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Everything posted by Grayfox54

  1. I'd just take some appropriate grit emery cloth to it. All you really need is to break that sharp edge. Probably won't even notice it.
  2. I've mentioned before that I used to be a mechanic for my city. One day a couple of our officers were in the shop and the subject of firearms in vehicles came up. Both said that the vast majority of stolen gun reports they do had the firearm stolen out of a vehicle. Just something for you to think about.
  3. AMC has a real opportunity here. Leave Nick, Travis and Chis behind. Introduce some new and interesting characters, then kill off the rest of the losers. They can pretty much start over with a whole new cast while keeping the original story line. Of course, they ain't that smart.. So we'll just get more . Season three may be ordered, but I have doubts that it'll happen without some major turn in the second half of this one.
  4. Bad ammo does happen. I've spoken before of my late friend Bill, the retired LEO. Late 1970s, Key West, FL. I should mention that Bill was a big barrel chested guy anyway and at the time he was heavily into weight lifting and exercise. Pretty much 200+ lbs of solid muscle. Should have been a routine undercover drug buy. BGs had other ideas. They meet and suddenly BG #1 pulls a 9mm and shoots Bill in the upper left chest. Bill goes down, but manages to pull his gun double tapping the BG and ending his criminal career. Bill's partner deals with BG#2 with similar results, Bill is on the ground in severe pain, rips open his shirt to check the wound. Finds a big, nasty bruise, BUT the bullet DID NOT break the skin! As near as Bill could ever figure, it must have been a bad round. Either that or the Man upstairs was really looking out for him that night. Maybe both.
  5. Tennessee Valley Bullets, Scotts Hill, TN Jessie Clark - owner Excellent cast bullets. I've been using them for years. Accuracy is excellent and I've never had an issue with leading. I can't praise them enough. Jessie used to run the gun show circuit selling his bullets and other reloading supplies. You've all probably seen him at one time or another. He's since given that up, but still makes bullets on the side . If you're interested, send me a PM and I'll give you his phone number. Support our local boy!
  6. A good friend of mine used a 6" Model 29 as his EDC. He wore a belly band up on his chest with the gun under his left arm. Covered it with an ordinary shirt and you'd never know it was there. He was a big barrel chested guy anyway. He carried that cannon like that all day, every day. He could draw it surprisingly fast too. I
  7. The vast majority of the time I carry a Lightweight Commander .45acp year round. On my daily exercise walk I carry a Colt Mustang XSP. Same manual of arms, but smaller and darn near sweat proof.  Occasionally dress and circumstances call for something else. For serious deep concealment I might stick a tiny .25 auto in my pocket. yeah, I know. But it sure beats harsh language.  ;) For camping/hiking I prefer the S&W 696 .44 Special. Mid-sized, easy to carry and will handle most any critter I might run across. Two or four legged.  However, I will admit that every once in a while the mood will strike and just for S&G, I'm liable to reach into the safe and grab whatever suits me. It could be anything from a small pocket pistol up to a big bore N-frame. No particular reason, I just get that way sometimes.  :shrug:
  8. As usual with this sort of thread the conversation has wandered all over the place.  Getting back to my original question. My take as based on this and the thread at the other board is that if I was involved in a self defense shooting that was ruled as justified, I could still be sued in a civil action. However, such a suit is unlikely because few, if any, lawyers would take on the case because they would most likely lose. If it should manage to go to court, the odds would be pretty heavy in my favor and I would be entitled to recover all my legal fees.  Is that about it? 
  9. On another board I visit they are once again running on and on about the use of reloads/modified guns for self defense. Yadda, yadda, yadda.  :screwy: Of course it turned to the possibility of civil law suits. If I remember correctly, doesn't Tennessee law state that if a self defense shooting is ruled as justified, that civil suits can not be filled or no awards can be made? Somebody set me straight on this. I can't seem to remember how it goes.  :shrug:
  10. First off let me say that I have nothing against gay people. Live and let live is my motto.  What I am tired of is Hollyweird trying to force it on me. Seems like every show these days just has to have a gay character. Its gettin' real old.  If it actually added something to the story line, it would be different. But Strand being gay adds absolutely nothing.  This is just another case of the liberal media pushing there own agenda.  I've had problems with this show from the very beginning. None of these characters have the skills or the mindset to survive. Maybe Daniel, but the rest should be long dead by now. There's fiction, there's horror and there's fantasy. This show is just BS.  Oddly enough, I'll probably keep watching. I'm not even sure why?   BTW: I have quit watching Talking Dead. This show just isn't interesting enough for me to spend the extra hour on it. 
  11. What I've always liked about Trump is that he's not afraid to speak his mind.  The fact that so many people and groups which I oppose, especially the liberal media,  are trying so hard to take him down makes me like him even more.  I don't think Cruz would be a bad president, but if he were elected it would just be business as usual in Washington. We need change. Bernie is a socialist and pretty much done anyway. Frankly, Clinton scares the Hell outta me.    In all probability, It going to be Trump vs Clinton.  This election is going to be a landmark in our history. This time instead of citizens going to the polls to vote for the candidate they like, they will go to vote against the candidate they hate the most.   I truly fear for the future of our nation. 
  12. That Model in that condition with the 3 Ts in the box is easily worth $800. Probably go for more at auction.  In recent years the folks with money have learned that collectible guns in good condition make excellent investments. They're buying them up at any price with the intention of sitting on them for a few years and reselling at a large profit. Because of this, prices on older S&W and Colt revolvers have gone absolutely nuts!  :eek: I have guns in my safe that I bought years ago that are now worth 3 and even 4 times what I paid for them. The problem is that these speculators are making it damned hard for collectors who seek certain models for there collections to afford them.  :shake:
  13. Grayfox54

