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shooting hogs as self defense in the GSMNP

Guest colrmccoll

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Guest colrmccoll

I have had an incident and have read about a recent incident where a wild boar (200 lbs+) has charged. Two separate incidents in different areas of the park.

My question is what are the consequences of shooting this animal? My experience was that I was alone and able to run to distract his attention. However, I also hike with my wife or grandchildren where running is not option. I would have to stand my ground and position myself between the hog and kids. I carry and I will defend them. Not getting any question on what caliber or anything like that. I can figure that out myself.

Can anyone enlighten me on the legal aspects of this action?


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Guest ArmaDeFuego

If you feel like your life is being threatened it would be legal for you to shoot it.

I'm assuming that National Parks are the same as State Parks in this regard. (Someone will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure.)

In Tennessee State Parks if you use your weapon the burden of proof is on you to show that it was in a self defense situation where your life was being threatened.....

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I would guess like anything else you would be at the mercy of the responding Officers or Game wardens, and then the legal system.

If it was a self-defense situation and you reported it immediately; I doubt it would go badly for you. I suspect the Officers would simply let you go. If you chose not to report it and got caught I would guess you would be facing some illegal hunting charges.

I’m not going in the woods anywhere without being armed; and can’t believe how many people do it. And if an animal attacks me I’m going to shoot it. If I face charges; so be it.

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Guest 270win

Hogs are pests. The park police will probably be glad you got rid of one. I wouldn't be surprised if the park police go out and have to shoot wild pigs themselves because they multiply so fast. I doubt anything would happen to you if you had to truly shoot a wild pig on park property. I would report it so you don't look like you have been poaching on park property.

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Guest colrmccoll

The area was from Tremont on the West Prong Trail. Earlier in the day I had met a group of 22 urban youths on an environmental educational hike.

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I have had an incident and have read about a recent incident where a wild boar (200 lbs+) has charged. Two separate incidents in different areas of the park.

My question is what are the consequences of shooting this animal? My experience was that I was alone and able to run to distract his attention. However, I also hike with my wife or grandchildren where running is not option. I would have to stand my ground and position myself between the hog and kids. I carry and I will defend them. Not getting any question on what caliber or anything like that. I can figure that out myself.

Can anyone enlighten me on the legal aspects of this action?


I wouldn't even consider running. You wouldn't make it but a few steps.

I would guess like anything else you would be at the mercy of the responding Officers or Game wardens, and then the legal system.

If it was a self-defense situation and you reported it immediately; I doubt it would go badly for you. I suspect the Officers would simply let you go. If you chose not to report it and got caught I would guess you would be facing some illegal hunting charges.

I’m not going in the woods anywhere without being armed; and can’t believe how many people do it. And if an animal attacks me I’m going to shoot it. If I face charges; so be it.


I hope you are carrying something big enough to stop a charging boar.

... and this.

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The Park has full time employees whose responsiblity is to remove hogs, aka shoot them. At least this was the case in 2003 when I worked for the Park Service. I doubt one less will cause much of a fuss as long as you were in danger and you yourself did not endanger any other park visitors (which may or may not make a difference)

hell chances are, depending on the day, location, and weather, no one may ever know you shot the hog.

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From the 2011 TN Hunting Guide.

Once a sustainable hunted big game species, wild hogs are now classified as a nonprotected nuisance

animal targeted for eradication.

As it is legal to carry in a State and National park in TN and if it was self defense I don't see a problem I would report it as such.

Second, I hope you are carrying something big enough to stop it. I would hope 38 and up. (someone will probably tell me 38 might be low)

I know a 22 to the HEAD kills them when you slaughter hogs but that is a prefect shot.

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at the last knoxville gunshow i sold enough stuff to load lots of 223 to a ranger that said he was a hog hunter for the park. now with that said i went to ms this weekend shot hogs all weekend after the gunshow and after set up on friday .all on public land mind you and killed 5 hogs all over 200 pounds it was fun . they are very fast but there are so many in that area you can hunt them 24/7

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Like others have indicated, I know for a fact at one time the park had two full time rangers that all they did was hunt hogs. It wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination at all if a person had to shoot one in self defense. Most likely if you shot one in the park you'd be patted on the back unless 1. some PETA tree huggin dirt worshiper types 10 year old daughter witnessed it and cried her little eyes out so mommies sues the park for allowing animal cruelty, or 2. you are decked out in Rambo cammo, face paint and all.

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I would guess like anything else you would be at the mercy of the responding Officers or Game wardens, and then the legal system.

If it was a self-defense situation and you reported it immediately; I doubt it would go badly for you. I suspect the Officers would simply let you go. If you chose not to report it and got caught I would guess you would be facing some illegal hunting charges.

I’m not going in the woods anywhere without being armed; and can’t believe how many people do it. And if an animal attacks me I’m going to shoot it. If I face charges; so be it.

^^^What he said^^^

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I spoke with a knowledgeable friend who stated that you can legally hunt hogs (nearly) year round in the park. Just go ask.

I call total horse pucky on your "knowledgeable" friend.

There is no hunting by regular citizens in GSMNP, for anything, ever.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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As dangerous as wild hogs can be...........If one starts toward my family I will not hesitate stopping them. I like many other have and will carry at times when I/they are not suppose to ie state parks. I CC all the time and you would be hard pressed to see it. I also realize that there are times when I could get in some heat over this. I hunt hogs with bow every year, 2 yrs ago after sticking one that ran only about 40yrds I had 3 turn on me and with no place to go I stopped the first with one shot from a 38 at about 5 feet. He flipped and brushed my leg when he fell. VERY LUCKY SHOT but effective. Bottom line I will protect my family and myself and hope for the best when the chips fall.Just my :D

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As dangerous as wild hogs can be...........If one starts toward my family I will not hesitate stopping them. I like many other have and will carry at times when I/they are not suppose to ie state parks....

:D You can carry in all state parks in TN.

- OS

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I call total horse pucky on your "knowledgeable" friend.

There is no hunting by regular citizens in GSMNP, for anything, ever.

- OS

Given that one of his kids is a TWRA officer and another relation (cousin, brother-in-law, ?... I forget) is a park ranger, and he has hunted hogs in the park with them, I figure he knows what he's talking about.

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Given that one of his kids is a TWRA officer and another relation (cousin, brother-in-law, ?... I forget) is a park ranger, and he has hunted hogs in the park with them, I figure he knows what he's talking about.

Could it be that it was because he was with a TWRA officer and a Park Ranger? From what I can find those type of people do hunt and trap the hogs, but I couldn't find anything where the average citizen could hunt them.

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