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And another reason why James Yeager is a tool

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Everything that comes out of his mouth is inflammatory and serves only one purpose, to get a rise out of people. He is the tactical world's version of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.

This is not directed at SOME of those instructors that teach at TR because some of them are actually good. Too bad they chose to affiliate themselves with someone like Yeager. I honestly don't think he deserves the respect some people seem to give him.


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Personal insults only show the weakness of the argument....he didn't say anything I didn't agree with nor did he say anything that I haven't heard many, many instructors say on the subject.

So, pray tell, exactly what did he say that is so objectionable or wrong???

Edit: And another thing, if he is such a tool, why are people who think so watching his video's in the first place?

Edited by RobertNashville
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Guest rebeldrummer

Personal insults only show the weakness of the argument....he didn't say anything I didn't agree with nor did he say anything that I haven't heard many, many instructors say on the subject.

So, pray tell, exactly what did he say that is so objectionable or wrong???

Edit: And another thing, if he is such a tool, why are people who think so watching his video's in the first place?

the video posted here is not the reason why I do not like him...its some of his other ones on YouTube where he just acts like some super soldier foul-mouthed jack hole....i guess its just his personality but its not one I prefer to subject myself to.

oh....and the tight shirts! ha ha ha ha

Edited by rebeldrummer
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the video posted here is not the reason why I do not like him...its some of his other ones on YouTube where he just acts like some super soldier foul-mouthed jack hole....i guess its just his personality but its not one I prefer to subject myself to.

Whether it's just his personality or whether it's actually something of substance; I suppose what I don't get is why anyone would post a video just so they can insult the guy.

If there is someone I don't like or that I think is a "tool" I tend to (or at least try to) ignore them; not watch their videos and then post about them. :shrug:

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Guest rebeldrummer

Whether it's just his personality or whether it's actually something of substance; I suppose what I don't get is why anyone would post a video just so they can insult the guy.

If there is someone I don't like or that I think is a "tool" I tend to (or at least try to) ignore them; not watch their videos and then post about them. :shrug:

oh i see what you mean man....word

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I don't know, I was actually agreeing with him on this issue and still could get more than two minutes in.

The way he comes across is like someone who's going to drop an insightful knowledge bomb on us any second, then when he gets there he says something like "a 9mm magazine of the same size as a .45 will hold more rounds, sometimes DOUBLE the amount!"

And I'm left no wiser than I was two minutes before. Lets also not forget this little jewel of advise "Glocks have no external safety so they're simple to operate."

Really!?!? No way!

I guess his videos could be helpful to someone with no real knowledge to stand on, but he seems to market himself as a gun guys gun guy and IMO falls a bit short.

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I am generally not a fan of Yeager and for the most part do agree that he comes off as a tool. However, this video does not add to that opinion. Countless times I have said the same thing that he did to customers who come in trying to buy the woman in their lives a gun. There have been times where I had to basically tell the guy to shut his pie hole, because the crap coming out of it was going to get his wife/gf/female relative hurt or killed.

The only thing he said in this video that I disagreed with was defaulting to a shotgun for HD purposes. Though if a shotgun is going to fill that role, I do agree that a 20ga is a better choice than a 12ga for the reasons he stated.

Edited by Chucktshoes
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I don't like him because he is intentional inflammatory, and he comes off like a douche.

If he would have labeled that video, "tips for buying your wife a defense weapon" and then proceed to his points without the "your an idiot" attitude, I say his teachings would be better received.

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He likes to get a rise out of folks. Nothing wrong with that video. Some of his are a bit crazy, but it is what it is.

I watched this one last night and thought he had gone off his rocker with the title, but I have to agree with him

on this one.

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Guest rebeldrummer

There is a difference between TACTFUL and TACTICAL....he might know plenty about the tactical side of things but is far from knowing much about the tactful side!

Edited by rebeldrummer
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Aw, c'mon! :D He's pushing his own business. I don't know anything about his past or know him personally, but I

do know several who say his courses are excellent. He does have some crazy videos, but there are some good

ones mixed in, too.

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