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Mag Ban Bill in the House

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What they will do is just go after a few and make a really bad example out of them. Most of the rest will fall in line for fear it will happen to them. All it would take is just a couple of raids covered by the media where they drag the guy and his wife out in cuffs (or kill them in a shootout), take everything he owns, and put his kids in foster care.
They wouldn't get them all but they would get most of them and most of the ones left will be buried deep in the ground.

Emotions are pretty high now on both sides and rightfully so on our side as we see our constitutional freedoms being attacked, and gun owners being demonized, the division between traditional(real) patriots and the progressives(socialist elitists) grows more and more each day. A strong armed raid by the feds covered by the media may scare a few but it could also create a mayrtr and really push alot of people over the tipping point. You don't need the majority of people to cause alot of trouble.
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Emotions are pretty high now on both sides and rightfully so on our side as we see our constitutional freedoms being attacked, and gun owners being demonized, the division between traditional(real) patriots and the progressives(socialist elitists) grows more and more each day. A strong armed raid by the feds covered by the media may scare a few but it could also create a mayrtr and really push alot of people over the tipping point. You don't need the majority of people to cause alot of trouble.

Long live Carl Drega.
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Guest Bassman17SC

Here is an issue that most folks seem to miss.  When the GDCs began to infiltrate the schools, unions, courts, and government 50 years ago, they knew that they could not get a Constitutional Convention to repeal the Second Amendment.   I firmly do not believe they could do it even now.  But this disarmament of the citizenry is critical to the road to communism.


And that is precisely the reason they began to chip away at our rights with legislation.  The current estimate is that about 20,000 gun-restricitve laws are on the books.  


They also have had 50 years to work on our children.


Since the last election, their masks are coming off.  These GDCs have studied Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che, etc. their entire lives and are using Alinsky's tactics to demonize any citizens who disagree with them on a daily basis.


We have Harvard professors calling for the elimination of the Constitution; we have state legislatures proposing gun confiscation laws (not just registration, but actual confiscation); we have state reps (NH) calling for laws banning conservatives; we have journalists calling for the murder of Wayne LaPierre and for dragging federal politicians behind pickup trucks.


This is their end game.  They cannot fundamentally transform our Republic into their socialist utopia with out disarming us.


And that is why our Constitutional rights and rule of law are being attacked from all sides right now - politicians, journalists, celebrities, etc.  They see this time as their "moment."  The first few Articles of the Constitution, also known as the Bill of Rights, are merely "bumps in the road" for these people.


It is apparent to me what they are up to; it is as plain as day.  And I wonder about the folks who are burying their heads in the sand.


However, at this point, they have not passed anything yet on the federal level.  I am still writing my senators and rep.  But I am taking precautions, too.

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Guest TNSovereignty

However, at this point, they have not passed anything yet on the federal level.  I am still writing my senators and rep.  But I am taking precautions, too.

Bingo ... you nailed it there.  Will be too late to take precautions if they further restrict liberties.  Hope is not a strategy.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Anything they pass will easily be considered illegal. The trouble is that there are so many who will honor an illegal act

by Congress, if it even goes that route. And if it is an EO without Congress, it is even more illegal, if that can happen.


There is something called the 2nd Amendment. Any law including the National Firearm Acts is able to be challenged,

but there are too many cowards around who will genuinely cower for whatever reason.

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Man some of what I've read on this forum is disturbing.... The sheep are among us lol, Any man willing to give up is freedoms,because  this corrupt government tells him he must. Is no man at all,We owe it to the future generations to make sure they are given the liberties and freedoms that were set for us,years and years ago. If your not willing to fight for those freedoms and those liberties,well I believe the UK has some open spots. Those who think that taking up arms when the government,strips your freedoms and your rights is "wrong",then you are nothing more then a drone, already programmed for slavery. 


"To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them."
- George Mason

This is America,merely wanting to alter an amendment should put a fire in every Patriots belly.Everyone should be raising hell at the idea of them even thinking about limiting our magazine capacity, there is no room for settling. Unless we plan on taking our military and police officers mag caps down as well,then no thought should be giving toward it. When the 2nd was written military and civilians a like had the SAME weaponry, Although i can't afford a Saw or an m1 abram tank, most people can or should i say could have afforded a base ar15 with some 30 round mags. Which in the situation,the people needed to form a militia and rise up,it wouldn't be a complete slaughter.Letting them alter and change our rights more would only insure that the people can't rise up,in fear of being massively outgunned.Steal the confidence from a group of men and surrender is just around the corner. 
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
- Thomas Jefferson
(sorry i had to rant)
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Man some of what I've read on this forum is disturbing.... The sheep are among us lol, Any man willing to give up is freedoms,because  this corrupt government tells him he must. Is no man at all,We owe it to the future generations to make sure they are given the liberties and freedoms that were set for us,years and years ago. If your not willing to fight for those freedoms and those liberties,well I believe the UK has some open spots. Those who think that taking up arms when the government,strips your freedoms and your rights is "wrong",then you are nothing more then a drone, already programmed for slavery. 


