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Untraceable gun buys lead to high body count (WARNING-Very high left wing BS Content)

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Across America, throughout Tennessee and in your own hometown, violent crimes are occurring with frightening regularity, much of it because felons, gang members and drug dealers loiter outside gun shows or find quieter places to buy guns from private individuals without providing any information on themselves.

LINK: Untraceable gun buys lead to high body count | The Tennessean | tennessean.com

My lord, I complained about Brian's piece on private sales at gun shows...Brian sound's like a radical pro-gunner compared to the drivel and even outright lies contained in the above article. What a bunch of pure B ovine Scatology.

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I truly think it's wishful thinking on the part of the gun haters. I believe they are perfectly willing and even wish to see innocent people die if it will prove them right and allow tougher gun laws or even outright bans.

What else could explain their obsessive hand-wringing over something that they keep talking about that isn't happening?

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LINK: Untraceable gun buys lead to high body count | The Tennessean | tennessean.com

My lord, I complained about Brian's piece on private sales at gun shows...Brian sound's like a radical pro-gunner compared to the drivel and even outright lies contained in the above article. What a bunch of pure B ovine Scatology.

This is what Brian Haas has to put up with, as this is from the editorial board; this is The Tennessean speaking.

When we call them a cringing bunch of Leftists, this is why. They ARE a cringing bunch of leftists.

I hope you're reading this Mr Haas, I understand if you don't respond.

Edited by QuietDan
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Not the first time its been said in many different ways, but first time in this thread.... and this is the kind of crap that makes me use the so-called Tennessee-an paper for drop cloths and trashcan liners.

And no, I don't suscribe. The local delivery person must get paid by drop off count. There's one in the drive almost every day.

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I truly think it's wishful thinking on the part of the gun haters. I believe they are perfectly willing and even wish to see innocent people die if it will prove them right and allow tougher gun laws or even outright bans.

What else could explain their obsessive hand-wringing over something that they keep talking about that isn't happening?

A liberal without a cause is a very miserable person.

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I truly think it's wishful thinking on the part of the gun haters. I believe they are perfectly willing and even wish to see innocent people die if it will prove them right and allow tougher gun laws or even outright bans.

Proven by Fast and Furious.


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Voldemort SAYING he has an FFL, and actually having one, might be two separate things. I'd look for independent confirmation.

He has a C&R liscence and is appplying for an FFL. He likes to call his C&R an FFL in the technical sense.

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Keep in mind that this is an OPINION piece from one of the Tennessean editors. Someone may have already pointed this out (I didn't see it though), but Glenn Reynolds (the Constitutional law professor at UT) wrote an opinion piece with the opposite opinion that was published in the Tennessean on the same day. I suspect the editor just couldn't allow Prof. Reynolds's piece to run without a "response."

Record check an ineffective nuisance | The Tennessean | tennessean.com

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Keep in mind that this is an OPINION piece from one of the Tennessean editors. Someone may have already pointed this out (I didn't see it though), but Glenn Reynolds (the Constitutional law professor at UT) wrote an opinion piece with the opposite opinion that was published in the Tennessean on the same day. I suspect the editor just couldn't allow Prof. Reynolds's piece to run without a "response."

It's worse than that. When they write " . . . for the editorial board" it means it's the opinion of The Tennessean newspaper as a whole. It's supposed to increase the stature of the editorial. What it really does, IMO, is describe in greater detail just what a problem The Tennessean's political agenda really is, and just what we are all up against. I find it very disappointing, as the editorial is badly written and badly researched. They just can't let the facts get in the way of their hard-core ideology. I find it extremely troubling.

I think that Dr Reynolds' editorial is well written, well researched and persuasive. If The Tennessean's editorial is their best-shot response, it is pitiful beyond words.

The pathetic Tennessean editorial demonstrates just what Brian Haas has to put up with over there. He's clearly swimming against The Tennessean's tide. I hope his fact-based and researched articles aren't a career threat to him, bucking the company line and all. We're lucky he worked so hard to be objective inside an atmosphere at The Tennessean that created such a pitiful editorial point of view that was unable to dredge up or utilize real facts to support their position.

Edited by QuietDan
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