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Who wears contacts?

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I hadn't been to an optometrist in a few years til last week. I was interested in contacts and I found out that I was a good candidate. I had noticed the last few times I had gotten my DOT physical for my CDL that my vision was slightly worsening each time. I went and had an exam and I wasn't horrible but she said I could wear contacts or glasses full time or just when I want. They had a trial pair so I put them in and what a difference. I went ahead and got fitted for glasses for those lazy days when I don't want to bother with contacts or have allegies, etc. The night I got home with them I found myself in the bedroom drawing my EDC 19 over and over and getting a quick sight picture. It is so much clearer. I should have done this years ago. I have a slight astigmatism in one eye that causes me to see a haze around lights. I especially notice it when looking at the blue LED on the front of my DirecTv reciever. They pretty much took care of that too. I am good at putting them in but still takes me a little bit to get them out. I am getting faster though. How many of yall have them and got any good stories.... Edited by glowdotGlock
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I got them a couple of years ago. I had went in and got glasses. I went back a couple of weeks later and got fittednfor contacts. I just could not get used to glasses and having to look straight through them and having to move my head to see things in my peripheral. The first year I had the kind you take out every day. This year I got the ones you can leave in for weeks at a time. They work out a lot better for weekend trips since I don't have to take all the crap along to take care of them. My sight isn't bad, but a little bit of correction makes a huge difference in my tiredness and headaches. And I can read the scores on the tv clearly now!
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The difference is amazing isn't it?

I've worn contacts for about 15 years now. When I went to the eye doctor I was so nearsighted that I couldn't even see the big E at the top of the eye chart. Now I can shoot open sights out to 300 yards.

It also helps that my wife works for an eye doctor because he gives employees and spouses free contacts!
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Been wearing them since the mid 90's. Made a huge difference when back into sports the following season I started wearing them. I wear the monthly lens now. Just wish I could get the correction surgery. Little high in price for me these days.
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:wave:   Fellow contact wearer here! 


I've worn them for about 12 years or so.  I started w/ glasses but with all my outdoor activities, I really got tired of them sliding down my nose and not being able to wear sunglasses and see at the same time.  So I switched to contacts and have been very pleased w/ them.  Try out a couple different pairs from your optometrist to find the ones that are the most comfortable for you.  Also, I have noticed different comfort levels w/ different types of solution.  I have 2 astigmatisms that cause haze and streaks from lights, so that sorta sucks when looking through an AimPoint...but for some reason Eotechs to ok w/ me.  Oh well.  Good luck to you and DO NOT make a habit of sleeping in them.  If you do sleep in them, and they get sticky on your eyes, make sure you squirt some rewetting drops or solution (not the peroxide kind) before removing them.  I just yanked them out one time and scratched the crap out of my eye.  That hurt and was the only time I have had to call off of work!  

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I wore rigid gas perm for about 20 years, but had lasik and cannot ever wear them again (the damage to the eye from the surgery prevents it).  When I had them, they were amazing, little to no aggravation and 20/20 vision.   Now I have glasses (the surgery put me to 20-20... for a while, but age is catching up) that I only use to shoot (so far).  Still with very good vision and modern materials, my glasses don't have to be 5 pounds like they were as a kid :)

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I wear contacts, they are the type you wear for 30 days and discard but I find that if I take them out once a week or so they can be worn longer before they are uncomfortable.  I had PRK, like Lasik, but my eyes went right back to what they were after a few years but I deployed to Iraq during the healing process so that could not of helped.  I have glasses as well but they give me a headache after awhile so just use them a little at a time for distance stuff as up close I can see well without aid.

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I wore contacts since the mid 80 ' s until about 5 years ago when I started needing to use reading glasses. I tried the bifocal contacts and didn't like them. I was having to wear the reading glasses so much due to my job so I said "what's the point of contacts".

I now just wear bifocal glasses.
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I wore contacts for about 8 years and glasses about 4 years prior to contacts. 2 years ago this spring I went and had LASIK done and have been very happy.

Contacts were a pain but much better than glasses, much clearer vision. Not having to deal with them and having 20/15 vision is even better.
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I got glasses in the 5th grade. Got contacts a few years later. That's been a good 25 years ago. I take mine out every night and wear glasses when I'm being lazy around the house (like right now :) ).

I'd love to get LASIK at some point but haven't been able to save up the money. I know a bunch of people who've had it done with good success.

My best advice is to keep your lenses clean. When your eyes get tired or dry, take them out and give your eyes a rest.
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I've been wearing 2 week disposable contacts for around 17 years now. Contacts really aren't difficult take to take care of, I just drop them in the liquid at night and pop 'em in the morning. I do suggest if you are taking them out each night that in the morning after you take them out of the case to leave the liquid that they were stored in, and use your finger to rub the case, dump the liquid and then rinse the case with a little fresh saline. I found out when I do this my contacts last far longer and are more comfortable. I normally get 6-8 weeks out of 2 week disposable contacts depending on how many naps I take with them in.


