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  2. Was looking forward to the meet however I’ve got a kidney stone that I can’t pass and will be having a procedure to remove it on the morning of the 6th. I’ll try to catch the next one.
  3. Appreciate all the responses. Felines, I reached out to Mr. Dyer today. That was a good lead - many thanks.
  4. Are you sure you want to identify some of these guys Think about it. LOL
  5. Welcome from Loudon you had me at Hank lol you’re do well here in East Tennessee
  6. I looked everywhere and didn't see a reason, PM'd David a couple days ago with no response (not a big deal) Anyone ?
  7. You looking to trade straight up or do you have cash ? I've got a 2019 1794 Tundra, Kings f/r, 37's on Methods and I put a Harrop electric locker in the front with 5:29's f/r. Needs nothing. Has about 60K on it
  8. great snag on that ronin for $40!
  9. Small change in plans: Same location. We will be in the members lounge area, across from the restrooms. We have this room 5:30pm until 6:30pm. We can then move to the chair / couch area by the classrooms. Restaurant is closed to eating and seating. Location: Top Gun, 2770 Whitten Rd, Memphis TN 38133 Time: 5:30 to 7pm, Thursday, June 6, 2024 Cost: $ none
  10. Clark Marine in Franklin is who I use. My friend recently found this guy Gary Dyer 615-542-0542 and liked the work he did. He had to raise his 250 merc to help with hole shot after adding double power poles.
  11. If this is real, where is it at? I want to come shop there.
  12. Howdy, and welcome to the forum.
  13. Was just wondering the other day why we hadn't seen you posting in a bit. Sorry to see it wasn't just needing an internet break. Hoping the health issues are resolved with the best outcomes possible.
  14. I have not been well for almost two months so Daughter had to tend to feeders and I have about 6 birds that are regulars now and I just changed out the nectar in all the feeders 2 days ago. Have some medical plans coming up so will be coming and going here till I get my health back.
  15. Displaced Texan, former law man, now living East Tennessee who enjoys long walks in the woods with my Hank Williams Jr. necessities... I'm a glock, CZ, Sig and 1911 pistol man, a Colt and S&W wheel gunner, a beretta, mossberg and remmington scatter shooter and I prefer my 308 over the other fine calibers in my reach out ant touch someone collection.
  16. sorry Wheel gunner. Can't help you with a Force motor. Don't know any mech's that work on Force motors.
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