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American Sniper movie

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she was crying and just needed some time to compose herself.



I'm not ashamed to say that I needed a minute myself. The closing montage of actual footage was a powerful and appropriate tribute.


:usa:  :usa:  :usa: :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  

Edited by monkeylizard
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I'm not ashamed to say that I needed a minute myself. The closing montage of actual footage was a powerful and appropriate tribute.


:usa:  :usa:  :usa: :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  

Yep same here. It was very powerful. I've never felt so much pride and sorrow at the same time.

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I have, but not since seeing this:



Yeah I was a youngin' when that happened and didn't have the emotional maturity to take it all in at the time. I can tell you though when the scenes played over showing it all happening again in the movie it was very moving and he did a VERY good job of displaying the anger that I'm sure we all feel when watching the crashes.

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Yeah I was a youngin' when that happened and didn't have the emotional maturity to take it all in at the time. I can tell you though when the scenes played over showing it all happening again in the movie it was very moving and he did a VERY good job of displaying the anger that I'm sure we all feel when watching the crashes.

I was in 8th grade when it happened...probably one of the few days in my life where I can tell you every single thing I did that day and where I was at any given time.

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Movie was awesome except for the elderly couple talking next to me for half of it. I finally told them very sternly and respectfully to be quiet because they were being distracting.

Despite his tall tales, he was a true hero. God bless his legacy and his family.

Clint Eastwood never ceases to amaze me.
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Yeah I was a youngin' when that happened and didn't have the emotional maturity to take it all in at the time. I can tell you though when the scenes played over showing it all happening again in the movie it was very moving and he did a VERY good job of displaying the anger that I'm sure we all feel when watching the crashes.


I was fishing when I learned from another angler that our country was under attack and loaded my boat on the trailer and headed for the house to learn more. I saw every gas station with cars lined out in the street with people panicking about fuel. I always have gas at the house so I didn't bother trying to get gas. I just wanted to get home. I have had three things I can remember exactly were I was at when I learn of and or felt bad news. The first was I was in 6th period study Hall at high school when we received word of Kennedy's assassination. In1969 I was about 7 clicks south of Chu Lai when I got shot and I was fishing when I learn of the 9/11 attacks. All in that order. There is some things you just don't forget................jmho

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I have the book on my reading list and will probably wait for the movie to come out on blu-ray.  It seems like the kind of movie I would want to watch alone and not risk being disrupted in any way by others.  Plus I sometimes find myself allergic to well made war movies, and wouldn't want others to become concerned for me.

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I watched the movie last Sunday and read the book, which I will re-read.  I would like to thank ALL of our veterans for their service to our country.  All of your heroic adventures should be told and written about.  God bless you all.

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I have the book on my reading list and will probably wait for the movie to come out on blu-ray.  It seems like the kind of movie I would want to watch alone and not risk being disrupted in any way by others.  Plus I sometimes find myself allergic to well made war movies, and wouldn't want others to become concerned for me.


Yes, those allergies can certainly disrupt a really good war movie. Saving Private Ryan gave me a bad case of them. Especially the ending in the French Cemetery. 

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Yes, those allergies can certainly disrupt a really good war movie. Saving Private Ryan gave me a bad case of them. Especially the ending in the French Cemetery. 


The worst for me was Taking Chance.  It was an HBO production, but is probably the most powerful war movie I've ever seen.

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$200.1 million and still raking in the bacon, they've almost quadrupled the budget for it in 2 weekends.

I hope and pray taya kyle and her children never have to worry about money ever again. I also hope and pray that the seal foundation flourishes from proceeds.
Jesse Ventura can go bite ass w his 2 million he "lost" and regained from the estate prior to the movie release.... The end of that movie got to me as well, as there's so many guys like chris that keep watch, that go unrecognized.....
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