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You know, it might just be their policy and the poor girl was doing what she was instructed to do.  Generally in a retail setting, front-line employees bend policy at their own peril.  It's not like they are normally "empowered" to arbitrarily change what forms of ID are accepted.


I never understand people who lose their composure with retail staff like this.  Ask for a manager if you're going to show your butt.  At least that way the person having to endure your demonstration of discontent might have some power to change something.


But hey, that's just my opinion based on (a.) having worked retail myself before and (b.) having two grown kids who work retail right now, so I have lot of empathy and a little sympathy for folks in that position.  The general public is full of otherwise-good people who truly believe that they, the customer, are always right, and will resort to completely dickish behavior in the blink of an eye to get their way.


Slamming them on Facebook for the fact that one employee, who may or may not have been doing exactly as she was told to do by her superiors, failed to meet your expectations (realistic or not) is pretty dickish in my opinion.  With as many outside forces are trying to put Pro-2A businesses under or squelch the Second Amendment entirely, we gun owners really need to abandon the practice of eating our own or we'll have nothing left to hand down to our children and grandchildren.

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You know, it might just be their policy and the poor girl was doing what she was instructed to do.  Generally in a retail setting, front-line employees bend policy at their own peril.  It's not like they are normally "empowered" to arbitrarily change what forms of ID are accepted.


I never understand people who lose their composure with retail staff like this.  Ask for a manager if you're going to show your butt.  At least that way the person having to endure your demonstration of discontent might have some power to change something.


But hey, that's just my opinion based on (a.) having worked retail myself before and (b.) having two grown kids who work retail right now, so I have lot of empathy and a little sympathy for folks in that position.  The general public is full of dicks who truly believe that they, the customer, are always right.  Hint:  They're not.

I didn't loose it on the girl, I just told her to give me my HCP back and I would take my business elsewhere, I spoke to her very respectfully, I was raise better than to just go off on someone doing there job, even though I was slightly pissed over her dismissive attitude tword me, I don't go around making a habit of causing a scene over something like this, as I said I came home cooled off and sent a respectful email to Buds explaining the problem. I worked with the public for years trimming trees in power line ROWs and have a lot of respect for people who deal with the public daily on there jobs.

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OK lets see if I can clear this up for everyone. There are two ways most FFL's conduct a background check. The first is to pick up the phone and call 1-877-GUN CHEK. An operator answers and takes all your information and does the background check then gives the dealer an approval number that he writes on the form 4473. Using this system an HCP number works fine and TBI accepts it just like a DL.

The second way, which most dealers now use, is to do the background check themselves on the computer. It is usually quicker and easier than calling the TICS. When you log on to the website it asks for the purchasers DL number. When you type in the DL number it automatically fills in the  purchaser's name, address, social security number and all other info so you only have to fill in is the firearm info.This computer system only accepts DL numbers not HCP numbers. I always just typed the HCP number in the DL number slot and it worked fine. Some retailers may not be aware they can type the HCP number in the DL slot or they may not be sure that it is completely legal to do so.

Edited by Eray
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it's the same #


True but I can see where some might be reluctant to switch them out. ATF regulates Gun Dealers very closely and expects every T crossed and I dotted. The dealer has to examine the ID closely. If your buyer had a revoked Drivers License and you showed their DL as being the ID used, it could raise some questions as to whether you really checked their ID. Just saying that I can see why some dealers don't subsitute one number for the other..

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A retail worker on the front line might not know that the number is the same. She also might not know that the HCP is acceptable. What she does know though is that a customer doesn't sign her check, hire her or fire her, so they aren't going to tell her what to do or how to do it either.


To me it sounds like, from the OPs own words that she was waiting in clarification from the manager, or someone with more feathers in their headdress. That would be the point of her saying 'hold on, we will figure something out.' The OP states that is when he lost his temper and demanded his HCP back.


I am reading the posts from the OP, and it clearly to me sounds like he got upset, lost his cool and brought this on himself.


I know that when I get poor service, or exceptional service for that matter, I make a point to find a manager. I then give the manager my criticism or praise for the service. Good and bad, that is what a manager wants to know. Who is doing it right, who is doing it wrong, and who is or isn't following policy.

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I guess, and if that is the case, and it was explained to me it wouldn't have been a problem, but to just rudely raise your voice and talk over a customer spending (to me anyway) a large sum of money is not the way to handle the situation

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This is the response I received today from Buds this morning, I am happy with the apology (analogy lol Buds typo).


John, this is Travis Ferguson the GM of Buds. I have gotten involved on this one and what you were told is incorrect. Please accept our apology here for this. If you decide to come back into the store...please ask for me or Mark or Steve (our managers) and we will do our best to help you on your next purchase for your troubles. Once again, we analogize for the mistake here on our staff's fault. Thank you for bringing it to our attention and we are sorry for the trouble.
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Glad to see Bud's wants you back. As far as front line retail clerks being aware...you work in a dedicated gun store it's not like you are covering the gun department and work in housewares like in a big box retailer. Before the clerk or customer gets loud, wave a manager over!
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Sounds like it was a training issue, which seems all to common anymore.  It's what happens when you pay low wages and throw tons of information at your employees.  Still, the employee didn't handle the situation properly and it looks like it cost the company a sale.  

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And even more particularly, calls for address, DOB, expiration date if any, etc, all of which the HCP does.


On the other hand, I know of no state or federal mandate that any given type of ID must be accepted by a FFL, any more than a merchant has to accept a given type payment.


- OS


As a matter of fact, The Inspector examining me for my FFL application informed me that I was free to refuse to sell a gun to any person I choose for any reason I wanted.

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As a matter of fact, The Inspector examining me for my FFL application informed me that I was free to refuse to sell a gun to any person I choose for any reason I wanted.

Well of course why would you HAVE to sell anything you own to anyone you don't want to. They didn't tell me they don't accept an HCP they said BY LAW I COULD NOT use a HCP as ID for a gun purchase.

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