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Gun Shop Offers Discounts To Christians

The Legion

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I dunno,  but doing this to get some attention is a decent marketing ploy.  Of course if it was my business I would also offer that 5% to anyone who came in the door as well.


In a business for profit which god you follow doesn't mean much.  It is about the green.

Edited by Mike.357
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After reading the story, watching videos, and reading comments here on TGO and all over the web, I am impressed with how the shop's idea has turned out.


Best case scenario: small town gun shop owner implements a capitalistic idea that he believes will gain him national attention, increase his foot traffic, make his little shop famous, and improve his bottom-line.

Worst case scenario: small town gun shop owner hates other religions, offers Christians discount the unintended result of which gains him national attention, increases his foot traffic, makes his little shop famous, and improves his bottom-line


I don't care which is the case or if it's somewhere in the middle..I call it a HUGE win for this guy. The risk of losing any of his customer base vs gaining more customers/supports is statistically insignificant.

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Just look at Trump or PT Barnum.  "There is no such thing as bad publicity."  However that phrase doesn't quite jive with what I learned in the Army's PSYOP school.  In any case BigK nailed this one.  Contextually, culturally and geographically - Christian discount probably wins the day for the store owner on several fronts including the till.

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....Of the small percentage that aren't Christian, I doubt a significant number of them will be so offended that they choose not to shop there.


Wouldn't bother me. And I wouldn't even lie to get the discount. But I sure would to save my ass (as per the Umpqua thread).


- OS

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Kudos to this business. We need more businesses that are not afraid to be politically correct. Is it not wonderful that a business can say this and advertise this? If this business was in other countries say the middle east, the business would have been burnt down along with its owner likely being beheaded. Maybe in time, that will happen here in the good ole USA, but not today.

I go out of my way to patronize certain businesses like Chick-Fi-Lay, Hobby Lobby and Tyson Foods.

Wonder what you'd think if someone offered a discount to Jews and Muslims only......

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Wonder what you'd think if someone offered a discount to Jews and Muslims only......

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If I were  Muslim or Jewish, Kudos to them. 


Is this the response you wanted?


Or should I say.  No way?  Not here. etc.  BTW, I bet they wouldn't take long for them go out of business though!  ;)

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Not according to the Pope if they own a weapon. Of course, according to the Pope, all Popes wouldn't be Christian since they control weapons as well.



Your post confuses me,  doesn't take much to do that really.


So the Pope says if you own a weapon you aren't Catholic, or not Christian?   And did he say gun or weapon?  


I don't know the actual wording but didn't Jesus say something to the effect of "sell you clothes and get a gun?" ( if'n they had guns in biblical days whoever wrote that would have said gun instead of sword.)


And how does the Catholic church control weapons?

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And how does the Catholic church control weapons?



Through the Swiss Guard* and other private security. 



*Those dudes with the funny pants, hats and halberds. My understand that if/when SHTF, the halberds go down and the guns come out.

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And how does the Catholic church control weapons?


Nicky beat me to it on the well armed Swiss Guard, but if we want to take a historical view of it, many Popes of the past commanded papal and mercenary armies which certainly had weapons, and even bang sticks.  Unless the current Pope is willing to declare that those previous Popes are burning in hell, then he can't really reconcile his statement on firearms (weapons).  Then again, there's that whole papal infallibility thing, so maybe what he meant was that anyone, with the exception of the Pope, is held to this standard of possessing firearms (weapons) being a disqualifier as a Christian. 


His statements were specifically directed at firearm manufacturers and those who invest in them, and he called them hypocrites if they consider themselves Christians.  Perhaps it's bad to make firearms (weapons) but totally okay to use them?  I dunno. 


Perhaps he could explain his statements in the context of Pope Benedict, who was in the Hitler youth.  I'm pretty sure they were teaching those boys more than building campfires and making snares. 


