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AWB and National "High" Capacity Magazine Ban Dropped ~ WooHoo!

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Looks like the AWB and the "High" Capacity Magazine Ban have both been dropped from the National "Gun Bill" in the Senate!  Now, just to drop the entire thing!  We've made headway atleast!




Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Tuesday she is disappointed that Senate Democratic leaders are dropping her proposed assault weapons ban from a broader gun bill, but she said it will likely make it easier to pass gun-related legislation through the Senate.


Feinstein told reporters that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told her Monday afternoon that the ban on certain types of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines would not be part of package of bills that would make up the Senate legislation.


Feinstein said the implication from Reid was that her measure could be used to derail the entire Senate effort if it was included in the larger bill. Instead, the ban will be voted on as an amendment to the larger package.


"Obviously, I'm disappointed because if was in the package, it would take 60 votes to get it out. You know, the enemies on this are very powerful. I've known that all my life," she said.


Feinstein reintroduced the ban in January as a response to the mass shooting of 20 children and six adults Dec. 14 at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.


While acknowledging her own bill would face an uphill climb as an amendment, she said she held out hope that a proposal by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., to ban high-capacity magazines could be voted on as a separate amendment to the bill.


Even if the full Senate legislation does get through, Feinstein said, the fight is far from over.


"Then we face the wonderful House of Representatives," she quipped.


It was unclear when the full package of bills will be released, but they are likely to be voted on as early as April.


The path in the Republican-controlled House remains even murkier.


Asked Tuesday about the progress on the gun issue in the House, Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said, "There's nothing new on that front right now."


"We are hard at work looking at enforcement of current gun-control laws, but we are really focused on immigration right now," he said.


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Guest 6.8 AR

There are too many other ways our country is falling apart to see too much normalcy in the firearms

industry, any time soon. We're on the roller coaster of crisis after crisis for some time to come.


Yep, it's depressing typing something like that.


You guys don't know how much I'd like to see this stuff go away.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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I too was looking at it as good news for Magazine's and Ammo .... But 6.8 does bring up a good point ...



There are too many other ways our country is falling apart to see too much normalcy in the firearms

industry, any time soon. We're on the roller coaster of crisis after crisis for some time to come.


Yep, it's depressing typing something like that.


You guys don't know how much I'd like to see this stuff go away.


I think you're right ... Crisis after Crisis -- I'm afraid normalcy is still a way's away :(

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Unfortunately a precident has been set for the ammo guys who can continue to exploit high prices.  People now know that they can time the walmart wagon correctly and still buy and resell.  The only hope is that gun stores/bass pro/cabellas....etc can get their hands on ammo and beat the beaters in bulk. 

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Now why do I not feel any better, so it has slowed for now, so what.

The left is just gona move to the State level, POTUS will put his people

behind the ones that will vote for what he wants, belittle the "right" side

that is running to make sure they loose. No I dont feel better.

I was talking to the owner of the company I work for today, we talked about

Obamacare and the cost of it, he is scared of what is coming in 2014.

The cost is gona be high.

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The banning of private sales is what the Libs really want - back-door national registration, allowing later confiscation and genocide.

Yep. Honestly I think dropping the AWB is just a diversionary tactic to let some of the public pressure ease. Enfield has called it correctly.
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Yep. Honestly I think dropping the AWB is just a diversionary tactic to let some of the public pressure ease. Enfield has called it correctly.



Its not a diversionary tactic, if they thought it would pass they would introduce it.  They want the BG checks and they know if they roll it all into one bill it will be struck down.  They want registration, they dont care about HC mags or "Assault" Weapons.  They dont care about anyones safety but their own.  They strike it from the bill, shows they are playing ball to cater to "us", then they sneak the BG checks in and there it starts.  Personally i think we would have better off for the OGRE's bill hit the floor exactly as written.  Now there is compromise, universal checks are coming and our rupublican electee's are not going to stop it.  Boehner stated recently that he absolutely 100% trusts Obama,  that is scary. 

Edited by Krull
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  • Administrator

From Stickman's (industry photographer) Facebook page... and 100% spot on...



Stop congratulating yourselves!

With the recent announcement of democrats NOT pressing forward with another AWB, the firearm industry seems awash in praises and congratulations. To these people and industry experts, I can only say "STOP CONGRATULATING YOURSELVES"!

The larger picture has been missed, and people are fat dumb and happy with having beaten the liberals. If you fall into that category, please stop. Seriously.

If I told you I was going to beat you to death, would you not feel more than slightly offended? Would you not be upset with the threat, especially if I tried to carry it out? Would you feel it was suddenly ok if I only broke your nose, or fractured your eye socket? Would you be good with that? Would you congratulate yourself, and would your friends think it was awesome?

Let us make no mistake that additional restrictions are about to be placed while people are dancing and congratulating themselves. The death of a thousand cuts is being carried out to the 2nd Amendment right in front of us, and the end is certainly near.

The idea of ending personal sales without a background check is simply the first step in logging, tracking, and eventual restriction of firearms. Remember that each and every "background check" is done via computer and logged. If you are still smug in having "blocked the libs", your heart might be in the right place, but your head is not in the game.

Stay safe,


Share it if you agree, and as always, civil comments are welcome.

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Guest PapaB

What TGO David posted is spot on, but only part of the story. Those items were separated from the main bill but not done away with. After getting the main bill to pass, harry reid will have a separate vote on each of the other items. They may or may not get them to pass but don't let your guard down, they'll keep fighting for them as must we. Let up now and you improve their chances of passing behind our backs.



Feinstein said Reid told her there would be two additional votes. One would be on her assault weapons ban, which also includes a ban on ammunition magazines that carry more than 10 rounds. The second would just be on prohibiting the high-capacity magazine clips.


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What David posted is true in my opinion, if the unthinkable happens and the dems take the house back after the universal background check has passed, you better watch out.  My gun buying is on hold and im only seeking ammo at this time, every extra cent i have will go to ammo even if i have to pay a little higher than normal prices.

Edited by Krull
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We are one mass shooting away from going through this all over again.  Sooner or later, it will happen.  We live in a country with more than 300 million people.  I pray to God it doesn't, but there is evil out there.  Lanza is proof of that, and there are more like him.

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We are one mass shooting away from going through this all over again.  Sooner or later, it will happen.  We live in a country with more than 300 million people.  I pray to God it doesn't, but there is evil out there.  Lanza is proof of that, and there are more like him.

uhm almost happened yesterday at university of central florida... http://abcnews.go.com/US/ucf-gunmans-list-ended-give-em-helle/story?id=18762704

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They never wanted a ban. They wanted panic buying. They wanted the US citizens better armed so that when they pull the plug on the economy, we are better able to kill each other. They know only 50% of American troops will fire on citizens and the majority of our troops are overseas preparing to deal with the last three countries without a Rothschild Central Bank.

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