Lane Gotta go...I have a date. I'm not trying to discourage you. I just don't want you taking this lightly. Have fun! I so want to go!

19 hours ago


Timothy Meredith I understand it can be scary. I've done prison work in 10-15 different TN prisons for phone systems and have had encounters with police in Murfreesboro. Murfreesboro police treat anyone my age as a mindless atomiton. It's certainly not something that should be treated lightly but I promise you we will be doing this squeeky clean

19 hours ago · 2


Steve Lane I still say get like 10 people in a row to do this

19 hours ago · 1


Steve Lane Also, save the drinking for after the checkpoint challenge

18 hours ago via mobile


Eric Benge This is going to be good. I salute you for your efforts. I anxiously await the video. Keep up the good fight!

18 hours ago via mobile · 2


Franklin Fürter I will be watching for updates

18 hours ago via mobile · 1


Lars Hall where's the checkpoint?

18 hours ago · 1


Brian Robertson I'd love to help out, but with my record poking the hornets nest would definitely get me a mat in 940.

18 hours ago via mobile · 3


Axl E. David Lars: It says "Bradley Creek" tonight. But it's a refusal-allowed checkpoint, lol.

18 hours ago · 1


Matthew Novak Make sure you have a qik video app

15 hours ago via mobile · 3


Russ Johnson Yup, Qik is especially good because it uploads as it records.

10 hours ago via mobile · 1

Bottom of Form


This is definitely one of those Things that make you go . . . . hmmmmmmm.


I'm wondering if Mr Axl E. David intended to make this a public post on Facebook, or if he will delete it when it becomes clear to him that a lot of folks can see it. .



Edited by QuietDan
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I wonder if the Libertarians are planning on running a Rutherford County Sheriff's candidate in the next election, or if they are merely in collusion with Democrats who plan on running a Rutherford County Sheriff's candidate?

With the libertarian party taking credit for this pre-planned stunt they will be lucky to get someone elected to dog catcher. biggrin.gif
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He was  trying to bait the cops into something to prove a point..point proven,I guess..some cops are asses and are not there to do the right thing.

If you did not do anything wrong ,why not comply and get it over with?Just so you can prove that there are cops that do not know the laws..and dont care..welcome to the real world.....

The cops where wrong in alot of ways.No doubt...

  I am all for checkpoints, I am glad they are there to take drunk drivers off the roads, but both parties where in the wrong.More so the Police Officer  because he should have known better,lead by example and be above trying to stroke his ego with this BS...

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I think this was from 1999






During the period preceding introduction of the Checkpoint Tennessee program the Tennessee Highway Patrol averaged 10 to 15 sobriety checkpoints per year. In the cooperative agreement application, the THP proposed conducting 576 checkpoints during the implementation year. Obviously, this was a tremendously increased number of checkpoints, particularly when one considers that they were to be staffed using existing patrol resources. There was no special funding for officer overtime. Essentially the mechanism was a change of command emphasis. Officers were to be diverted from other duties to conduct the checkpoints. Additionally, cooperation and support was obtained from the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police and the Tennessee Sheriffs' Association. Tennessee Highway Patrol district supervisors were instructed to contact local law enforcement agencies when planning checkpoints and encourage their participation. This was intended to both ease the personnel burden of the THP and to foster an overall spirit of cooperation.


The main mechanism for evaluation of the extent to which checkpoints were actually conducted was a special reporting mechanism put into place by the THP. Every Monday each of the eight THP districts was required to submit reports of activity at each checkpoint conducted the previous weekend (Appendix A). These reports were tabulated by personnel in the THP Planning and Research Section into a statewide summary report (Appendix A) and used both to monitor implementation of the program and to provide input for regular news releases to the statewide media.


The latter report is the final statewide activity report from the formal project implementation year. One can see that 882 checkpoints were conducted under the auspices of the program, well above the 576 in the original commitment. Nearly 145,000 vehicles passed through the checkpoints and over 9,000 were detained for further investigation. There were 773 resultant DUI arrests, 347 seat belt citations and 465 child restraint citations. Additionally, 705 written seat belt warnings were issued as well as 7,351 other traffic citations.


