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"5 People Shot At 3 Different Gun Shows On Gun Appreciation Day"

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Assuming this is accurate, gun owners are again proving to be our own worst enemy.  Yes, I know it's from "ThinkProgress" a liberal internet rag, however it appears to be reporting actual events.





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This has got to be some kind of conspiracy by someone for all these shooting mishaps to be happening all of a sudden and so close together. I mean I know things happen, but it sure seems like lately there have been one after another mishaps where idiots either get shot, shoot themselves, or brings a gun to a show and shoots 3 people. Come on! 



Edited by BlackHawk93
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Honestly, this is why I said I am not in favor of every teacher that wants to be armed to be allowed to be. Some people just shouldn't.


I think the argument for most is that teachers who already have a carry permit and choose to be armed can do so, but likely with additional training.  I would think that most teachers are much better candidates for carry than many of the people I have seen show up at gun shows.

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Assuming this is accurate, gun owners are again proving to be our own worst enemy.


I just don't even have words.  And people look at me like I've got a third arm growing out of my forehead when I tell them that I absolutely support the Second Amendment but wouldn't be caught dead doing a "Carry Rally" or other such thing where there's a chance that some some jackass novice will be fingering his handgun and send a round off into the crowd accidentally.


I also don't get what the deal is with these people checking their carry firearms at door of gun shows.  I've never done that.  My carry weapon isn't going into a show to be sold; It's going into a show on my person should I need it to defend myself.  Having some doofus at the door run a zip-tie through the action is counter productive to the intended purpose of my firearm.  Worse yet the chance that said doofus will negligently discharge my weapon into his own stupid ass or someone/something nearby.  No way in hell am I letting them even handle my carry weapon.


If they don't want me carrying there, then I don't want to be patronizing their gun show.



GAH!!!  Stupid frickin people!!!



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[quote name="KJ48" post="890236" timestamp="1358652997"]Are these 'gun checks' just for guns that are going to be sold/traded inside or ANY gun carried in?   Never been to a gun show so I dont know..[/quote] No. All the shows I've been to lately won't allow you to have your carry weapon loaded. I forgot once and the guy checking weapons insisted that he unload it. I get why, but I don't know that person from Adam, let alone do I know whether or not he is familiar with the weapon system he is handling. I don't think this is anything new. People have NDs at gun shows all the time. The news is just reporting it now due to the recent events. There are always those folks at a gun show that treat them like toys and have no muzzle discipline.
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Most shows I've been to, they ask you if you have any firearms on you. If you're carrying you either lie and say you don't or check your gun.


I normally just don't CC at gun shows. I think every gun brought to the show to be sold or traded should be empty and checked at the door.


I also will always check a gun I pick up on a dealer's table at shows or even at a gun store. It's just a good habit anytime somebody hands you a gun (they should also check it before they hand it to you).

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No. All the shows I've been to lately won't allow you to have your carry weapon loaded....


Unless you're open carrying, how would they know?


There are two lines in the ones I go to, one needing to check guns, and one for those who don't. Never get asked in the non-gun line,  so I don't even have to lie.


The signs aren't statutorily compliant either.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I also will always check a gun I pick up on a dealer's table at shows or even at a gun store. It's just a good habit anytime somebody hands you a gun (they should also check it before they hand it to you).


Not that you shouldn't check, but shouldn't be any functional ones unless they've taken the zip ties off, which is a no no.


- OS

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Yeah, the not so gun friendly on my Facebook page have been having a field day with this.


Yep. Those nice liberal people are calling us names and stuff. Too bad there's nothing we can say to defend the complete idiots that their media managed to dig up.

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[quote name="Oh Shoot" post="890346" timestamp="1358660521"]Unless you're open carrying, how would they know?   There are two lines in the ones I go to, one needing to check guns, and one for those who don't. Never get asked in the non-gun line,  so I don't even have to lie.   The signs aren't statutorily compliant either.   - OS[/quote] I know, I just get a case the Dudley Do-Rights when I see signs. I know I should ignore it, but I'm not as much of a rebel as I'd like to think I am sometimes.
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No...the thing is it happens all the time... the media just feels like they need to report about it NOW that all this 2nd amendment stuff is going on... the headline makes it sound like OMG 5 people where shot... indeed they where but from negligent discharges... the head lines makes you think someone was shooting or shot someone on purpose... the media is eating this stuff up...heck it was on WSMV 4's website which that is like the only story you're unable to comment on...hummmmmmm WANDER WHY! I love how the media tries to misinform the public with headlines like that... wander how many people where shot last night, how many stolen guns where used in crimes... how many break ins and home invasions there where... people love reading the news but don't realize what they do...

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Honestly, this is why I said I am not in favor of every teacher that wants to be armed to be allowed to be. Some people just shouldn't.

Which then gives power to the government (which will not always be friendly to 2A - See President Obama for clairification) and is why I am against such comments. It is for the people to decide if they even want to carry, and then for society to eventually codify clear reasons one cannot carry. Just because someone is a little "off" - well most of us here would be locked into a padded cell if some current governmental folks had their way.


Careful what you impose on yourselves.

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I know, I just get a case the Dudley Do-Rights when I see signs. I know I should ignore it, but I'm not as much of a rebel as I'd like to think I am sometimes.


Just start humming some Kenny Loggins and it'll take your mind off of those signs.

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[quote name="TGO David" post="890531" timestamp="1358694911"]Just start humming some Kenny Loggins and it'll take your mind off of those signs.[/quote] So what you're saying is perhaps I should "cut loose" even if I might be in the "danger zone"?
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