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Police Chief Accidentally Shoots Himself....Again!


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He unholstered a loaded gun at a gun store?  :shake:   :screwy:    :stick:

Happens all the time and people get all surprised when we expect to physically verify ourselves their gun is clear. I've cleared round after round out of  "unloaded/empty" guns.


As to his Glock going off in his holster, I call him a liar on this one.

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Happens all the time and people get all surprised when we expect to physically verify ourselves their gun is clear. I've cleared round after round out of  "unloaded/empty" guns.


As to his Glock going off in his holster, I call him a liar on this one.


It's a good thing MOST politicians aren't liars. We would have a real problem on our hands if they were :)

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I have read a few similar issues pertaining to Glocks. I had a buddy suffer a similar incident with his Glock.  He had it holstered in a very old and stretched leather holster and while getting in his car a part of the holster was lodged between the trigger and the holster and his Glock discharged shooting him with just a graze to his hip area and bullet passed through the car seat and floor board and into the asphalt in his driveway. Needless to say he bought a new holster shortly after that and I think he even traded the Glock for a gun with a manual safety on it. Think there was even an article about it on a gun site but cannot remember which one it was he posted it in.

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Happens all the time and people get all surprised when we expect to physically verify ourselves their gun is clear. I've cleared round after round out of  "unloaded/empty" guns.


As to his Glock going off in his holster, I call him a liar on this one.




I'm sure... but this guy's not just a cop, he's the Chief of Police fer cryin' out loud.  



I'd buy the "clothing malfunction" excuse.  Reholstering is one of the most likely opportunities for an ND.  That's why I'm always extra careful when I put my gun in the holster.  But he's still an idiot. 

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