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Breaking: Paul Ryan chosen as Romney VP

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Glad to see I'm not the only night owl.

This seems to be all over the web atm, and given that Romney is speaking tomorrow at the USS Wisconsin, it seems like a good bet.

Not sure where I'm at on it, I'm 0 for 2 in my choice for candidates thus far.

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Guest ThePunisher

Never thought he would pick anyone from the north, but Paul Ryan is the best pick from that region, and he is very capable and intelligent. Very charismatic, and has Hollywood looks. Good speaker who will put Biden to shame in VP debates.

I was hoping for Rubio from Florida, but am not terribly disappointed in the Ryan pick.

Now that Romney has made his pick, it's time to start uniting behind the Romney-Ryan ticket, unless of course you want to move FORWARD with the Marxists.

Edited by ThePunisher
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Some guys and I at the work lunch table, speculated months ago this guy will be picked. The Republican camp needs a young good looking, but smart this time, running mate, and who is not polarizing. I would have preferred Ms. Condi, but I won the cash pool on who I thought the R camp would pick. I wander if Mr. Ryan can see the Russians from Wisconsin? FYI here is his offical congressional web page: http://paulryan.house.gov/ Love Sarah, but the republicans did not have a good vetting process in '08. Hope they learned a lesson!

Edited by Runco
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Guest HvyMtl

He really should have tried harder to find a South-Eastern Candidate. Both from the Northern states does not do as well. People are already viciously joking about this guy on the webs, as to be expected. Personally know little, except he is photogenic. I hope he is no Dan Quayle... I hope Runco is right, and the GOP has a better handle on the vetting process...

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He's no Dan Quayle. This guy has a brain! And he is not Sarah, bless her heart. I like her, but she was not a good pick for VP. I think she has been good for the party as a whole, though. The Republican Party needs her. I think Ryan is a good solid pick, imo. A fiscal conservative, who has been out there leading the way on budgetary matters, but I am not sure where he is at socially, but he got an "A" rating from the NRA, if you follow such things. Romney could have done a lot worse. Gov. Christie would have been a disaster!

Edited by Moped
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I think he is a great pick. I went around the news channels today and both the left and right channels think he will be a strong candidate against Obama/Biden. He will smash Biden in any debate.

What I worry about is that it renders an effective congressman useless. Typically, the VP is a figurehead who doesn't get much say in matters of policy. If Romney is smart, he'll let Ryan actually participate in economic policy making. We need intelligent, forward looking, fiscally conservative leaders in Congress. Hopefully this won't leave a void.

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Lousy choice for his VP; nothing against Paul Ryan but of all those he was considering Ryan is likely the worst for this election cycle - he doesn't really add anything to the campaign except another body to go out and campaign.

I don't disagree with you much, but here it is :).

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That's okay...I don't take disagreements personally.

Cool. I didn't wanna get hit with a video :). I do think you may change your mind, though.

Did you see the announcement video? Solid, unified message... right in the X ring.

Edited by mikegideon
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c'mon folks, sure we know the VP is to garner votes for the ticket & replace the President if needed, but does anyone REALLY know the main reason for a VP?

To give Letterman an opening monologue for the next four years ...

sent from ...

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Guest HvyMtl

Your pet rock, maybe, a Palin? Not so much.

Ah, this is the guy behind the "Republican" budget in the house. I see attacks on killing medicare / social security in the near future.

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