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YOLO, my new mantra for life

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My wife and I have spent our entire lives worrying about tomorrow and doing the responsible thing. Well because of everything that has happened recently, as well as what is going to be happening, we have decided I am going to live a little. I have spent my entire life worrying but that is changing.

My wife recently found out she is a diabetic. I have my health problems and have a hernia surgery a few days after my 25th wedding anniversary. I have other health issues that are creeping in as well as having survived several near death experiences.

So because of all that has happened through my life and what is about to happen my new moto in life is You Only Live Once and so I am going to try to be a bit irresponsible until I leave this life.
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My wife and I have spent our entire lives worrying about tomorrow and doing the responsible thing. Well because of everything that has happened recently, as well as what is going to be happening, we have decided I am going to live a little. I have spent my entire life worrying but that is changing.

My wife recently found out she is a diabetic. I have my health problems and have a hernia surgery a few days after my 25th wedding anniversary. I have other health issues that are creeping in as well as having survived several near death experiences.

So because of all that has happened through my life and what is about to happen my new moto in life is You Only Live Once and so I am going to try to be a bit irresponsible until I leave this life.

My motto of late is "Life is too short, live" lost 3 close friends all in their 50s in 2 months. I work non stop so I'm with you DS.
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Right on! Except for the medical problems, but we only live once (as far as we know at least).

Life is short, enjoy it brother and I hope the best for you and yours to overcome the issues and live long and enjoy what this wonderful life has to offer.
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Buddy of mine tried to talk me into doing something by saying "you only live once!" Of course I replied "that's what I'm afraid of!"

Kidding of course. A life not enjoyed is not worth living bud Edited by KKing
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The older I get the more I lead a stress free life as much as possible. Best thing I've ever done after the life I've led. I have my heaalth problems as well but you know what....I just can't fret about it. I wish you all the best in letting go of some things as best you can and have some fun doing whatever you enjoy. It will make you a happy man and rubs off on all those around you.

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I, too, have done my fair share of worrying, even for many years after I became a Christian.  But slowly and surely, I've learned to replace that kind of thinking with the reality of knowing Jesus Christ.


Once I was driving down a highway and a car began to pull out in front of me--about a quarter mile down the road.  Suddenly, this thought flashed into my mind, "Aren't you going to jam on your brakes?"


Somewhat puzzled, I answered, "Of course not.  By the time I get there, the car will either be gone or up to speed."


The "voice" replied immediately.  "Then why let worry cloud your life when the things you fear may never happen?"


I'm thankful that the Lord has never quit preaching that sermon while I eventually grasped that it's best to just to take Him at his Word and "cast all of your care upon Him, because He cares for you."

Edited by gun sane
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 I am going to try to be a bit irresponsible until I leave this life.


Welcome to the light.  When I hit the dirt there will be no regrets, and nothing left but good memories and a worn out body.

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I told myself a long time ago when I go I want my body worn out with nothing to donate and I am way ahead of schedule. I do have regrets, plenty of them, but from now on I am not going to worry about what has happened or the consequences for what will happen. I am finally going to say fuck it and spend as much of my time enjoying life with those I cherish most, life is way too short.


I have already lived, and lost, a few lifetimes worth of experiences. I have been married to the best wife, mother and friend on the planet for what will be 25 years in a few weeks. I have a son who is my hero. He joined in the midst of war and did so after watching everything that happened to me.

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Gordon, I have in no way had the terrible problems and experiences you have, and wouldn't dare compare myself to you or them.


I will say that after the last couple of years of recovery from my issues, I do have a better outlook on most things. I try not to be quite so troubled by little things, even money troubles. It has been a long time coming though.


I was sitting on my back porch yesterday after putting some shelves together in bare spot in my "supposed gun room." I saw the green coming back, the wind in the trees, and was listening to the flowing water in the spring. I had so much peace at that time, I couldn't help but reflect on the change in myself over these last years.


I think I have changed for the better, I really didn't like myself that much, and still don't. I have a lot of failings to overcome yet. But still trying


Within the scope of my abilities, worldly, fiscally, and physically; I'm trying for the outlook similar to what you describe.


Coming troubles will come...regardless of fretting and worry. Just try to be prepared and face them as we can.

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The older I get the more I lead a stress free life as much as possible. Best thing I've ever done after the life I've led. I have my heaalth problems as well but you know what....I just can't fret about it. I wish you all the best in letting go of some things as best you can and have some fun doing whatever you enjoy. It will make you a happy man and rubs off on all those around you.

Very well said!

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For most of my life I've had the same sentiment. At age two, I had what was then a rare incurable disease. I was the first child in the U.S. to survive. They have since found a vaccine. Then most of the men in my family, healthy and strong, tended to die in their mid 30's from what we have discovered is a genetic aneurysm. Both my older brother and younger sister recently had open heart surgery to correct. Both college athletes, healthy and young.
All that to say, I always figured my time was short and what I have is a gift. I figured I had one choice - make the most of what I've been given. Now, I could YOLO damn the consequences and go out in a blaze of glory or YOLO and make it count.
I have found that great men are remembered by what they leave behind. Ordinary men and their deeds are soon forgotten.
My prayer is that I'm remembered.
Gordon, live well my friend.
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I want to save/invest enough money to ensure that I am never a burden to anyone, and I want to make sure that my niece and nephews have an opportunity for a college education.  I am pretty close to have having that covered.


Otherwise, let the chips fall where they may.  Towanda!

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