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Best Gunfight scene movie ever!!!

Guest Will40-44-45-223

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Guest Will40-44-45-223

Hey, I was watching the movie Heat (1995) on bluray....this has to to be the best gunfight scene ever in a movie. What do you guys think?

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Heat is good.

Except for the magical Hollywood 20 round revolvers, I put the final battle in Open Range in my top 5 favorites.

Yep, the final shootout in Open Range is one of the best I have ever seen. Lots of replay value there.

And it's my understanding that it's a more accurate depiction of how a gunfight might have unfolded back then.

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I think everyone is forgetting the final gunfight in Way Of The Gun....realistic reloads, no hollywood infinite ammo guns.

Equilibrium has some pretty sweet fight scenes in it too. If you haven't seen it you should, and if you haven't seen Way Of The Gun then shame on you.

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A little older, but how about the entire movie...The Wild Bunch. The bank robbery shootout. Then the finale itself. Wow.

Then there's the sorta lame ripoff...Extreme Predjice.

And one of my all-time favorites...The Wild Geese.

Yeah, older stuff for a lot of guys here now, but classic fight scenes nonetheless.

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Yep, the final shootout in Open Range is one of the best I have ever seen. Lots of replay value there.

And it's my understanding that it's a more accurate depiction of how a gunfight might have unfolded back then.

Loved it he shot the guy that shot the dog. Sure knocked the grin off his face

The Outlaw Josey Wales had some good shoot outs all the way thru

Clint would have to be involved in the best

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I think everyone is forgetting the final gunfight in Way Of The Gun....realistic reloads, no hollywood infinite ammo guns.

Equilibrium has some pretty sweet fight scenes in it too. If you haven't seen it you should, and if you haven't seen Way Of The Gun then shame on you.

Equilibrium is one of my favorites. The end of Pale Rider is pretty good as well.

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I think everyone is forgetting the final gunfight in Way Of The Gun....realistic reloads, no hollywood infinite ammo guns.

Equilibrium has some pretty sweet fight scenes in it too. If you haven't seen it you should, and if you haven't seen Way Of The Gun then shame on you.

A friend of mine, Doug McQuarrie (retired SEAL), was the technical advisor on Way of the Gun. His brother is Christopher McQuarrie who wrote Way of the Gun and The Usual Suspects. He told me that his brother Chris wanted the gunfighting scenes to be as realistic as they could get.

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Too many great ones to choose from. After my first post, I went and watched Heat again this afternoon. Man, what a great movie. And Open Range is awesome as well. Can't change my choices, but have to say these are up there at the top as well.

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