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That knife is sharp! PICS ADDED!!!


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[quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1355107435' post='857573']
That second pic down got me...just ewwhhhh..EWWWHHHHHH..

You mean this one? Yea, that's gonna leave a mark.

[quote name='DaddyO' timestamp='1355102465' post='857498']

[/quote] Edited by Trekbike
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[quote name='dralarms' timestamp='1355102870' post='857505']
I got that exact same scar on my right hand. Mine came from a fight with a broken coke bottle when I was 10

I had that same fight when I was a teenager, only I tried to stomp one to death. The bottle won. Still have the battle scar.
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[quote name='EB-SF' timestamp='1355115200' post='857652']
Ouch! Did you stitch it yourself at home or did you get a doc just out of med school? Just kidding! Hope it heals quick and you are back to cutting open newspapers soon!

No, a doc did it, but I get to take them out!
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[quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1355107435' post='857573']
That second pic down got me...just ewwhhhh..EWWWHHHHHH..

Well, you WERE warned. :rofl:

Man, I'll bet you made some old ladies blush when that happened. I know I would have spouted a few "colorful metaphors."

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[quote name='LagerHead' timestamp='1355150717' post='857763']
Well, you WERE warned. :rofl:

Man, I'll bet you made some old ladies blush when that happened. I know I would have spouted a few "colorful metaphors."

I few words immediately come to mind! LOL

Dave S

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[quote name='LagerHead' timestamp='1355150717' post='857763']

Well, you WERE warned. :rofl:

Man, I'll bet you made some old ladies blush when that happened. I know I would have spouted a few "colorful metaphors."

Well, I did say to my wife "I just cut the sh** out of my finger". She thought I said "stew".... I was actually pretty calm about it because I knew exactly what I had done. We were on our way to hear a Christmas concert so I was kinda disappointed about that.

Edited by DaddyO
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