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One in the camber???

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without one in the chamber, you may as well carry a hammer, or a knife with no edge imo



Not quite the same... you can deploy a hammer a hell of a lot quicker than a firearm with an empty chamber. ;)

I give the tactical edge to the hammer in this case.

Edited by tartanphantom
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I carry two guns. One is not chambered and the other is. If it gets to the point I need the second one the extra time won't matter I guess.

sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee


I don't get that logic at all. If you're in that deep those seconds count even more.

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I don't get that logic at all. If you're in that deep those seconds count even more.

hope to never get to that point is my point. If I cannot dispatch my problem with the G23, I need to head to the truck for something a bit "more".

sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee

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After having an accidental discharge while racking a 9mm many years ago (was pointing in a safe direction) how to carry crossed my mind many times. Spring came loose inside it) Then I found the little Taurus TCP that I felt comfortable carrying chambered. No safety, but a long strong (but smooth) trigger with a protected hammer. I firmly believe if you have time to rack the slide, you better be doing it while running.

It takes some cycling and time for me to have faith in a gun. It would take quite a while for me to get comfortable with something cocked and locked, especially with an exposed hammer.
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  • 7 months later...

Maybe I am the only person in Tennessee that does this, but I carry with an empty chamber.  My home Defense handgun is also empty chamber.

I have given it a lot of thought, as I am sure you have your method.  I am comfortable with this.


The shotgun I keep at my bedside is the only piece I keep unchambered. Its in "car ready," meaning it is unchambered, but the hammer has been dropped for the slide lock release. My thought is that I want some crap head home invader to hear the universal "you just messed up" sound. If they decide their life is worth living, they will hear it and leave. If they still decide they want to meet Jesus, then I will arrange a meeting.


My everyday carry weapons, however, stays chambered and ready for buisness at all times.

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I'm of the mindset that if I'm going to be in control of a loaded weapon... Its going to be fully loaded, that way there is never a question of training and practice for weapon manipulation faced with an immediate threat. One in the chamber for carry/hd pistols, one in the chamber for the hd shotgun, one in the chamber for the hd rifle. Consistency is key, whatever you choose, ALWAYS do it that way. If you don't, you won't remember in a fight.

Lemme ask those who don't want a round in the chamber, for giggles... Would you carry a modern double-action revolver with one cylinder empty? Think about it.
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I'm of the mindset that if I'm going to be in control of a loaded weapon... Its going to be fully loaded, that way there is never a question of training and practice for weapon manipulation faced with an immediate threat. One in the chamber for carry/hd pistols, one in the chamber for the hd shotgun, one in the chamber for the hd rifle. Consistency is key, whatever you choose, ALWAYS do it that way. If you don't, you won't remember in a fight.

Lemme ask those who don't want a round in the chamber, for giggles... Would you carry a modern double-action revolver with one cylinder empty? Think about it.

I have been wondering that same thing as I was reading these posts?................ :rock:

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Carry pistols at +1 with a good holster that covers that trigger. Totally safe. .380 auto I pocket carry and Has a safety that stays on, cause that's how I've always done it. Plus it sits close to the....... And ....well. If I pocket carry a j frame it's in a good holster.

Truck weapons are either revolvers that stay hot (obviously) or +1 high cap pistols. All are in good holsters with the triggers fully covered.

I personally like my pistols with a safety. Just how I was raised, but if I had to carry a striker fired weapon I guess I could muster through it :) I know revolvers are what they are.

Rifles and shotguns I keep unloaded. Edited by LowBb
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I'm of the mindset that if I'm going to be in control of a loaded weapon... Its going to be fully loaded, that way there is never a question of training and practice for weapon manipulation faced with an immediate threat. One in the chamber for carry/hd pistols, one in the chamber for the hd shotgun, one in the chamber for the hd rifle. Consistency is key, whatever you choose, ALWAYS do it that way. If you don't, you won't remember in a fight.

Lemme ask those who don't want a round in the chamber, for giggles... Would you carry a modern double-action revolver with one cylinder empty? Think about it.


Yes. No other comment needed.

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While I realize that everyone's individual plan for protecting their own home is their own business, I'd be remiss if I didn't at least ask you guys that don't keep your firearms loaded (yes, one in the chamber ) to reconsider. If you honestly believe you'll have the presence of mind to ready that weapon in an adrenaline fueled panic after your door is broken down, you sorely overestimate yourself. Why put yourself at a disadvantage? That "slide racking" sound is not a deterrent, the projectile that comes out of the muzzle is. My opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it, but I feel better that I've said it. For me personally, if I have a weapon out of my safe and in a defensive roll, it has a round in the chamber. I want every possible advantage I can get over that person that wishes to do me or my family harm Edited by KKing
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Guest sigequinox
I carry empty chamber. I train both live and dry firing to rack as I'm unholstering the gun. It's a fluid motion. I do lose some reaction time and there are some situations I can think of that will simply not work but probability of ND/AD drops to zero. This is how I am most comfortable carrying at this moment.