    High Standard

    An outstanding pistol. Enjoy it and remember your friend.   I know how you feel. A few years back, a dear friend of mine passed away. I was at the house after the funeral and his wife walked up to me, handed me his favorite gun and simply said "Bill wanted you to have this."  Its a 6" S&W Model 29. I'll never sell it. Shooting it brings back fond memories of my friend. I've made arrangements that when my time comes, it will go to my best friend who also knew the original owner.  As long as someone remembers you, you're never really gone.
  14. We had a wonderful day at the park. Weather was beautiful. Unfortunately we timed it a bit off. Saturday is the only day my GF gets to sleep in, so we didn't leave as early as we should have. Got to Union City right at noon. Turns out that Dixie Gun Works closes at noon on Saturdays. They were closing as we walked in the door. Probably better for my wallet anyway.  Discovery park is a very interesting place. Lots of really good exhibits.  We spent 5 hours there and still didn't see it all. Again, our own fault for not leaving home earlier.  The Bodies Revealed exhibit was absolutely fascinating and just a little creepy. We all learned basic human biology in school, but to see it laid out like that where you can view all the little details really puts what a miracle we all are into perspective.  This exhibit ends May 1st. I highly recommend getting over there to see it before its gone.     
  15. A simple squirt bottle filled with ammonia generally does he trick. One sniff usually runs 'em right off. Works well on any furry pest. 
  16. Congratulations and many more happy years to ya.   But no tattoos for me. Over the years I've managed to put far to many marks on my body by accident to be adding any on purpose.  :shake:
  17. Thanks.  And yes, Dixie Gun Works is on today's agenda.  :drool:
  18. Gf and I are taking a little road trip up to Discovery Park in Union City tomorrow. Anybody know if the place is posted No Guns? Do they have metal detectors or something similar? 
  19. I pretty much feel the same way. While it is interesting to see how the apocalypse unfolds, I just can't get into these characters. Daniel and Strand are survivors. But they're stuck with a these losers which kills their chances.     The rest would have been dead long ago. This whole groups survival up to this point is based on pure dumb luck. Nobody is that lucky.
  20. I clicked the link that glowdotGlock posted. Well there certainly aren't any shortages of theory's, that's for sure.  It really amazes me how caught up in all this some people are. Some have gone to great lengths to scientifically prove there theories with video & audio evidence. :rolleyes:    Anyway the favorites seem to be Glen or Abraham, with a side of Aaron.    Now here's a kicker for ya. It seems that someone leaked the schedule for season 7. Episode 1: Morgan & Carol's story Episode 2: Negan's rise to power. 90 minutes Episode 3: We finally find out who got whacked.    So it looks like the producers wanna leave the fans hanging for a little while longer. Not the first time they've ended an episode on a cliffhanger only to wait a couple of weeks before giving the answer.  :waiting:
  21. I have one of these and they really are magnificent rifles. However, that price is at least $500 too high. Although it is NIB, that is the standard grade model.  I'm thinking a more realistic price would be $1500. 
  22. Well gee, its Japan. I can't see where a few hot pigs would cause any real problems after all those years of dealing with Godzilla.  ;)
  23. The only way Daryl will die is if Norman Reedus decides he wants to quit the show. Even then, killing Daryl will basically be killing the show.  When Dwight shot Daryl the week before, the hardcore fans on the internet nearly freaked out.  :panic: So I seriously doubt it will be him.   While I admit to being a fan of the show, I not nearly as "in to it" as many of the super fans who actually would riot if Daryl was killed off. So I hadn't really put all that much thought into it. Y'all make some very compelling arguments that it will be Glen. Ok, I change my vote. Glen it is. Besides, I like Abraham and would like to see him continue.  :up:
  24. I seriously doubt it will be one of the women. Negan wants to show that he's the biggest, baddest guy in the world and not to be messed with. While the victim might well be Glen as in the comics, I'm thinking Negan will want to take out the biggest, baddest member of the group just to prove his point. That would obviously be Abraham. 
  25. For my money, I think it was Abraham that Negan whacked. Earlier in the episode he was talking to Sasha about maybe having kids. In this show, making plans for the future is a sure sign something bad is going to happen to ya.  :stick:   OTOH, could be that the producers are waiting for contract negotiations for next season. Whoever puts up the biggest fuss or wants the most money will likely be the victim. 


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