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Walking dead....


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One more thing.....Did anyone catch where Shane and Rick were entering the bus compound when they came upon the 2 security guards. As the guards were laying on the ground dead they both noticed they were not bitten but scratched. Anyone see the look on Shane's face? Remember he was scratched while he and Otis were out getting supplies for Carl.


He wasn't scratched by a walker. Otis pulled his hair out after Shane shot him.
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One more thing.....Did anyone catch where Shane and Rick were entering the bus compound when they came upon the 2 security guards. As the guards were laying on the ground dead they both noticed they were not bitten but scratched. Anyone see the look on Shane's face? Remember he was scratched while he and Otis were out getting supplies for Carl.


yep. I wonder if that scene holds a lot of importance as the story continues.Maybe they had the virus already without being bitten or scratched (???). Lots to think about with that scene, and I couldn't help but remember Lester's post when I watched it....

H DaddyO

Am not a comics fan and don't recall reading a comic for decades. But curiosity motivated me to look up and read the series. It is a very well-written series and would most likely work just as good as a text-only novel. The series is so long that it takes a few hours just to skim for overall plot line. Given sufficient free time, I might sometime review them paying closer attention to the illustrations and details.

The comic series has its share of "soap opera" aspects and many pages are occasionally devoted to topics which chicks would find more interesting. Which is most likely brilliant strategy to widen the appeal past typical comic book nerds. Assuming there are enough chicks who could tolerate that much gore and action when the story line speeds up.

Some parts of the saga move real fast and then again some parts slow down and devote multiple issues to trivia. As it appears the guys who wrote the comics have been given quite a bit of control over the series, we might expect the same of the tv show.

The show has diverged so drastically from the graphic novel plot line-- It appears doubtful that events in the comics will give much clue to future plot lines in the tv series. Which is most likely very smart, because even the "hooked" fans of the comics might be motivated to keep tuning in to the show because they don't know how this alternate plot line will turn out.

Aggh, rambling again. Apologies. Anyway, if the show is "in the same universe" as the graphic novels in this respect-- All of the living are infected with the virus and as soon as any person dies, from whatever cause, that person will immediately turn zombie. The only "special" thing about a zombie bite is that the bites are incredibly toxic and always make people die quicker than what one would expect from a clean wound of similar magnitude. Like snake bites. Even a trivially minor zombie bite is not survivable except in some cases immediate amputation of the afflicted arm or leg.

Unless this extreme toxicity of zombie-to-victim-blood is restricted only to bites, then it would stand to reason that getting scratched up by an oozing zombie would kill you as dead as a bite, in a few days. It is difficult to force a work of fiction into complete logical consistency, but raises the question why people don't die of toxic shock if they happen to chainsaw a zombie and zombie gore happens to get splattered into an open wound. For typical blood-borne diseases in the real world, one would expect gore in an open wound as good an infection vector as a bite. All these surviors would have high probability of having the occasional open wound not healed up yet.

Edited by Batman
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Guest Lester Weevils

Did anyone catch the cutting the finger thing then stabbing the zombies in the head? Seems like a bad idea considering that the virus or whatever is carried via bodily fluids, and having an open cut may not be the best idea. Just something that I bothered me a little bit last night.

I don't recall if shane did a finger cut or palm cut, but pretty sure Rick when entering the compound did the old knife across the palm maneuver. That gesture is pretty common among movies and tv shows. Especially a zillion westerns where the cowboy make blood pact with the indian with each doing the full palm cut. Or IIRC it has been in pirate/buchaneer movies for the same purpose.

Every time it gives me the willies. Wonder if it is/was at all common in the real world, or just a movie gross-out scene? You couldn't hardly think of a worse place for a painful hard-to-heal wound. The cut would break open and mess up the scab every time you tried to use yer hand, and it would have to hurt about as much as a cut finger. Even paper cuts on a finger can hurt worse than more serious wounds like on yer back, or shoulder, or thigh or belly. Not many nerves in those spots. One time working at a factory I walked too close to an electrical box and gashed the shoulder, deep, front to back, and it didn't hardly hurt at all, but made a kewl scar.

