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Message added by Chucktshoes

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Nobody forced those kids to take out those loans. The problem is that many of them wasted the money on worthless degrees that won't earn them a living. Think liberal arts. They just wanted to be in college to party and have fun not to actually work hard, study and learn. Now they're buried in debt and just want to whine about it. 

My oldest got a 2 year Associates Degree from State Tech in computer science. He now makes a good living at it. Most of his education costs came from grants. Yep, free money you don't have to pay back. You just gotta be smart enough to know where to apply for them. 

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4 hours ago, Grayfox54 said:

Nobody forced those kids to take out those loans. The problem is that many of them wasted the money on worthless degrees that won't earn them a living. Think liberal arts. They just wanted to be in college to party and have fun not to actually work hard, study and learn. Now they're buried in debt and just want to whine about it. 

My oldest got a 2 year Associates Degree from State Tech in computer science. He now makes a good living at it. Most of his education costs came from grants. Yep, free money you don't have to pay back. You just gotta be smart enough to know where to apply for them. 

Yep "free money YOU don't have to pay back".  Instead, like all government grants, that money came from the taxpayers.  I'm glad your son is a productive taxpayer now.  So, in one sense, he IS paying it back.  

Government has no business making loans.  It's vote buying at it's most blatant.

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On 12/6/2020 at 7:51 AM, 1gewehr said:

Yep "free money YOU don't have to pay back".  Instead, like all government grants, that money came from the taxpayers.  I'm glad your son is a productive taxpayer now.  So, in one sense, he IS paying it back.  

Government has no business making loans.  It's vote buying at it's most blatant.

Yep, some of them were government grants and taxpayer dollars. But be aware that a lot of these grants come from private industry. IT is huge business and many of the corporate giants have a vested interest in helping fund its future. 

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