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Geraldo Riviera Calls For Weapon Ban On Fox News


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I didn't like him before but now I like him less.  Geraldo, this morning on Fox News, was calling for a ban on "assault weapons".  He described them as guns that "spray bullets" and nobody needs such a weapon.  I don't have any assault weapons because none of my guns are capable of spraying bullets so maybe I need not worry.  I think he unintentionally got the description more correct than he intended. 


He also said he killed a squirrel with a .410 when he was younger and never got over it.  Maybe he didn't prepare it properly.

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Guest oxfordgt

He is a moron, I remember arresting him in Iraq and putting his dumb ass on a bird to kick him out of the country after he got on tv and told the world our position during the invasion.

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He was making this point for years.  Only reiterated it, and with hours of the CT shooting (pretty much as soon as he came on the air that day).


This is the pinhead that said he endorsed Romney, but voted for BHO. 


Good old Jerry Rivers...always an identity crisis.

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I saw him too. I always though Geraldo was Fox's "balanced" part of Fair and Balanced. These days I think he is just part of the fair and Nutjob-ish. His reasoning for banning hi-cap magazines was that instead of killing 20 people, he could have only killed 15, and "Isn't it worth having a ban if it saves just 5 people?" I mean seriously, you think being restricted to 10 round magazines is going to stop anyone? They just carry extra magazines and reload. Since it is a "Gun Free Zone" a bad-guy is guaranteed nobody will fire back, and everyone will be so shell-shocked and panic stricken, it's doubtful anyone would try to attack him during the few seconds it takes to reload.


Geraldo also said he is a NRA member, and displayed his membership card, then said if the NRA's Wayne LaPierre does not give in to some kind of concessions and call for a ban on certain types of guns, he will publicly shred his membership card.


I'd be very surprised if Wayne accepts any kind of ban.

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I can't stand Geraldo no more can I stomach Matthews, Oberman, or O,Reilly or many more of those bozo's. I really stopped watching O'Reilly after he defended the New Orleans police when they confiscated citizens firearms after Katrina, didn't watch the loudmouth that much anyway. All of them are opinionated commontators, their only goal is to become the most popular and get the highest ratings. The only media personality (commontator) i'll listen to these days is Phil Valentine on the radio when i'm driving during that time.
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Your showing your age, my Dad made me watch that with him, when nothing was found I seriously contemplating hitting him with my wiffle bat.

Talk about age, I can remember the one and only positive thing Geraldo was ever part of and that was exposing the Willowbrook mental institute. Of course the reaction was to shut down too many institutes instead of inproving conditions at them. That Willowbrook needed to be closed, it looked like something straight out of some third world Asian communist country.
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Whenever Geraldo says something my only retort is, "Al Capone's Vault."


Thanks for bringing that up... I had almost blacked it out.


I met Jerry at the Russian Tea Room in NYC back in '92.  Actually a really nice guy, but then he wasn't promoting an agenda, just hanging out with no cameras around.  Now... he's just another attention whore who's fighting for relevance that's he's never had or deserved.


and FWIW, everytime I see or hear him I only think of one thing:


I've had enough of you, Uncle Tom!!!



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He's an emotional liberal ex-attorney turned reporter and will have a different opinion in days when he is

steered by some event that creeps up on him that makes him look better. He does this every time.

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I didn't like him before but now I like him less.  Geraldo, this morning on Fox News, was calling for a ban on "assault weapons".  He described them as guns that "spray bullets" and nobody needs such a weapon.  I don't have any assault weapons because none of my guns are capable of spraying bullets so maybe I need not worry.  I think he unintentionally got the description more correct than he intended. 


He also said he killed a squirrel with a .410 when he was younger and never got over it.  Maybe he didn't prepare it properly.

And he's been wearing its tail on his upper lip ever since.

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Whenever Geraldo says something my only retort is, "Al Capone's Vault."

LOL, I remember watching that on TV.


I laugh every tine he says he was a war correspondent for 25 years or whatever, but he never had to pick up a weapon in any of those wars so his opinion means nothing to me.  Listen to his radio show and its about as left wing as you can get.


I'm more worried about what RINOs are going to do, not what Geraldo has to say about anything.

Edited by KJ48
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Talk about age, I can remember the one and only positive thing Geraldo was ever part of and that was exposing the Willowbrook mental institute. Of course the reaction was to shut down too many institutes instead of inproving conditions at them. That Willowbrook needed to be closed, it looked like something straight out of some third world Asian communist country.


He didn't expose that. He got on the tail end of the institution closing band wagon.

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