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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2012 in all areas

  1. I agree that most people never see a concealed weapon unless its just huge and printing (like spandex over a gun blatent printing). People carry a lot of crap around, phones, tools, gadgets. A lump in a pocket is just another lump. A blob on your clothes could be a phone, glasses case, or a dozen odd working man's tools, and more. I also look to spot concealed weapons and even looking for them, I rarely see them. So far, I have seen less than 2 a year in general, not counting gun stores or shows. I have never, ever caught a woman, but its always fun to look.
    2 points
  2. And you know this from being a black person during segregation?
    2 points
  3. Well I guess I will just have to send more to the NRA so that does not happen. What most fanatics on both side of the issue dont realize is that neither side wants to win this battle, they just want to keep it going. If one side wins either way the money flow will stop. There is no money to be made by winning the war, only fighting it. Should the NRA obtain total victory and create a law that would forever take away the threat that we could lose our firearms do you realize how many people that work for the NRA would be out of a job. Same goes for the anti gun lobby. Trust me both sides will play this game long after you and I are both dead and gone. There will be small victories on both sides to keep the masses sending money to fight on, but if one side obtains total victory they both lose in the long run and they know it. The gun rights issue is not about principals or peoples rights any more it is just another way the American are being duped by a bunch of lawyers and lobbyists.
    2 points
  4. I have a feeling they will charge him with something, with the state and feds involved if they don't the radicals will probably riot. If they do charge him and he's found not guilty, i'm going to avoid certain parts of Nashville and if I lived close to Memphis i'll avoid the whole city. I pretty much avoid Memphis anyway.
    1 point
  5. I was told by the ATF you cannot use your FFL to increase your private firearm collection. I was going to apply back in the late 90's for my FFL to take advantage of the dealer pricing. During the discussion they asked why I wanted an FFL and I said to buy guns for me cheaper. At that point they said it was not allowed. Now I guess if you were to have a inventory when you allowed you FFL to lapse they would stay in your possesion. As far as AR's and durability there are a few things I consider to be of the upmost importance to longevity. A properly hardened bolt is the most important. And the other would be forged aluminum parts under the annodizing. The process of forging hardens the aluminum making it more durable. Annodizing also adds to the longevity but once you are through the annodizing the forging helps. Cast parts are about the worst and biullet isn't much better. Billet is machined from a single block of aluminum that is not forged in most cases. And when you wear through the annodizing the aluminum wears slower in a forged lower than a billet or cast lower. People say a billet lower has better tolerances and that was the case probably 10 years ago. But now with everything being CNC forged lowers are just as precise as billet lowers. Forged lowers that have tolerance issues is because of the equipment used and not the fact they are forged. And if you look at the Sport it has both of those requirements covered. It also has melonite treatment which is leaps and bounds above chrome lined. The reason why chrome lined is milspec is because it was the best a decade or two ago. And the reason why melonite isn't milspec is the gov't process to change the milspec standard requires time and money. And just because something isn't milspec doesn't mean it is bad, just that is is not what is part of the standard. I would be willing to bet that the melonite treatment or some other treatment similar to it will replace chrome lined at some point. There are a lot of high end AR's that do not meet milspec. One that comes to mind is Noveske's barrels. The barrels are more durable, get more FPS and are more accurate but they do not meet milspec. The reason is they are stainless steel and are polygon rifled, both of which are not in the standard know as milspec. Same thing goes for the builders of monolithic uppers. They are better and more durable than any milspec upper but are not called for in the milspec standard. Milspec is just a standard for manufactuers to follow to ensure the soldiers get a gun that meets a MINIMUM standard. There are plenty of better weapons out there that do not meet milspec. For me the guns that are my must haves are several AR's. One in 223, one in 9mm and one in 22 lr. These calibers are going to cover anything I will need to do to survive most situations. I also have a shotgun and a bolt gun for shooting at long ranges. I also have several pistols that I carry or use regularly but they would be secondary weapons to the AR's. A pistol is just to fight to a rifle and a rifle is to fight to a secure location. And as I said before I have a supressor for when I need to shoot without alerting others. And if I run out of 22 lr I can load subsonic 223 that is just as effective. In the end I do not plan on going anywhere. I will stay put and protect what I have. Dolomite
    1 point
  6. No, and even if the dispatcher would have ordered him not to it is in no way a legal order. However, it still will be relevant in court the same as if you and I were out and I had suggested the same to you. If you were to ignore my suggestion then it gives the jury insight into you state of mind and intent.