I carry this way because I do for my guns a lot. I will be sitting on my couch working or watching tv and play with my gun so I choose to be very prudent about the way it's loaded . Different folks..
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This is a very interesting topic to me, as I have two small children. I am currently looking for the "safest" hot weapon with a safety. I don't carry my revolver often for this reason. My children are constantly climbing on me, etc. Balls being thrown, airplanes, spills- you never really know :) I want to find the weapon through research and then train w it. But during that time of training- I may not carry chambered. Or I may only carried chambered away from the children or when I am in a situation that is quite uncomfortable. We travel a lot with the children and I carry hot in and out of restrooms and travel stop areas. But I am a nervous wreck the entire time. In the car it stays next to me in a gun vault and then unloaded when we are back w the husband or feel safe. I keep an unloaded shot gun near the bed as well when the husband is out of town. I wish I had the right answer and open to the right answer but it's like the threat that is apparent is the risk of my babies getting harmed...by me. Btw- I am taking opinions on a handgun that can safely be carried hot- with a safety, by a smaller framed female with smallish hands that can train to quickly disarm said safety, that wears tight clothes, runs, and has rheumatoid arthritis w a bit reduced grip strength that can't handle much recoil in a caliber that will drop a meth head and be enjoyable enough to practice with (lots) without flinching. :). Y'all know of one of those? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Edited by Ladyhay
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This is a very interesting topic to me, as I have two small children. I am currently looking for the "safest" hot weapon with a safety. I don't carry my revolver often for this reason. My children are constantly climbing on me, etc. Balls being thrown, airplanes, spills- you never really know :) I want to find the weapon through research and then train w it. But during that time of training- I may not carry chambered. Or I may only carried chambered away from the children or when I am in a situation that is quite uncomfortable.We travel a lot with the children and I carry hot in and out of restrooms and travel stop areas. But I am a nervous wreck the entire time. In the car it stays next to me in a gun vault and then unloaded when we are back w the husband or feel safe. I keep an unloaded shot gun near the bed as well when the husband is out of town. I wish I had the right answer and open to the right answer but it's like the threat that is apparent is the risk of my babies getting harmed...by me.Btw- I am taking opinions on a handgun that can safely be carried hot- with a safety, by a smaller framed female with smallish hands that can train to quickly disarm said safety, that wears tight clothes, runs, and has rheumatoid arthritis w a bit reduced grip strength that can't handle much recoil in a caliber that will drop a meth head and be enjoyable enough to practice with (lots) without flinching. :). Y'all know of one of those? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

All very valid concerns... My suggestion is to choose what you carry based on how effective you are with it, and choose how you carry based on everyday factors, like you described. I don't have any kids, but when I am around any (young nieces, nephews, etc.) I carry my Glock 19 in a Safariland ALS holster, which provides positive retention from removal except by me when I am drawing, regardless how much roughhousing or activity I partake in.
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Ladyhay.. "I may not carry chambered. Or I may only carried chambered away from the children or when I am in a situation that is quite uncomfortable."


I would suggest picking one and sticking to it.  As KKing suggests, in the heat of the moment you won't remember what to do.  It has to be instinctive muscle memory.  Either draw and fire, or draw, rack, and fire. 

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Chambered. Not a fan of safeties either (or at least, not the kind you have to manually switch). Likely to be on when you need them to be off and off when you need them to be on. Pull trigger, get bang is an easy thing to remember and trust.

Edited by tnguy
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Guest sigequinox

I would hope it's not loaded at all when you're doing that...

That's why I choose to never have one in the chamber. I always rack the slide 3 times with an empty mag regardless, but you can never be too safe
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[quote name="sigequinox" post="1144470" timestamp="1398871033"]That's why I choose to never have one in the chamber. I always rack the slide 3 times with an empty mag regardless, but you can never be too safe[/quote] And that's fine, that's your personal decision. Just understand that when using your weapon for defensive purposes you are REACTING to another persons actions and will already be behind the person that is attacking you. Racking that slide will only put you further behind unless you have practiced enough that you can do it in the same amount of time it takes to draw/shoot. I won't get into you having to leave guns unloaded to make sure they're unloaded in your home, simply because I can't understand that logic Edited by KKing
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