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N R A - Kids' Video Game - Holy Crap!

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So one month almost to the frigging day after Sandy Hook, NRA releases IOS shooting app, targeted to kids 4 and up.There's a bazillion links,  and hardly any are favorable.




Starts the kiddies off with a M9 pistola, can upgrade to semi-auto rifles, including a freaking AK! One segment's object is to fire off as many rounds as possible in one minute. Remind you of anything?


Right after their big public tirade about violent video games. Holy crap.


Yeah, there's safety stuff in it, and gun laws, and whatever. Defend it if you like, but the optics and timing is just unthinkable.


Watch the NRA plummet on polls (already over 50% unfavorable on most). They've gotta be on crack, PR dept. is from another planet -- or hell.


Daily we're showing we don't really even need opponents. I'll suggest again, that we adopt this as the official logo for the pro-gun faction:





- OS





Edited by Oh Shoot
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Making much of it on MSNBC's Morning Joe. Hosted by the network's only conservative, btw, who is excoriating it.


Showing NY Daily News full page headline, "Appy Birthday"

Their story:




Wow, another screen shot, showing Bushwhacker front sight post. JHC, it's like a SNL parody. Just a great job, NRA. Can't believe I just sent them extra bucks not long ago to help fund this.




- OS

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Right hand, left hand?


It takes *time* to develop a *good* piece of software, and this almost certainly was in the works BEFORE the new year hit, IE before any recent shootings.   So its been in progress and chugging along quietly, forgotten, until yesterday someone said "its done, put it up" and so they did....


My best guess at it.   The other option is to assume they are brain dead or greedy.  We know they are greedy and milking for money (btw lookit how much the leaders are paid from our donations...!!)  So there is an off chance someone just wanted their money for the app sales.

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It takes time to get apple to approve anything, its probably been in their hands 6 months.


So at best then,  NRA just "forgot about it"?


If so, then their being just as inefficient as the federal government is somehow not much of a comfort.


- OS

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Or Thay could be trying to make a point about video games ,like no one is going to smash the media for movies blood and glory and video game ind so it must be ok , but when the nra does it then you have a problem with it. Ours at least has no blood and glory in it like the video games that are out their .?????. And by the way what about all the shooter game aps that have been put out for the smart phones going back over 6 years , ya didn't have a problem with those why NOW. Edited by ted
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Or Thay could be trying to make a point about video games ,like no one is going to smash the media for movies blood and glory and video game ind. so it must be ok but when the nra does it then you have a problem with it. Ours at least has no blood and glory in it like the video games that are out their .?????


I feel safe in opining that if that were their uber sophisticated and subtle purpose, they have completely and miserably failed.


- OS

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[quote name="Oh Shoot" post="885527" timestamp="1358259449"]I feel safe in opining that if that were their uber sophisticated and subtle purpose, they have completely and miserably failed.   - OS[/quote] you are prob right oh shoot ,, the media as we all know will change it for its sole purpose any way.
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I agree the timing is a little messed up but my cow. Somebody dropped the ball. If someone was against guns they were that way before this game came out. It's just more grandstanding. I am not going to walk on eggshells for these idiots. There is nothing that can be done to please them that doesn't involve banning guns so why try? They have us doing everything we can to keep them from throwing a fit. They are just like spoiled children. And they know it!!! They are using it and it is working. I don't know about you but I'm tired of cowering and begging to keep what few rights I have when they have no place to remove them to start with! It's time we tell them how it's going to be for once!! 

Rant over....very frustrated

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what is amusing is that people are trying to claim the game is violent.   It is absolutely not violent.  Its like saying an app where you chop wood as a chore or job (role playing games, which can be violent, but you can indeed be hired to chop wood in skyrim for example) is violent because it has an axe in use.  


Doubly amusing: the people that condemn this game for being "violent" defend grand theft auto (which I also love) as free speech (this is a game where you can shoot LEOs, steal cars, spend quality time with hookers, beat up innocent people for money, and more).

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So the NRA released a "non-violent" target shooting type video game, I fail to see what the hubbub is about.

It's a safer, more kid-friendly alternative to the thousands of graphicly violent shootem up video games, where virtual people are the targets and blood & gore splatters all over the screen.
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Guest bkelm18

So the NRA released a "non-violent" target shooting type video game, I fail to see what the hubbub is about.

It's a safer, more kid-friendly alternative to the thousands of graphicly violent shootem up video games, where virtual people are the targets and blood & gore splatters all over the screen.


Because we are in a war of public perception. The game looks harmless to us, but to Mary Bedwetter, it's more proof that we are a monster that needs to be stopped.

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So the NRA released a "non-violent" target shooting type video game, I fail to see what the hubbub is about.

It's a safer, more kid-friendly alternative to the thousands of graphicly violent shootem up video games, where virtual people are the targets and blood & gore splatters all over the screen.


I agree wholeheartedly. Timing schmiming. I don't think the NRA should worry about releasing this game - which as far as I can tell neither contains nor promotes violence - and offending the sensitivities of a few, or even a few million bedwetters. It's target shooting. How this has anything to do with Sandy Hook or any other event other than the fact that it has guns and shooting is beyond me. If this app is a bad idea I guess I shouldn't carry this week or go shoot an IDPA match this weekend. After all the IDPA targets are human silhouettes. 

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