    1 point
  7. This case has nothing to do with the SYG law.
    1 point
  8. Or underlying racial/ethnic/gender/class bias. Here is an example I used in my classes this semester. I read a story about a middle class white male who was murdered by three men who were identified as either Hispanic or Middle Eastern. When I read the story, I left out all references to race, social class, gender, or ethnicity. Before I read it, I told my students to try and visualize the crime in their minds. When it was over, I asked them to describe the crime and discuss what factors contributed to it. Then I asked them to describe the victim. Virtually everyone described the victim as a young middle class white male. I then asked them to describe the suspects. Virtually everyone described them as teenage poor black males and suggested it was gang related. When I revealed the full story, asked why so many people described the suspects like they did. They didn't really have an answer, but one said that he "wasn't trying to be biased" in his mind. I told him that was exactly the point and tossed out an open question wondering how many police officers went onto that scene with their own unintentional biases. How many jurors have these same unintentional biases? How many employers have these same unintentional biases? It's easy to assume that everyone in our society has exactly the same opportunities and/or the skills and knowledge to take advantage of these opportunities. When most social scientists talk about the topic of white privilege, it's simply an acknowledgement that our society was shaped by wealthy white males using the culture and traditions of western European society. To be successful in our society, we must be able to successfully negotiate the institutions of our society, so those who come from that white middle/upper class background are going to find it much easier to identify and take advantage of opportunity. Knowing how to dress, how to talk, how to fill out a job application or resume, how to use a computer, or how to perform well on standardized tests are the types of skills (what social scientists call social capital) that are essential to being successful. Where does this sort of social capital come from? Much of it comes from your family and intimate social interactions. When your background doesn't teach this, as is the case in many segments of the black community, you are at a disadvantage. There is a reason why many colleges teach classes on etiquette, interviewing skills, and interpersonal communication. Really, this issue speaks to issues of social class more than race, but when you consider that blacks are twice as likely to be in poverty than whites, it's more visible in the black community. When you look at the history of race-based policy in the United States, it becomes pretty clear why the black community lags behind economically. Polices such as segregation and discriminatory lending/redlining have only been gone for 2 generations. When you look at police patrol practices, they are more concentrated in poor black neighborhoods. Does this mean that wealthier people don't commit crime? Not at all, but the types of crime that are committed in poor black neighborhoods are the types of crime that street cops have the ability to detect and investigate. Innovations in policing, especially "broken windows" policing, zero-tolerance policing, and "place-based policing," put people in the low-income neighborhoods at a greater risk of being brought to the attention of law enforcement. Studies have shown that middle class youth involved in criminal activity are more likely to be dealt with informally while poor kids are formally charged. Data shows that whites use illegal drugs at roughly the same rates as blacks, but blacks are twice as likely to be arrested and incarcerated than whites. When you read and hear the words of the original LA gang members who started the Crips and the Bloods, they speak directly about being denied access to employment and opportunity during the 1950s and 60s on the heels of segregation and discriminatory policies. Generally, the discussion of white privilege is not one of white folks being blatantly racist, but one of white folks being unintentionally ignorant of the challenges faced by many blacks in society due to the continuing residual effects of over 2 centuries of blatantly racist policy in the United States. Are things improving? Certainly, but it takes time. Just because Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation didn't make all of the inequality in Southern society disappear or change the minds of people who had been socialized into the belief that slavery was a religiously justified and essential social institution. Would most whites in society give a black person the same opportunities as anyone else? I believe so. The problem is that it's far too easy to assume that the only reason that someone doesn't do all the things to be successful is because they are lazy or don't care. Do people take full advantage of this social problem and manipulate it for political and financial gain? Absolutely, and therein lies the part of the problem. Instead of educating society about the issue, they play games and help perpetuate a victim mentality in the black community. And with that, I have to put together a lecture on genocide that I am giving in the AM.
    1 point
  9. Being that I am usually a quick in, quick out kind of person I took my wife along with her coupon book to Wally world. I was definitely in there more than an hour. LOL It was a little strange at first, but I got used to it rather quickly. I just happened to be faced with a call of nature while there, so bad as it may sound I was curious what others do with their sidearm during, say, a #2? Sorry, I cannot think of a better way to ask....