ETA:  I do my best not to say derogatory things regarding the beliefs of people; I don't care if a person worships a cow, the moon, or a child rapist like Muhammed or David Koresh.  My only issue is when people like that point their finger at others and run their hypocritical mouths.  Much the reason for my distaste for leftists.  So on that, the current Pope can go eff himself in the eye. 

Edited by TMF
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lots of historical hypocrisy in the Vatican. The Catholic church is a MF'er


And to be honest I have a serious bone to pick with them,  it is personal with me. Don't threaten me.


I am pretty sure the Swiss Guards are the Vatican's version of Seal Team 6.

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Problem with religions, they are mostly ran by people.  Anytime you put your faith and trust in people and people alone, you will be met with disappointment, anger, broken hearted, let down, hypocrisy, and eventually it can lead to total distrust & disgust.  There is an alternative, where you will never be let down or disappointed, and where the standard has never changed.  Some of you know where I am going, and I will leave it at that.

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Problem with religions, they are mostly ran by people. Anytime you put your faith and trust in people and people alone, you will be met with disappointment, anger, broken hearted, let down, hypocrisy, and eventually it can lead to total distrust & disgust. There is an alternative, where you will never be let down or disappointed, and where the standard has never changed. Some of you know where I am going, and I will leave it at that.

God offers that alternative freely to all of humanity, even to born again Catholics, like me. :-)
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If discounts for cops, military, senior citizens, ladies' night, etc. doesn't bother you, I don't see why this would get one's panties in a bunch. Personally, I'm not a fan of discounts for one group of people.


This is a good way to get free advertising.

Edited by gregintenn
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If I were Muslim or Jewish, Kudos to them.

Is this the response you wanted?

Or should I say. No way? Not here. etc. BTW, I bet they wouldn't take long for them go out of business though! ;)

I ask because typically, when ANYTHING that caters to any religion except Christianity is mentioned here, it gets quite the opposite response.

But don't worry, you did answer as expected. ;)

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Isaiah 66:17

17 “Those who 'consecrate' and 'purify' themselves
in a sacred garden with its idol in the center,

feasting on pork and rats and other detestable meats,
will all be destroyed together,” says Adonai.


Fixed it for you. The quotation marks you omitted around consecrate and purify change the context considerably; also the wording. With an idol in the center, it's obviously not of God.


Also, read Acts 10: 9-16 for some New Testament clarification of clean/unclean.

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Fixed it for you. The quotation marks you omitted around consecrate and purify change the context considerably; also the wording. With an idol in the center, it's obviously not of God.


Also, read Acts 10: 9-16 for some New Testament clarification of clean/unclean.



17They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.




Acts 10:9-16Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)


The next day about noon, while they were still on their way and approaching the city, Kefa went up onto the roof of the house to pray. 10 He began to feel hungry and wanted something to eat; but while they were preparing the meal, he fell into a trance 11 in which he saw heaven opened, and something that looked like a large sheet being lowered to the ground by its four corners. 12 In it were all kinds of four-footed animals, crawling creatures and wild birds. 13 Then a voice came to him, “Get up, Kefa, slaughter and eat!” 14 But Kefa said, “No, sir! Absolutely not! I have never eaten food that was unclean or treif.” 15 The voice spoke to him a second time: “Stop treating as unclean what God has made clean.”16 This happened three times, and then the sheet was immediately taken back up into heaven.





The one tree in the middle is (my opinion) the crucifix. The 'cross' is of pagan origin. The Messiah was not murdered by the Romans/jews on a cross, but a stake. 





As to Acts, that passage has absolutely nothing to do with meat (food). You'll need to study and understand 1st century culture to understand what is being said there. 

The 'unclean' in Acts passage has to do with the 'gentile' as you would know him, who was not the gentile at all (of the nations) be were Israelites who has lost their identity. 

Study Hillel and Shammai . 


I could go on but since this is not a religious forum...............

Edited by Shepherd Master
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