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I don't know what happened after my last surgery but my whole body has been acting up. I have lost all control of my diabetes and don't have any energy. Have back pain almost all the time. Can't sleep at night. Have zero appetite and have to force my self to eat anything. Going to doctor today and see is she can put my body back in some kind of organization and get me back functioning any thing near normal. Will try and get back on line and give an update soon................ :up:  

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I recently had major surgery and had many of the symptoms you describe for the first couple of weeks,  Over the last 3 weeks those symptoms are gradually disappearing, mainly now my sleep rhythms are still all out of whack.  As others said, surgery can be extremely disruptive to your entire system, especially if you have other health issues to begin with.  The "seasoning" that comes with living a while seems to exacerbate that process as well ...

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Well my GP that I have been going to for last 15 years said I have post surgical Pneumonia which is very common and can cause many of the effects my body it producing right now. I am going in got Chest Xray today and she gave me a hefty dose of antibiotics with injection before I left her office plus I get to pick up an script this afternoon for more. I also have follow up with surgeon today so will give latest update tomorrow............................ :up:   

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Lowbuster

I don't know what happened after my last surgery but my whole body has been acting up. I have lost all control of my diabetes and don't have any energy. Have back pain almost all the time. Can't sleep at night. Have zero appetite and have to force my self to eat anything. Going to doctor today and see is she can put my body back in some kind of organization and get me back functioning any thing near normal. Will try and get back on line and give an update soon................ :up:

I hope you .get to feeling better.
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As e fellow diabetic I can sympathise, after my second back surgery my sugar got so bad I had to be put in the ICU for 8 days to get it back under control, getting cut into and the healing process can throw our disease into over drive from what my Dr told me, Praying for you bud I hope you get straight soon!!!

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I'm still kicking, just not to high. Having a long recovery for sure. Having a few good days and then several tough ones. Still very weak at times but I do see a little improvement. Developed a new pain yesterday that has not been there until yesterday. Doctor has me getting a CT scan on Monday to make sure it is nothing except healing pains. I knew this was going to be a much longer and harder recovery because my last one was 25 years ago. I do appreciate ya'll thinking of me and dropping little notes from time to time asking how I am feeling.................. :up: :up:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Lowbuster

I don't know what happened after my last surgery but my whole body has been acting up. I have lost all control of my diabetes and don't have any energy. Have back pain almost all the time. Can't sleep at night. Have zero appetite and have to force my self to eat anything. Going to doctor today and see is she can put my body back in some kind of organization and get me back functioning any thing near normal. Will try and get back on line and give an update soon................ :up:

I know how you feel. I've been off tne forum for a while now.
I hope you get back to as strong as you can. People do not realize how much our health plays on our life. Be strong and put yourself first.
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