"To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them."
- George Mason

This is America,merely wanting to alter an amendment should put a fire in every Patriots belly.Everyone should be raising hell at the idea of them even thinking about limiting our magazine capacity, there is no room for settling. Unless we plan on taking our military and police officers mag caps down as well,then no thought should be giving toward it. When the 2nd was written military and civilians a like had the SAME weaponry, Although i can't afford a Saw or an m1 abram tank, most people can or should i say could have afforded a base ar15 with some 30 round mags. Which in the situation,the people needed to form a militia and rise up,it wouldn't be a complete slaughter.Letting them alter and change our rights more would only insure that the people can't rise up,in fear of being massively outgunned.Steal the confidence from a group of men and surrender is just around the corner. 
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
- Thomas Jefferson
(sorry i had to rant)

Well it's not time for a shooting war right now, I seriously believe that if enough patriots organize we can change the outcome of un-constitutional legislation. It wasn't that long ago when citizens forced a government to obey the will of the people who elected them, that was when Neifeh and Sunquist tried to sneak an income tax on the citizens of Tennessee and enough patriots organized just enough to shut down downtown Nashville and pretty much trap the legislators inside the capitol. It was enough of a demonstration to make many legislators reconsider their decision, it worked. The people still have the power if they just use it.

I hope it never comes to a shooting war, there's many ways to resist before it comes to that. I will say this, I have no intention of turning anything in and I have no intention of registering anything, some may say that would make me an outlaw but Washington, Jefferson, Franklin ect. were also considered outlaws at the time.

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Guest ThePunisher
How can a commie use an EO to strip Americans of God given rights of the 2nd Amendment? What happened to the balance of powers that is representative of the American people? What has happened to the loud thundering voices of the people saying that we will not be striped of our freedoms and liberties? Is everybody ready to roll over and become slaves to this commie government tyranny?

I'm tired as hell of this government taking my freedoms. Edited by ThePunisher
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He may threaten to issue a very restrictive EO in hopes of manipulating some legislators into passing something more lenient (but still bad) just to avoid his EO. I bet he'll try to leverage it as a "choose the lesser of two evils" type of scenario. Seems to be his Chicago style.
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Well it's not time for a shooting war right now, I seriously believe that if enough patriots organize we can change the outcome of un-constitutional legislation. It wasn't that long ago when citizens forced a government to obey the will of the people who elected them, that was when Neifeh and Sunquist tried to sneak an income tax on the citizens of Tennessee and enough patriots organized just enough to shut down downtown Nashville and pretty much trap the legislators inside the capitol. It was enough of a demonstration to make many legislators reconsider their decision, it worked. The people still have the power if they just use it.

I hope it never comes to a shooting war, there's many ways to resist before it comes to that. I will say this, I have no intention of turning anything in and I have no intention of registering anything, some may say that would make me an outlaw but Washington, Jefferson, Franklin ect. were also considered outlaws at the time.

I understand your point, and i'm not saying we need to take to the streets with our guns(at this point and time),but i'm saying rolling over is not an option anymore.I'm all for handling the situation in a "martin luther king way" if we can, hell i'd march from Tennessee to the D.C. if it'll get the job done.I just wish others would stand as well it would be an awfully cold march alone. I just feel like so many have let go of right and wrong, so many are just willing to lay down and do what the government says they must do. Maybe I'm just young and dumb,but this ole boy still believes in America and Freedom.

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I understand your point, and i'm not saying we need to take to the streets with our guns(at this point and time),but i'm saying rolling over is not an option anymore.I'm all for handling the situation in a "martin luther king way" if we can, hell i'd march from Tennessee to the D.C. if it'll get the job done.I just wish others would stand as well it would be an awfully cold march alone. I just feel like so many have let go of right and wrong, so many are just willing to lay down and do what the government says they must do. Maybe I'm just young and dumb,but this ole boy still believes in America and Freedom.

Believe me i'm in your corner. I've been reading alot of comments on the internet, not just here but there's alot of people pizzed off but nothing has happened yet, just alot of talk so far from the politicians. When they really get close to trying something I really hope we will see some real resistance and protest, and if and when they actually do put something on the floor or the dictator in chief issues some illegal EO, I really hope to see some real civil disobedience and defiance.

