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Police Officer Punches "Lady".

Guest Swamprunner

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If they would have been civil, they would have gotten of with little more than a ticket. perhaps even a warning.

Instead, they choose to risk getting their butts run over, killing them and perhaps hurting someone else...and THEN they fight with the cop??

yeah. that chick deserved to get punched. She was looking out for her "cuz", who was resisting arrest.

That cop looked no more dangerous than a jelly doughnut. They thought they could get away with something.

Good work on the part of the police officer.

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The officer was by himself? Dang. We were always taught to show escalation of force overseas, but he had no chance to do that. Seems to me that everyone else around took notice of his punch and kept themselves controlled. Wish we could see the cruiser video.

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Did any of you observers see what homeboy had in his hand at 1:50 mark? Black revolver right hand. Definitely should have called more units once they started screeching and acting a fool. This wasn't the greatest of neighborhoods and typically have everybody and their momma come out to fight for someone else. I'm not going to second guess this officer but can only say I may have stepped back and OC Sprayed anybody who got in my way.

Edited by Pain103
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I did this bass ackwards. I read all of the post before watching that video, because I had already made up my mind that the cop had found a way to abuse his authority (I respect officers, but some cops make this very difficult). No, I am not a ex-con. My only infractions are speeding related. Back on topic. I wish that he had been bigger and stronger, because those females deserved a world class butt kicking. That officer allowed himself to be placed in a very bad situation. I think that he is lucky to be alive. I don't see how this could be political or racial. He was lucky that the mob mentality did not kick in. I saw too many times where he could have been shot or stabbed because he did not have control of his surrounding. Glad he is alright. The only thing that his dept needs to do to him is get him in a weight training class.

That was not a gun that I could see at the minute fifty mark.

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Without a doubt it was justified. Even if he did have pepper spray or a Tazer that would have taken away from his ability to fight off the other. A quick punch to the face evidentally took the fight out of that girl, leaving the officer to deal with the other. The officer was 100% in the right for doing what he did, I don't care who it is.

Too bad what is probably going to happen is the waters are going to get muddled with racial accusations. This is going to lead to pressure from community leaders for the officer to appologize for what he did. After that a civil suit will follow because they will say the officer was wrong because he appologized. The jurisdiction will settle out of court to save the money of going to court. In the end the officer will probably resign and go onto another department over the shadow that will surround him.

As far as backup it is hard to say what their manning requirements are. In my county we have 2 officers on during peak times and only 1 on during none peak times. I have spoke to numerous officers and all have had to respond to what could have been considered a life threatening call but because they are the only one on it takes close to an hour to get from one side of the county to another. Even when the two officers are on you rarely get a response that is quicker than 15 minutes. I am not knocking the sheriff's officer because they are doing the best they can with the miniscule amount of funding they are being supplied with.


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On the report I saw this morning his department was backing him completely. They said he did just as he was trained. I hope they don't bow to the pressure.

I wonder if he busted her "Grill"?

He should've knocked her back to memphis!

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I just can't get over the stupidity thing. It's not a race thing or a gender thing, it's a stupidity thing. WHY in the hell would she try to get in between the officer and the girl in black? It makes absolutely no sense.


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I wasn't there and I don't have video of the entire thing, but I don't see why he was wrestling with the girl in the black in the first place, and yeah it was really stupid for her to resist and her friend was also stupid to try to help. This all does not mean that it was ok for him to punch the girl in the face. He should have used pepper spray or a tazer, or even perhaps not decided to detain someone over jaywalking.

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Guest AlzRuger

When a woman puts her hands on a man in anger, she took her self out of the position of being a woman. She tried to be a man and she got what she asked for.

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Exactly. She wasn't the one being talked to/arrested/cited. She had no business being involved. When she stepped in and touched the officer, she opened herself up to action from him. Now, I don't necessarily condone punching her like he did but he had to do something to take control of the situation. Its ridiculous that it took him so long to cuff the j-walker just because he was probably trying to be gentle and she was resisting. He should have just dropped her to the ground and cuffed her. At certain point, polite and gentle goes out the window and you have to treat (even women) like the criminals that they are.

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Guest Jamie

The recipient of the attitude ajusting blow seems no worse for the wear at the end of the video.

That's because she obviously had no brain to rattle, therefore suffered no concussion. :D


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I just can't get over the stupidity thing. It's not a race thing or a gender thing, it's a stupidity thing. WHY in the hell would she try to get in between the officer and the girl in black? It makes absolutely no sense.


Because every time there's an altercation with authority, the video winds up on the news. Did you see all the amateur videographers around the scene. Same basic scene as when they fencerailed that teacher a few weeks back.

Everybody that even touched that cop should be convicted of assaulting a police officer. There are very good reasons why it's a crime.

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Guest Jamie
Exactly. He should have just dropped her to the ground and cuffed her.

If he had done that, his ability to deal with the crowd would have been far more limited. He's better off having stayed on his feet and mobile, rather than being down on the ground 'cuffing somebody and being nothing more than a stationary target.


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I wasn't there and I don't have video of the entire thing, but I don't see why he was wrestling with the girl in the black in the first place, and yeah it was really stupid for her to resist and her friend was also stupid to try to help. This all does not mean that it was ok for him to punch the girl in the face. He should have used pepper spray or a tazer, or even perhaps not decided to detain someone over jaywalking.

He should have knocked her out.

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If he had done that, his ability to deal with the crowd would have been far more limited. He's better off having stayed on his feet and mobile, rather than being down on the ground 'cuffing somebody and being nothing more than a stationary target.


You're right. Hadn't thought of that. There still had to have been something that he could have done to get that girl cuffed more easily.

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