In addition to traditional traffic safety violations, numerous other violations of the law were detected and appropriate action taken. Four stolen vehicles were recovered, 35 felony arrests were made for violations such as drugs, bootlegging and parole violations. In addition 201 arrests for misdemeanor drug violations were made.


Thus, the program clearly exceeded the contractual requirement in terms of number of checkpoints conducted, and yielded many additional enforcement actions.


While other statewide sobriety checkpoint programs have recently been initiated in the U.S. (in North Carolina and New Mexico, to name two) one reason this demonstration in Tennessee is of special interest because of the relatively low implementation costs. The total cost of the two-year demonstration project was $927,594, with federal funding at $452,255 and state funding at $475,339. The state contribution covered police salaries, publicity costs and other program expenses. The police salary contribution was accomplished by a reallocation of effort to this endeavor rather than through additional funding. NHTSA funding covered some public information and education materials, equipment and program evaluation.


Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Guest seawolf138

All these videos ever really show is someone being a jack***, and then the cop responding in kind.  Were his 4th amendment rights violated??  Yep, but that is not going to change, SCOTUS upheld the constitutionality of sobriety checkpoints, there are only 11 states in the US that disagreed with that decision and therefore do not allow them. TN is not one of those states, and therefore the officer has legal grounds to violate said rights at the checkpoint. Did the cop go to far? Probably, at least I think the drug search was a bit much, but it's always been my experience that if you treat a cop with the respect that they (most of them) deserve, they will treat you in kind.  This kid played a stupid game and won a stupid prize, I'm not going to feel bad for him, and I'm not going to be angry with the cop; they both should have handled this situation better, and maybe if the first had, the second would've joined.

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With the libertarian party taking credit for this pre-planned stunt they will be lucky to get someone elected to dog catcher. biggrin.gif

That is 100% my problem with this group going out and stirring up shit, then coming back and arguing about their rights.

There are enough legit topics to focus energy on, but halfof these loonbags are simply instigating problems because they feel the need to to express their personal opinions.

As Americans we are free, but that doesn't mean that we should go out in public and do a diesel fuel enema to turn ourselves in to human Roman candles just to argue with the fire department for putting out the flames and infringing on our rights.
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A fraction of 1% per driver stopped and harassed.  It's about the worse use of manpower/tax dollars to stop drunk drivers that any idiot could come up with.


It looks good to the sheeple public, and all the officers involved get overtime paid for by the federal government...  which is the only reason we have these types of checkpoints.



Let me ask it a different way - how many intoxicated drivers are taken off the road, on average, per roadblock effort?


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Here is my 2 cents worth...  Deputy Ross needs to be arrested for kidnapping under the color of law and he needs to be judged my a jury of his peers, and if found guilty needs to face the maximum penalty under the law.  He clearly violated this guys rights and did so knowingly without PC (PC is the required level for a DUI checkpoint).  He used the threat of force while armed to forcibly detain this citizen under the color of law which meets all the requirements for kidnapping under both TN and Federal law.


We all should be calling and emailing the Rutherford County Sheriff to at the very least encourage him to fire this deputy who can't seem to handle situations where no crime has been committed.  It's clear that Deputy Ross and the dog handler knew they were doing something wrong, because they stopped talking once they noticed the camera, and turned it so it could no longer view them...  That to me is a clear sign of their guilt.  If an officer can't handle a rude citizen without violating both the law, civil rights and department policy he should no longer be wearing a uniform.


Also, my guess is that dog handlers days are done...  any future case where he is the K9 officer, the defense is going to play that video over and over again and impeach his credibility.

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That's the same county officer whom pulled me over one night riding my bike down 99 towards eagleville. He clearly does not need to be in any position of authority as he was down right rude to me and kept digging and picking for me to say one wrong word so he have a reason to use his authority. I've heard stories of a bounty being on his head, whether that's true or not he clearly does not need to be wearing a badge.
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