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Shed hunting ?

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Several guys on FB TN deer hunting page have shot deer with an antler or both that had fallen already. And even more people are finding fresh sheds in the woods, this crazy weather has stuff out of whack it seems.

So would one that shed both get logged in as a button buck?  How else do you report one like that?

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Late Jan-Feb/March I have found to produce sheds.  There really isn't much magic to it.  You have to look where the bucks like to be and you have to spend a lot of time (or have a lot of help) searching.  Some common places....Game Trails, Field Edges, either side of creeks/streams/fences where deer would have to jump and bedding areas.  

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Late Jan-Feb/March I have found to produce sheds.  There really isn't much magic to it.  You have to look where the bucks like to be and you have to spend a lot of time (or have a lot of help) searching.  Some common places....Game Trails, Field Edges, either side of creeks/streams/fences where deer would have to jump and bedding areas.

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Some are loosing them but plenty of antlered bucks have been shot in the past week.  I've found them in really thick areas.  Along fence rows as well.  You want to look in places where there was something to pull them off.  If I really wanted some sheds I'd look into antler traps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We went out Sunday. No sheds but found 16 skulls. A couple coyotes, 2 raccoons and the rest deer. Found one buck but the squirrels had gotten to what was left of the antlers.

Predation or hunter left overs?  I always wondered what happened to the heads of deer I process, they are always gone a couple days after I leave the with only a tuft of hair or two left.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just getting back to this thread....

I went out a couple of times and browsed around. Didn't really have a ton of time to do a thorough search. I never did find any, but I did find some turkeys :up:

I wonder if there are still any antlers laying around or if they've all been consumed by now... Edited by Wingshooter
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  • 4 weeks later...


My dog brought this one in today. It looks fresh. It's a pretty nice one.



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