If I ever need to do a blood brother ceremony, I will lobby for shoulder or forearm. Not finger or palm!

Edited by Lester Weevils
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I believe it's to start the line of thinking that you can still come back even if you don't die from a zombie bite.

That would certainly spice things up a bit. Imagine someone dies in their sleep and then gets the late-night-munches on the whole group.

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WARNING!!!! Spoiler Below!!!!!

"An ad on the network's website details the upcoming death of a one of the series stars in the zombie drama's three remaining sophomore season episodes.

AMC may have inadvertently spoiled the upcoming three remaining episodes in Season 2 of The Walking Dead.

An ad on the cable network's website offering a preorder of the sophomore year of the zombie drama's limited-edition Blu-ray set supports a widely speculated theory that Jon Bernthal's renegade character Shane won't survive the season.

Behold the spoiler-filled line from the product description: " … bonus features such as: the making of the barn, an extended zombie gut scene, Shane's last episode …"

Rumors have swirled that Shane wouldn't live to see Season 3 of the zombie drama based on the comics created by Robert Kirkman since reports surfaced in January that Bernthal was circling former Walking Dead showrunner Frank Darabont's TNT pilot, L.A. Noir.

Kirkman downplayed the Bernthal rumors in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in early February, noting that it wasn't uncommon for actors to appear on the AMC series as well as other projects because of the show's summer shooting schedule.

"I wouldn't let any casting rumors make you think that it's spoiled any show, especially this one," he told THR. "In the case of Jon Bernthal, who's to say he survives that first pilot? Maybe he dies in the first episode."

Shane's death would not come as a big surprise to readers of Kirman's Image/Skybound comic series, as the character died early in the series.

In L.A. Noir, which TNT picked up to pilot in January, Bernthal would play Joe Teague, the LAPD cop at the heart of the series that revolves around the police force's pursuit of mobster Mickey Cohen.

"The post on the AMC store was completely unauthorized. The matter is currently under investigation," an AMC spokesperson said in a statement without elaborating. Meanwhile, the Blu-ray set has been removed from the AMC store and the link now leads to a dead page.

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Thanks, I had no idea as I don't surf the web much. I couldn't be happier though. I hate Shane and will be glad to see him go. I will say Jon Bernthal has done an exceptional job playing the character and I will hate for him to be out of a job.

Rick's character is changing much for the better, but Norman Reedus is the man. His character is the one I'd be want to tight with. He's got the skills, the balls and the mindset but he's not the soulless monster Shane has been. If anyone believes the things Daryl Dixon has been saying to Carol or that he is not VERY tormented by Sophia, they are deluding themselves. He has a heart he just has a heavily fortified citadel built around it. He loved that little girl and I believe he cares greatly for Carol, he's just angry about it all and when real men get angry from loss, they get a touch assholish. Daryl is the man though. Personally I'd like to see him take up with Carol before Merle comes back. I feel if he does, he will have a reason to stand up to his one handed bigot of a brother. Maybe with any luck the writers just let Merle die, but I doubt it. People want closure on that. I hope Daryl kicks his butt.

......HA! and we make fun of the women for their soap operas! What's the difference? :shrug:

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I think I remember a preview of the second season that showed Shane running on the freeway from a pack of walkers and finally just giving up and turning to face them. I haven't seen this scene in any of the current episodes so it makes me wonder if that's what's gonna happen.

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......HA! and we make fun of the women for their soap operas! What's the difference? :shrug:

Ha-ha you like soap operas......oh wait. I do to. Umm....uh...this one has zombies so that makes it ok!!! ;)

Yea I think Daryl is a bit too a-holish but I do see his point and can't say I wouldn't be acting the same way. And would love to see Merle show up just to catch a bolt to the face!!

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Ha-ha you like soap operas......oh wait. I do to. Umm....uh...this one has zombies so that makes it ok!!! ;)

Yea I think Daryl is a bit too a-holish but I do see his point and can't say I wouldn't be acting the same way. And would love to see Merle show up just to catch a bolt to the face!!

think it will be a .45 ACP,I remember a preview that showed Daryl pointing a 1911 at someone and saying "sorry brother"
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