    1 point
  10. Sometimes I wish there would be a SHTF...then I could go back into the woods and get away from all this... That being said I guess I pick either power grid fail or economic collapse, whichever comes first. Then off to the woods I go...
    1 point
  11. And today my permit came in... 24 days total. Not too bad, Now it's Wal-Mart time. LOL
    1 point
  12. I think the point is clear. The media set out to make him look like an innocent little child.I can't find any confirmation that the picture above is even him.
    1 point
  13. Personally, I am getting a bit put off by the fact that we seem to have to get MORE news about what is happening in Nashville in regards to this legislation from Missouri than we do from our own state. And what we DO get from Tennesseess media is misleading, (remember the press release from Knoxville that incorrectly reported about the possible amendments to this bill). With that aside, the whole idea that the TFA is not an interested party is bunk. The TFA has been at the forfront of pro-gun legislation in this state for over 15 years, being instrumental in the existance in us even having a handgun carry permit. Harwell, McCormick and Maggart just don't like having their true colors exposed. Harwell's voting record is just that, on record and the only things she has voted FOR are the TWO joint resolutions COMMENDING the TFA for their work promoting and protecting the rights of Tennessee citizens to keep and bear arms. She was the ONLY member of the Republican caucus in the House to vote AGAINST the override of the Governor's veto of the restaurant carry bills, and she did it BOTH times. Her voting record for other pro-gun initiatives is just as dismal. Ever since the General Assembly passed legislation loosening the restrictions on corporate donations to political campaigns, the leadership has done everything short of handing the keys to the General Assembly to the corporate lobbies in order to gain favor and dollars. Now to the issue of these proposed amendments. Right now I can live with restricting this to permit holders. We need to get this law on the books. As it stands right now, most of the laws expanding our gun rights are restricted to permit holders, restaurant carry, parks carry and so on. Untill we get a Constitutional or Vermont carry law which would open things to ALL law abiding gun owners, I think this is going to be the restriction we can expect on most any similiar law. I also feel adding verbage that states that this bill would not apply to single dwelling residential property (ie your home, after all your home is your castle) would not be a problem. As for limitations that focus on the facilities itself, I have issues with that. We can do little to nothing in regards to facilities that are specifically restricted by state or federal law. However just because a facility has a fence and or a gate, is a nuclear facility or whatever, has NO impact on the circumstance encountered during my commute. The whole point of this bill is spelled out in the title of the legislation, SAFE COMMUTE. What does the fact that where I may work being a nuclear facility have to do with THAT? Am I suddenly mysteriously exempt from violent attack on my way home from work just because the place I just LEFT has a fence? Getting the real information on what these "proposed amendments" may be is quite difficult. I have not seen or heard anything other than what has been leaked to the press such as this. I have no doubt that they are playing their cards close to their chest on purpose to prevent the barage of emails they know they would get. Well, we need to keep them going anyway.
    1 point
  14. I know a lot of people believe that you need to stock up on guns that you can get parts and ammo of bodies laying in the street. I see 2 problems with that for me. #1 I do not plan on leaving my property. I will have everything I need here. Well water, plenty of dry goods, small garden, wild game if needed. I fell in a necular fall out I will either be dead of evacuated. I am secluded enough that I wont have mobs of people coming to my place looking for supplies. If 30,000 rounds of ammo can't hold them off nothing will #2 If you do plan on taking something off people why not stock up on what YOU like and if needed take the gun as well as parts and ammo off them. I personally never expect to do this because I am neither going to roam the street looking for ammo or trying to take over the world. I am sorry if this offends anyone but I just don't think that things will get bad enough in E TN and the mountains to have to go all out and prepare for EOW and repopulation. Knoxville has a population of just 200,000 and I dont see all those people coming 20 mi into the hills to my doorstep trying to take me out.