The other thing that's good is when you put the contacts in your eyes is to squirt some saline into your eyes to "seat" the contact. For me, it helps eliminate any air that might be under the contact and wash away any crud that came up with the contact or was already in my eye.

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I wore glasses from the time i was 10 til the time I was 23. By then I had enough, It was Headaches and not being able to wear sunglasses I liked that drove me to try Contacts. Couldn't get the darn soft lenses in my eyes, so I went with the hard lenses. But even then, having something foreign in my eyes all the time irritated the heck out of my eyelids.


Went and got LASIK as soon as I could( when i was 23) and have not looked back since. Still have a little stigmatism in my eyes at night ( seeing starbursts around headlights/lights) but the doctor told me it was normal.


Got the "Flap and Zap"  Hurt like hell, but was worth the pain.

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I've been wearing them since 6th grade.  So about 20 years or so.


I've contemplated Lasik ~ but digging deep in to the testimonials/reviews and talking to eye doctors ~ I plan to wait until there are better options/procedures :)  I'm perfectly content with my contacts, they have never bothered me :)

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I had considered Lasik but a friend of mine had it done a couple years ago and he had to put in drops every 15 mins for a week after the procedure and every hour for the next 2 weeks. It looked like a pain. I drive a truck and can't stop every 15 mins. Maybe that has changed though. I would might do it if there weren't 3 weeks of constant eye drops. Edited by glowdotGlock
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I had to put eye drops in every couple of hours, not 15 minutes. Was an antibiotic/steroid if I remember to prevent infection.

As far as the surgery, I had mine done at Loden Vision. Custom lasik for each eye. The surgery they use a clamp to hold your eyes open, then you just lay still for 30 seconds while a laser zaps it. Nothing to it, was in the room for 5 minutes and done. Sat up and could clearly read the clock on the wall across the room that I could not make out before.
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I would wanna be knocked out or something too. I have no problem with putting MY finger in my eye but someone else or a machine is a different story.

When i had mine done they gave me a valium and put numbing drops in my eyes before th procedure.


First eye they did they didn't put enough numbing drops and i felt the whole thing. Hurt like hell.


Told the dr to put the whole bottle of that numbing stuff in my other eye and I didn't feel a thing.


I had to put eye drops in my eyes for about a month, but only 2 times a day, morning and night. Had to wear a ( looked like racquet goggles) set of glasses for 24 hours after the surgery but after that i didn't.


A lot has changed, there are a lot more procedures out there and the cost is way down. But not everyone can qualify. you haveto go to your eye doctor for a special screening before you gan be considered a '


viable candidate for corrective vision surgery.


Another note, After my post surgery check up of 2 months, I haven't ever had to go to the eye doctor for anything. I can still see 20/20 if not better.

Edited by Wyldk2
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I had to put eye drops in every couple of hours, not 15 minutes. Was an antibiotic/steroid if I remember to prevent infection.

As far as the surgery, I had mine done at Loden Vision. Custom lasik for each eye. The surgery they use a clamp to hold your eyes open, then you just lay still for 30 seconds while a laser zaps it. Nothing to it, was in the room for 5 minutes and done. Sat up and could clearly read the clock on the wall across the room that I could not make out before.

That is awesome. He said they had to cut his cornea and flip it back and all that. Gives me the creeps. If it is just a laser and no cutting involved I can do that!
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That is awesome. He said they had to cut his cornea and flip it back and all that. Gives me the creeps. If it is just a laser and no cutting involved I can do that!

Yep, 100% laser. And after reading that last post, I may have only had to put drops in a couple times a day as well. It was 2 years ago so not totally sure, but was no less than every 2 hours unless my eyes felt dry. There was no pain at all, but eyes were dry and irritated feeling the first day.
You can't rub them for a couple weeks and just lightly for the 3-4th week.
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Also, if money is a concern and you are not against financing, Care Credit may be something to look at. When I had my eyes done they had a 2 year, 0% offer that I took advantage of.

Loden is not the cheapest option but they seem to be the highest rated. Their procedure is more expensive than some other options because it is all laser and customized to fix each individual eye.
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I've worn contacts for 32 years.  I think LASIK is great, but I wouldn't spend the money for it.  My contacts only cost $100 per year.  You're going to need reading glasses anyway.  My right contact is set up for normal vision, and my left is for reading.  Trying to see things properly for shooting is difficult.  You have to pick whether to see your sights or target.  I can't see both clearly, but that's just due to old age.  :down:

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