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winter ammo?

Guest JeremyD901

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Guest JeremyD901

I have a question, I hear lots of people talking about hollow points failing with penatrating through thick clothing. Right now I carry Winchester ranger law enforcement rounds. In 40 Cal. Should I carry like powerball ammo for winter since the clothing is much thicker?

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Guest JeremyD901
Worry about hitting the target, not what the bullet does afterwards.

I'm pretty sure worrying about hitting the target and what the ammo does goes hand in hand. Might sound crazy but I don't want the perp To be shooting back at me after I already hit him.

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Guest bkelm18
I'm pretty sure worrying about hitting the target and what the ammo does goes hand in hand. Might sound crazy but I don't want the perp To be shooting back at me after I already hit him.

Unless you score a hit to his/her central nervous system, he's not gonna go down when you shoot him regardless of what ammo you're using.

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Unless you score a hit to his/her central nervous system, he's not gonna go down when you shoot him regardless of what ammo you're using.

unless he takes one in the kajones. Tell me you're gonna stand up straight after that. BTW, expansion ain't an issue. :D

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Not in Tennessee! HP's that fail to expand, not that it's likely in a Tennessee winter, still act like FMJ.

I've never switched ammo for winter, even when I lived in Michigan. I have switched guns for winter carry, but only because I could conceal a bigger handgun under a Moosedown parka. Carry a caliber beginning with a 4 and there's no need to change.

Edited by enfield
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Guest pfries

In testing Cor®bon JHP and DPX have shown to expand well even after the cavity is plugged I run them or the winchester PDX year round. Both rounds perfom well and similar in my SD guns.

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Guest JeremyD901
Thick clothing is an issue with .380 and frangible rounds like the Glaser Safety slug. You won’t have any problem with a .40 cal ranger unless the winter clothing is a ballistic vest. :(

Lol here in Memphis they might be wearing ballistic vest. Lord knows I wish I had one, this dump of a city has some sketchy people. Which if anyone has a TV and watches the news they would know.

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The police department I used to work for did ammo tests one time to see which brand was the best overall duty round. We fired .40 S&W out of our duty pistol, a Sig P229, through various materials and into ballistic gelatin. The short version of this story is that all of the hollow-point ammo we tried tended to clog and fail to fully expand when fired through heavy clothing, drywall, and especially plywood. 185 grain Speer Gold Dot did performed the best in our tests and that's what our department stuck with (if memory serves me correctly, Hyrda-Shok did the worst). However, when hollow-point ammo clogs, it performs like JHP ammo for all practical purposes, so it's not like you lose all ballistic performance and accuracy. Like others have said, all you lose is expansion.

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