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Gun detectors? or just metal detectors maybe?


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I was at Eagle Arms at lunch today shooting the poop with the owner and we were talking about the possibility of an up and coming gun grab.  Well i might have mentioned that i know someone that may have put a false wall in their house and stuck and AK47and a few pistols (packed with cosmoline) and a metric chit ton of ammo in that wall then boarded it up.  He tells me that wont matter because because they will find it when they dont find what they are looking for in the cats safe. He states there is a device that can locate guns in the house. 


Now this doesnt surprise me, but does anyone know what this device is? I would like to know how to counter such madness in case General Monroe's militia comes looking.

Edited by Krull
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Doesn't sound very reasonable to me. There was a video up some time ago about a "gun detector" that kind of showed an outline of something on a persons body. Almost like a heat signature thing. I don't see how it could be justified for anyone coming in your house to scan the walls though looking for guns.


I would imagine in most cases of a gun grad they probably wouldn't have to look any farther than the front door to find a gun.

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I would guess a canine would located the goods with easy-


A counter measure to a device might be worthless -  like steel studs or ceramic boxes to put items in -    a counter measure may be barking up the wrong tree

Edited by quesogrande
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I would guess a canine would located the goods with easy-


A counter measure to a device might be worthless -  like steel studs or ceramic boxes to put items in -    a counter measure may be barking up the wrong tree



No K9 will be able to get to this -- you have to have a ladder to get to it and woul dhave to know exactly where it is to get even close.  Imagine a 25 foot ceiling, that one of the walls was "compromised" the goods stuck in the wall about 20 feet up then re-drywalled and painted.  No attic on the backside of the wall to get near where these items are.  Two ways to get to them, climb a ladder in the house and beat the wall in or climb a ladder outside the house and start sawzalling.  Would need to put a k9 on a scaffle to locate them, but then again nothing surprises me.

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You can find guns/safes with an FLIR camera given the right conditions.(depends on outside temp differential and quality of the camera) I found 2 longuns that my grandfather had hidden in a wall while getting an energy audit on the home 20 years later. The guns retain heat/cool longer than most of the other building materials making them stand out in the image. 

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There are types of "ground penetrating" radar/sonar imaging systems that can pretty much see through just about anything/everything.

Believe it or not but they have even installed radar/sonar systems on domestic drones, that can "see" through a persons clothing, ID a concealed handgun on that person, determine if that person is LEO or not (I suppose if it detects/ID's a metal badge? The article didn't say how it determines LEO or not but this is my guess) anyway if not LEO then the drone automatically taps into that non-LEO person's cellphone & then continues to track them using the phone's gps as well as it's own onboard systems..

Shit you not, that was discovered through freedom of information act, was just on Drudge Report last week I think, frightning stuff, especially considering the potential for tyranny of using such technology.
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If you are hidding you guns in a government gun grab, Stuff has Done Hit the Fan.

Might as well fight or just give them what they want, Being free or a slave is ones own choice.

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No K9 will be able to get to this -- you have to have a ladder to get to it and woul dhave to know exactly where it is to get even close. Imagine a 25 foot ceiling, that one of the walls was "compromised" the goods stuck in the wall about 20 feet up then re-drywalled and painted. No attic on the backside of the wall to get near where these items are. Two ways to get to them, climb a ladder in the house and beat the wall in or climb a ladder outside the house and start sawzalling. Would need to put a k9 on a scaffle to locate them, but then again nothing surprises me.

You said he had a bunch of ammo. Doesn't matter how high he stores it. The dog will indicate that it's there, and if it is the good kind of dog that indicates source, they won't need to search around; they will know where it is.

All moot anyway, since all the paranoid looneys out there don't seem to recognize the logistical impossibility of searching everyone's home in the US suspected of having firearms at one time or another.
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Paranoid looneys LOL, agreed TMF, heck I bet some of those same paranoid looneys also thought that Obama getting 120% some odd percent of the registered voters votes in certain districts was also a logistical impossibility!

Seriously though, it seems like a whole lot of stuff that I used to believe would never happen ... happens.

So I think that I shall be just a little paranoid, you know just in case it does actually happen.
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Paranoid looneys LOL, agreed TMF, heck I bet some of those same paranoid looneys also thought that Obama getting 120% some odd percent of the registered voters votes in certain districts was also a logistical impossibility!

Seriously though, it seems like a whole lot of stuff that I used to believe would never happen ... happens.

So I think that I shall be just a little paranoid, you know just in case it does actually happen.

You have to understand, I base my assessment on experience. We had a massive chunk of our military in Iraq and weren't able to lock it down or search every house, let alone keep a handle on heavy weaponry and explosives pouring over the border. Considering that there over twice as many gun owners in the US than the entire population of Iraq, I'd say our government would be SOL if they tried going door to door in the US. Even if .0001% of gun owners decided to violently oppose an unconstitutional intrusion into their homes it would be a larger problem than our gov could handle, so I'm not too concerned about it just yet. I can promise that if it ever does happen it won't last long.
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I was at Eagle Arms at lunch today shooting the poop with the owner and we were talking about the possibility of an up and coming gun grab.  Well i might have mentioned that i know someone that may have put a false wall in their house and stuck and AK47and a few pistols (packed with cosmoline) and a metric chit ton of ammo in that wall then boarded it up.  He tells me that wont matter because because they will find it when they dont find what they are looking for in the cats safe. He states there is a device that can locate guns in the house. 


Now this doesnt surprise me, but does anyone know what this device is? I would like to know how to counter such madness in case General Monroe's militia comes looking.


If it exists, which I think it does, you are asking about  hard object scanner which is a combination computer, metal detector, and some other penetrating sensor like ultrasound or something.   The computer has AI and image recognition software; between it and the user you can determine if a gun is in a suitcase or something most of the time.  


I do not know the current state of sensors or what people have bothered to build, but I can tell you that I do work with some sensors and you can take this to the bank:

if someone is willing to spend the money to build it, a system like this is 100% possible.         


All sensors can be fooled.  But a fake wall won't do it.  You either need to go deep (10 feet of concrete for example) or you need to jam the sensor somehow (depends on the type) so all it gets is static.  Or you shoot the guy with the sensor, if it has come to that.

Edited by Jonnin
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All sensors can be fooled. But a fake wall won't do it. You either need to go deep (10 feet of concrete for example) or you need to jam the sensor somehow (depends on the type) so all it gets is static. Or you shoot the guy with the sensor, if it has come to that.

That's why you line you walls with tin foil... it's not just for hats! Hey, that should be Reynolds new slogan.
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There are types of "ground penetrating" radar/sonar imaging systems that can pretty much see through just about anything/everything.

Believe it or not but they have even installed radar/sonar systems on domestic drones, that can "see" through a persons clothing, ID a concealed handgun on that person, determine if that person is LEO or not (I suppose if it detects/ID's a metal badge? The article didn't say how it determines LEO or not but this is my guess) anyway if not LEO then the drone automatically taps into that non-LEO person's cellphone & then continues to track them using the phone's gps as well as it's own onboard systems..

#### you not, that was discovered through freedom of information act, was just on Drudge Report last week I think, frightning stuff, especially considering the potential for tyranny of using such technology.


Sounds like we just found a use for the mall ninja conceal carry badges.......going to have to get one now muuuhahahahahahahaha

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