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M&P guys, check your barrels


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Come on guys, this was fun for a while, but it's time to pack it in.

You both disagree. Let's leave it at that.

Before the ban hammer drops again.

Wow...this is strange. Me acting as a voice of reason. lol

I was feeling the same but really don't have a horse in this race ... but I do own an M&P. Edited by Fourtyfive
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Guest kingarmory

If anybody would know better than to post crap like this with zero evidence or in depth information, it should be a nationally recognized firearms instructor. This is some arfcom level stuff.

Don't say anything negative about the "Bearded One", his loyal fanboys here will circle to throw poo at you.  Costa is infallible and the second son of God, all praises be his name.....don't ya know? :rofl:



Edited by kingarmory
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KA...It's acceptable to say you disagree with a trainer or with a comment they my have made. It only becomes difficult when you cross over into a disparaging line of comment. It furthermore doesn't;t matter if your right or wrong. First Amendment rights in public forums should be prudently exercised with some degree of decorum and respect. Personal feelings are just a red flag inflaming everyone involved. To your credit I see the wry humor you've shouldered as an after effect.

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Guest kingarmory

No, the problem is that there is certain people that fanboys will not accept anything short of worship for.  Chris Costa can kiss my ass along with his fanboys, to act like some instructor is above reproach is just f***ing retarded.

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No, the problem is that there is certain people that fanboys will not accept anything short of worship for. Chris Costa can kiss my ass along with his fanboys, to act like some instructor is above reproach is just f***ing retarded.

If I say please will you go away?

I don't know what the guy ever did to you, but it sure seems much more personal that professional Edited by KKing
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Guest kingarmory

I got no personal beef with the guy, I just get sick of the fanboy cult that forms around people like that and how it makes them above criticism.  I'm a mortal man, someone like you can be nice and chummy hitting me up for free shit a couple weeks ago and be a complete dick to me today, that is how mortal men are.  When someone like Costa says M&P barrels are flawed yet no one else out there is even mentioning it, you FANBOYS act like God himself handed Costa a technical bulletin etched in stone at the summit of Mount Phagpul and that everyone should accept it as gospel.  Costa, like other "gun celebrities" is out there to sell publicity by doing stuff that looks "cool", not necessarily what works in real life.


A rifle stance that immediately wipes out half of your peripheral vision....bad idea?  Not if Costa says its "tactical"





Jam your head down between your shoulders so that you have NO peripheral vision....bad idea?  Not if Costa says its the way to do it....



The guy even has an action figure (you probably already bought one I'm guessing), is the fanboy vibe not coming across yet?


The guy is good at what he does, sell publicity for Magpul and Costa-Ludicrous....don't let that hero-worship keep you from noticing that.

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Guest kingarmory

Dood. We get it, you don't like Costa's techniques. You've made your point, even beaten it to the ground. Accept that your sophomoric whining isn't going to change anyone's mind and shut your pie hole about it. Pretty please? :)


No, 95% of his techniques are spot on, its the 5% that are wrong that goddamn fanboys can't accept is what my problem is.  Costa says M&P barrels are bad so they must be according to the fanboys....this whole post is revolving around a tool that people take way too seriously. 

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I got no personal beef with the guy, I just get sick of the fanboy cult that forms around people like that and how it makes them above criticism.  I'm a mortal man, someone like you can be nice and chummy hitting me up for free #### a couple weeks ago and be a complete dick to me today, that is how mortal men are.  When someone like Costa says M&P barrels are flawed yet no one else out there is even mentioning it, you FANBOYS act like God himself handed Costa a technical bulletin etched in stone at the summit of Mount Phagpul and that everyone should accept it as gospel.  Costa, like other "gun celebrities" is out there to sell publicity by doing stuff that looks "cool", not necessarily what works in real life.


A rifle stance that immediately wipes out half of your peripheral vision....bad idea?  Not if Costa says its "tactical"





Jam your head down between your shoulders so that you have NO peripheral vision....bad idea?  Not if Costa says its the way to do it....




Always thought this was kinda goofy myself. I'm not all eaten up with Costa hate like you, but never rushed out and bought any of his videos either. Point is, in this thread, we may not all know Costa as well as you, but we all know him well enough to believe that he's probably truthful about pistols failing in one of his classes.

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I got no personal beef with the guy, I just get sick of the fanboy cult that forms around people like that and how it makes them above criticism. I'm a mortal man, someone like you can be nice and chummy hitting me up for free #### a couple weeks ago and be a complete dick to me today, that is how mortal men are. When someone like Costa says M&P barrels are flawed yet no one else out there is even mentioning it, you FANBOYS act like God himself handed Costa a technical bulletin etched in stone at the summit of Mount Phagpul and that everyone should accept it as gospel.

I'll address you one more time, and hopefully by then you'll be gone.

This thread was about M&P barrels. You came in trying to make it about something else entirely, which is Costa himself. You continue to swing your internet penis around and clamor about all these "fan boys", when in reality it's just guys that don't care to hear your ####. It has much more to do with you than it does him.

Yes, I agreed to test one of your muzzle devices and write a review simply because you posted the offer on this very forum for someone to test. Of which I even offered to send you back now that I'm done due to its sub par performance compared to other muzzle devices I have. Now I'm a dick because I'm tired of hearing you whine? I try not to get personal online, but it appears that ship has sunk. It would appear sir, that your time is better spent somewhere else other than this thread, like say...trying to make a better muzzle device? I'm sure you have so many applications to your training classes that you teach it will take you the rest of the year to sort through them. Edited by KKing
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