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It Looks Like We Win!

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It's still gonna be a long hard ride....I'm glad, but the vote was closer than I'd hoped it would be.  There's lot's more coming.  46 voted for it.  Must be the same 46 that voted FOR the UN Small Arms Treaty.....


54 voted FOR it, 46 against.  Not enough for it to pass.


McCain one of 4 repubs voting for.  The Tennessee twits voted against.

Edited by Garufa
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From what I can tell 4 Republicans voted for the bill.


Only four Republican senators committed to voting for the amendment ahead of time. The last was Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who announced his support Wednesday afternoon. The other three were Toomey, Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/17/background-check-plan-in-trouble-as-dems-call-votes-on-gun-bill/#ixzz2QkwpOrvK

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From CNN, if you can believe what they say...


In a major defeat for supporters of tougher gun laws, the Senate has defeated a compromise proposal to expand background checks on firearms sales.


The bipartisan compromise was championed by Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., and backed by President Barack Obama in his push for a package of gun laws in the aftermath of the Newtown school massacre.


Votes on other amendments are upcoming. Follow them live on CNN.com

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So I've lost track. What's left of the original bill that all these were amendments to? As I understand it, it is much worse than the Manchin-Toomey amendment.


Was the whole bill also voted down along with the 60 vote agreement on the amendments?


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I realize they they understand the finer points of the procedure. If they screw it up, they'll be held accountable. We KNOW it will pass with 51.


Never mind, I see the 60 vote was a procedural deal so all amendments could be voted on one after another, without debate for each one. Conventional way would have only required 51 votes for each, but could have drug out for weeks.


I was wrong about it being "cloture" at this point. This explains it well for anyone else who didn't quite grok it:




And as far as the whole background check thing apparently shot down, at least for the rest of this calendar year, let me say I've never been happier to have been wrong!!


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Never mind, I see the 60 vote was a procedural deal so all amendments could be voted on one after another, without debate for each one. Conventional way would have only required 51 votes for each, but could have drug out for weeks.


I was wrong about it being "cloture" at this point. This explains it well for anyone else who didn't quite grok it:




And as far as the whole background check thing apparently shot down, at least for the rest of this calendar year, let me say I've never been happier to have been wrong!!


- OS


I thought you were wrong, but try to be gentle with you old guys :)

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Don't let your guard down. This ain't over. It's just started.


I'm not letting my guard down. I still don't expect gun control to get much more popular. We won this fair and square. It's especially gratifying that Feinstein got a mudhole stomped in her ass.

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I'm not letting my guard down. I still don't expect gun control to get much more popular. We won this fair and square. It's especially gratifying that Feinstein got a mudhole stomped in her ass.


Well, to be fair, unfortunately I'm not for sure wrong until the end of the 113th, so still a better part of two years to go on my prediction.


Then of course, the midterms to determine what things look like in the 114th.


- OS

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Democrats who defected and voted "no":

North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp 

Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor

Alaska Sen. Mark Begich

Montana Sen. Max Baucus

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid (Reid only voted no for procedural reasons, so that Democrats can call up the provision later on)


What does this mean, Reid voted no, so it can be called back up, need some help on this one.

Edited by RED333
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I just can't seem to get too excited.  It will come up again and again and again until it is passed.  May take a while, but it will happen.


Democrats will eventually have a majority, it is folly to think otherwise.  Then the game is up.

Edited by Garufa
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