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Everything posted by tnhawk

  1. Royal Range is a great facility, nice range, good people. I've purchased several pistols, rifles and a silencer from them.
  2. At 1/2 inch thickness and 7 ounces of steel and aluminum, it probably wouldn't get into a building with a security check point.
  3. From my observation, every Republican that Mr. Harris has met is a RINO in his opinion
  4. This could be dangerous at both ends.
  5. I got a 20 gauge today as a delayed Christmas present. I'm waiting for a chance to shoot it! This may become my truck gun.
  6. I bought my first Henry based on the reputation of the Company. Before the first, I never thought I'd like a lever gun but I now have four Henry rifles.
  7. What differences are there in the standard and G-SD barrels?
  8. I'm not familiar with the G-SD barrel. Other than "STAINLESS" stamped on the barrel it appears like the barrels on my M9s.
  9. The size of the 92 prevents me from thinking of using it for concealed carry. I expect it would shoot similar to my M9 pistols. As said by Hipower, it's time to accept that I've acquired a safe queen. However I do get some pleasure from having it in the safe. It's much more enjoyable to look at than another Shield or Glock.
  10. Congrats on a nice pistol! I'd love to find one.
  11. I've had my XD45 for over ten years and it's always been reliable.
  12. My first 9 mm 1911 was a Rock Island. It's not a barbeque gun but it's dependable and accurate.
  13. I have a 45 acp Shield and a 9 mm Shield. They can be carried easily using the same holster. Both have been reliable and accurate. Visit a range that has rentals and try the models you're interested in.
  14. I picked mine up this morning. As I took it apart and oiled it I realized it was unnecessary as it was going to the safe not the range.
  15. Has anyone had one of these on the range yet?
  16. Most of my mags are factory or Wilson. I don't want to waste time and money on the cheap mags available.
  17. I usually try to avoid theaters, but plan to see this one.
  18. SMGA had three left when I ordered mine on Wednesday, none now.
  19. I've got a few days to make that decision as mine gets shuffled in the Postal System. I thought I'd never have a safe queen, however for several years I've had an unfired NRA edition M1A.
  20. Rock Island would be an excellent choice. Ruger, Springfield Armory and Colt are also worth considering for a few more dollars.
  21. It's a nice range but at those prices I'll continue driving an hour to Desoto Rifle and Pistol in Como, MS.
  22. Mine shipped today but with the holidays it will take a few days before the receiving FFL will have it available for pick up. The FFL signed for mine Thursday but isn't open until after New Years.


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