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Revolver to Auto

Guest JimmyJ

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Don't get me wrong, I love revolvers. I love how they are built, how they look, and how they shoot. I am extremely competent with them. However, I would not choose to carry one over a good semi auto for any reason.


Edited by Mike
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Revolvers and pistols each have specific skill sets that the user must master. To consider one superior to the other is a fallacy because a highly trained and experienced DA revolver shooter will amaze you with their speed, accuracy and ability. It’s not about the particular firearm used, instead it’s about the individual who wields it, and the person becomes the weapon the firearm a tool.

Now, to address the concept of a self defense pistol in a “flash mob” setting, and the perceived need for superior firepower for protection. If you’re in a mess like that you weren’t paying adequate attention to your surroundings. The best you can hope to do if you haven’t already had your head knocked in is to disengage and run for your life. To discuss how you would engage threats in order to break contact is a topic for a training class or a tactical column; I’ll leave it for that.

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revolvers suck ?

LOL .,........OK....I see u lack experience son


I don't expect Mr. Miculek is worried much about someone's plastic pistol, flash mob, flashdance, etc.

Yeah....they really suck.

To address the OP, the flashmob gangs are usually kids. The sight of a handgun, let alone an actual report from one would likely disperse them in an instant. I highly doubt you'd get a chance at a second shot.

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I went from an SP101 to a PM9 as primary carry Not because of flashmobs but lighter, faster reload. Not much difference in number of rounds, 5 vs 7. I still like and carry the revolver. As far as the mobs, have heard of any outside of big cities.

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Due to the new crimes of "Flash Mobs" who has changed from revolver to semi-auto for CCW?

The collective IQ of a "flash mob" may not be high, but understands that the muzzle flash of a revolver may be harmful to them.

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revolvers suck ?

LOL .,........OK....I see u lack experience son

Of that, I do not. I have trained extensively with revolvers and shoot regularly with them in competition. As a fighting weapon they are inferior to a semi auto.


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Two things worry me about flash mobs:

a)Every one of those punks in a flash mob will turn in to a victim (with a crying mother) on the nightly news, as soon as you shoot him.

b)Maybe one or two of those flash mobbers is packing heat (maybe all of them) and will say they fired back at you in self defense?

These flash mobs are a no win situation. I'm not really sure what I would do in a situation like that. I would probably :) my pants.

Edited by Will Carry
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Revolvers suck to begin with. Low capacity and slow reloads.

The only reason I carry one is because it's not my primary. It's the backup gun when my m&p is out of bullets.


Why don't you carry another M&P as a backup then? Revolvers do not suck. Assuming they are loaded, they go "bang" with each pull of the trigger like they were designed to do. They don't jam, stovpipe, magazine doesn't fall out, etc. They just go "bang".

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Guest bkelm18
Why don't you carry another M&P as a backup then? Revolvers do not suck. Assuming they are loaded, they go "bang" with each pull of the trigger like they were designed to do. They don't jam, stovpipe, magazine doesn't fall out, etc. They just go "bang".

He said they suck as a fighting weapon, and I'll agree. If anyone disagrees, explain why the majority of police departments and almost all militaries of the world use semi-autos. Give me a quality semi-auto any day over a revolver for carry purposes. If everybody could shoot a revolver like Jerry Miculek he'd be out of a job. And yes, revolvers do can and do fail. I had a Taurus revolver that is proof of that. Revolvers are fine weapons. They have their place.

Edited by bkelm18
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Two things worry me about flash mobs:

a)Every one of those punks in a flash mob will turn in to a victim (with a crying mother) on the nightly news, as soon as you shoot him.

b)Maybe one or two of those flash mobbers is packing heat (maybe all of them) and will say they fired back at you in self defense?

These flash mobs are very dangerous. It's like a no win situation.

I agree with this. I stated earlier that they would run at the first shot which I still believe, but with the mentality of these hoodlums there is a very good chance some would be packin'. You can rest assured if you shot one moma and all backers would be all over you for shooting her innocent little baby especially if race was an issue

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Why don't you carry another M&P as a backup then? Revolvers do not suck. Assuming they are loaded, they go "bang" with each pull of the trigger like they were designed to do. They don't jam, stovpipe, magazine doesn't fall out, etc. They just go "bang".

The difference between a revolver malfunction and a semi auto malfunction is that you can clear the semi auto and return to the business at hand. When revolvers jam they usually require tools to fix.


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He said they suck as a fighting weapon, and I'll agree.

I remember him saying this:

Revolvers suck to begin with.

I'm just happy I don't do all the close quarters gun fighting you guys do. I'll keep my revolver, and you enjoy your plastic toy.

Seriously, barring military combat, how many rounds are the most you've ever fired while defending yourself in a single situation? My answer would be zero. I don't wish to convert you to my way of thinking, but telling someone else their choice "sucks" is being a bit of an ass to put it bluntly.

Edited by gregintenn
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Now, to address the concept of a self defense pistol in a “flash mob” setting, and the perceived need for superior firepower for protection.If you’re in a mess like that you weren’t paying adequate attention to your surroundings.


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