    1 point
  15. I am far from an AK newbie although I never got into the nuts and bolts of the gun. In addition to an AR I also carried an AK when I would interact with our locals and not expecting trouble. I did it to give the locals more confidence in the weapons they used because they got issued AK's. Now if I was expecting trouble I would, without a doubt, grab my AR. And the AK paltform can be quite accurate providing you have quality ammo. We had quality, brass cased ammo for ours overseas. And with this ammo getting hits on man sized targets (steel) was attainable 7 out of 10 times using iron sights. Now with my AR and a red dot getting the same hits was attainable 9 out of 10 times. I am in the process of downloading a movie maker to reduce the video size of me firing the AK I carried on my last trip. Here it is: What really amazed me is how beat up and worn out looking these guns were and they still ran 100%. If I get it sorted out I'll upload a few videos. But in the meantime here is me with a suppressed MP5: Dolomite
    1 point
  16. All I will say is this. I am in academia and I teach a class on race & crime. I talk about the issue of white privilege frequently. I was a street cop and someone who thought the idea of white privilege was idiotic. The more I read, studied, and pondered things, the more I realized that it wasn't as idiotic as I once thought. There is plenty of data to show that institutionalized bias exists. The issue of privilege and bias goes to the deeper questions of why either of these individuals were involved in this incident, the motives for their behavior, and the public reaction to it. People see the world from their own worldview. We see it differently than people who have a very different set of life experiences. Some of the complaints made by various minority groups are legitimate. Some are not, but are based on flawed logic that is reproduced within their social circles. When I tried to look at the link, it wouldn't work for me so I can't speak to the content of that particular source. DaveTN made a very valid point. Our legal system doesn't account for bias. It's only interested in the basic facts. The basic facts of this case are important and hopefully will come out, but I would say that we should think about these incidents and our reaction to them more deeply. It's too easy to just write these things off as bad decisions and lay blame without thinking about the more subtle issues that contribute to these events.
    1 point
  17. But those aren't the pictures that the main stream media has been posting night and day. How can they be real? In the other pictures Trayvon looks like an innocent 10 year old...
    1 point
  18. I'm almost as sick of the "race card" as I am of "political correctness". I know that racism exists...I know that it will likely never be truly gone... but I'm sick to death of it being an excuse for everything bad that ever happens to someone. I believe that most people today are willing to judge a person by their actions rather than by their skin color but often times, we never even get the chance to do so before we are called a racist.
    1 point
  19. It's difficult to take someone serious when they capitalize random words.
    1 point
  20. Having a hard time dragging up a good lynch mob around here. Need to have the Reverend Sharpton speak to the entire group.
    1 point
  21. I have a real problem with the idea of a HATE crime. It makes any crime committed by a white (or, in the recent shooting case, even a near-white) into something else while a pass is given to anyone of any other race that attacks a white person in all but the most extreme circumstances. On top of that, it implies that the jury can determine the motivation for any old crime well beyond what may or may not have happened. It also makes a crime of things that are not criminal behavior... are people (whites!) to be charged now for their speech? If nothing but a shouting match happens between 2 people, one white and one not, and both use racial slurs, guess who will be charged with mr hate crime? Its just more of the same anti-white reverse discrimination that liberals always try to push... on par with crap like hiring quotas or breaks given to minority owned or woman owned businesses (govt contracts, yes it happens). Or, to put it simply, I do not care why someone beat someone else to a pulp or disturbed the peace with a shouting match or spray painted the other guy's door or whatever the heck else. I really do not care. Prove they did it, toss em in jail or hang em, and its sufficient. The punishment needs to be the same whether it was motivated by racial dislike or a disagreement over which baseball team is better.
    1 point
  22. sorry, but without getting deep into a discussion. but I am tired of one group able to have a music genre free to call white folks anything they want but the moment anyone of the white persuasion utters something negative against another race is national news.
    1 point
  23. But if you don’t shoot someone and the weapon is discovered, the only gray area will be whether or not the Officer wants to use his discretion on whether or not to arrest you on a weapons charge. And then whether he wants to make it a misdemeanor arrest or a felony.
    1 point
  24. Feb 11, 2008 - "We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measures..." The Audacity of Hope, page 215 - " I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities..." 1996 - endorsed IL handgun ban 2008 - "...It's not suprising, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them..."
    1 point
  25. No power or money in it for Jackson, Sharpton or any of the other racebaiters. They can all rot in hell.
    1 point
  26. Acorns are harmful if not poisonous, as shown by the election a few years ago.
    1 point
  27. Like they say, "Vote your conscience in the primary and your party in the general election," even if you have to hold your nose to do it. If you don't then don't complain about another 4 years of Obama.
    1 point
  28. I cannot even express my disgust with the entire process and the illegalities that are being perpetrated on the voters. I HATE the thought of voting for Romney or Santorum, but if it will have the effect of booting the Obamas from the White House, then that's what I will do. But I am on record as saying that I HATE the current two-party system with a passion as well as the status quo that is being forced on us.
    1 point
  29. Can't be true. There are no guns in Chacago, it's illegal!
    1 point
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