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Guest 6.8 AR

How can a commie use an EO to strip Americans of God given rights of the 2nd Amendment? What happened to the balance of powers that is representative of the American people? What has happened to the loud thundering voices of the people saying that we will not be striped of our freedoms and liberties? Is everybody ready to roll over and become slaves to this commie government tyranny?

I'm tired as hell of this government taking my freedoms.

I ran out of likes. :D


If FDR could ban private possession of gold in 1933 and get away with it until Gerald Ford repealed it, with this guy in charge, what

makes you or anyone think he wouldn't try an EO to do the dirty deed? It's almost inevitable.

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During this discussion a number of members have expressed concern over being added to some list. I wonder what the TGO policy is with respect to giving out information to a government agency or a news outlet (using the freedom of information act)? I hope there has been some planning because it is likely to occur...evidence, the gun permit holders published in New York.
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During this discussion a number of members have expressed concern over being added to some list. I wonder what the TGO policy is with respect to giving out information to a government agency or a news outlet (using the freedom of information act)? I hope there has been some planning because it is likely to occur...evidence, the gun permit holders published in New York.


TGO is an open forum, even if the administrators delete the entire database the entire site has already been cached by companies outside the control of the site owners. If it's posted here and stays up very long it's as good as public.


Here is google's most recent cache of this conversation.



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Guest 6.8 AR

I have a better question: Who cares? I sure don't. If you are scared about your speech, while having a civil conversation,

you already have bigger problems. They(liberals) really need to know they will cause themselves a lot of grief by keeping

this crap up. I personally wish to see in my lifetime a ban on stupidity. Doubt that will happen, but if they can spew, we can

counter it.


Now, if you buy into their crap, you might have a different attitude. I don't think it has value.

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During this discussion a number of members have expressed concern over being added to some list. I wonder what the TGO policy is with respect to giving out information to a government agency or a news outlet (using the freedom of information act)? I hope there has been some planning because it is likely to occur...evidence, the gun permit holders published in New York.

News agency's don't have freedom of information on private web sites. Anyone that captures the interest of the Feds probably will be located if they want to contact them.

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  • Moderators
I have made some pretty inflammatory statements here. I have done so with the expectation that websites like this are being monitored. Now isn't the time to cow down and hide and worry if you are on a list. This is the time to be bold about who you are and what you stand for. Take pictures of yourself with your guns, post them on Facebook with the message that you will not comply with ANY of their schemes. Let the watchers know that we are ready and waiting. Edited by Chucktshoes
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There's still many ways to protest and resist right now without starting a hot civil war, if some mag ban is passed and I can't find new mags to buy all I can do about that is write my reps, but if some kind of registration or turn-in bill is passed, millions of gun owners can resist by not acknowledging such an un-constitutional law. I keep reading some who seem to fear that if you resist there will be armed storm troopers breaking down your door, just how many LEO's, feds, soldiers etc. are there? Are there enough to search "MILLIONS" of households for guns? I certainly don't plan on caving in and hope no one else does because we are just too many for the government to deal with and I believe they can't completly trust all the LEO's and military personell to follow orders to attack American citizens. We may have an opportunity to put the politicians back in their place somewhat, at least show them that the people still ultimatly rule.

They will make their examples VERY public, then they will offer $500 "rewards" for information.  Neighbors will be cutting each others' phone lines to be the first to cash in.



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They will make their examples VERY public, then they will offer $500 "rewards" for information.  Neighbors will be cutting each others' phone lines to be the first to cash in.





Keep "Ruby Ridge" in mind, DHS will do their best to make it all crystal clear when they go. 


I was 17 when I saw my first dead man outside of a work related accident, Police Officers killed an ex-Chief in the small West TN town I grew up in, will never forget the hand dragging in the gravel with blood running off it...learned then to salute the man with the switchblade, unless the alternative is truly untenable.


If they can make the news carry a bad enough example, (and we all know how the MM will line up to carry that bucket of water) they expect to scare the People sufficiently to cow any push back.

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Keep "Ruby Ridge" in mind, DHS will do their best to make it all crystal clear when they go. 


I was 17 when I saw my first dead man outside of a work related accident, Police Officers killed an ex-Chief in the small West TN town I grew up in, will never forget the hand dragging in the gravel with blood running off it...learned then to salute the man with the switchblade, unless the alternative is truly untenable.


If they can make the news carry a bad enough example, (and we all know how the MM will line up to carry that bucket of water) they expect to scare the People sufficiently to cow any push back.


There IS a point of critical mass. I don't know what that is, but it's there. It may be another Ruby Ridge.

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