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I would like to apolgize


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I would like to apologize to all of the members here for my ignorance and rudeness with my style of posting by up sizing my type size so it would be easier for me to see when typing and proof reading before posting. I guess folks on other sites I visit we just willing to accept the fact I used bigger type size and no one ever brought it to my attention till I began posting here. Again I do apologize to everyone here and I will try my best to not continue to do it.......... :up:

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Hmmm, apology accepted?

Who made a big deal out of large font sizes? What drives me nuts is when for whatever reason folks type in really small font sizes, or even worse, they start using the cursive font. Jeez, can't hardly read anything in that cursive.
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Hey bersaguy,  you can set your font size larger and/or zoom in to make everything larger with your browser settings.  It will help you out everywhere.


We've already been through all that, that's how this got cranked up :) :




And hey bersguy, you should probably go UP one font size from your last post, 14 seems to be default for most sans-serif fonts here. Or I'll have to start zooming to read your stuff too!


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I might suggest using ctrl + it will make the font larger just on your screen, and keep it regular for the rest of us.


Jesus, y'all, again, see my above post, we're been through that, he's doing that.

Edited by Oh Shoot
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We've already been through all that, that's how this got cranked up :) :




And hey bersguy, you should probably go UP one font size from your last post, 14 seems to be default for most sans-serif fonts here. Or I'll have to start zooming to read your stuff too!


- OS

Ok, this is 14 OS.   Is that any better

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