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HS Girls' Basketball Coach Suspended After 161-2 Victory

gun sane

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I think it is wrong for any coach to not let his players play to the best of their abilities against opposing teams regardless of the score. In the end it will be a bad lesson to teach young people. The lesson that the other team should have learned is try as hard as you can and win or lose by 1 point or 150 points, you put forth your best effort regardless and be proud of that fact.......................jmho

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And we are back to the "we are all equal, we can't have winners and loser" mentality. Wouldn't want someone to feel that they were not as good as everyone else.


So where do the kids get a sense of competitive drive and success? Many people have turned their lives around when finding they needed to compete to survive.


This had fallen by the wayside for a while, or maybe it just has gotten so common as to not be noticed.

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The coach should have been suspended.  I have done a lot of coaching.  Once you have an insurmountable lead, you take your foot off the gas.  The only lesson the coach taught his team is how to humiliate another person.  He should have had his third or fourth string in running passing drills.


I am all for crushing the opponent in sports but there is no excuse to humiliate them.

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They suspended the wrong coach imo.  Is the one coach suppose to tell his girls to play at less than 100%? What lesson is that teaching them? The "coach" who can't teach his players to dribble down the court and score a layup or play some defense needs to reevaluate some things. 

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I coached little league football for along time, and I hate the no winner mentality as much as the next guy, but running the score up that much is extreme,he did pull his starters after the first half, so I wouldn't have a problem with him personally.

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Unfortunately, this has been the mentality of our presidents and military commanders since WW2.  We can't go in and utterly rout the enemy; that would be too barbarian.  We now go to war to end them, not win them, while the enemy just waits us out.  I know it's apples and oranges in comparison to a basketball game, but the principle's the same.  You don't compete unless you're willing to go 100%.

Edited by gun sane
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Why didn't the crappy team just throw in the towel?  Why didn't the officials just stop the game?


Suspending the winning team's coach is ridiculous.  Sounds like the only thing he could have done was take all his players off the court and let the losers play with themselves.

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Son, this world is rough, and if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough...


The losing coach needs to accept that some things in life just won't go his way.


The winning coach pulled his starters, what more did the State of California expect him to do, start making baskets for the opposing team?




My daughter starts competitive league soccer this year. This is her fourth year playing. If her team gets steamrolled badly like this, I hope that she, and her coach are smart enough to use it as a learning experience to see where they went wrong, and improve upon that. Without whining about life being unfair.

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Why didn't the crappy team just throw in the towel? Why didn't the officials just stop the game?

Suspending the winning team's coach is ridiculous. Sounds like the only thing he could have done was take all his players off the court and let the losers play with themselves.

Exactly. None of us were there to see what the attitudes of the coaches and players were at the time.

I'm all for playing to best of your ability, but there's no reason to humiliate your opponent in a meaningless high school game. If this team is that much better than their opponents (several prior 70pt wins) they need to seek more worthy competition. Same reason why I've never understood division 1 college teams playing a community college. You don't get better playing lesser opponents. The officials should have called it at half-time.
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It should have been a learning experience for the other team’s players and coaches. Critique what they did wrong and what they could do to fix it.
But I guess they decided to be a bunch a cry babies and blame it on the opposing coach. What a life lesson.
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Unfortunately, this has been the mentality of our presidents and military commanders since WW2.  We can't go in and utterly rout the enemy; that would be too barbarian.  We now go to war to end them, not win them, while the enemy just waits us out.  I know it's apples and oranges in comparison to a basketball game, but the principle's the same.  You don't compete unless you're willing to go 100%.

Yep!!! been in one of them wars. Orders were do not fire until your fired upon. My reply to that was screw you. If the bad guy got in my sights he went down. If you wait till they shoot at you will be dead. The only reason those people in the Pentagon issued those orders was because it was not them being shot at in the jungles...............jmho

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That's right.  Pat the little pansies on the head and tell them all about fair play and good sportsmanship.  That way when they get out in the real working world they will be fully prepared for a world full of people who practice those values daily.  God knows the corporate world never uses the full weight of their might against a potential adversary.  

Yeah, no way we should allow a coach to let his player play to their maximum capability.  This world is just too fair to teach lessons like that.  Just think how these girls might act as adults if they learn that using their full potential and talent could net them overwhelming success.  

WTF ever.  


This should be a wake up call to the other team.  Train harder, work harder or consider joining the debate team.  

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[quote]But Bloomington coach Dale Chung says Arroyo Valley used a full-court press for the entire first half to lead 104-1 at halftime.[/quote] This is the part I thought was poor sportsmanship. I think he should have called off the full court press sooner considering how bad the competition was.

"People shouldn't feel sorry for my team," Chung said. "They should feel sorry for his team, which isn't learning the game the right way."
This, on the other hand, is just sour grapes. And, it is curious that there's no mention of who suspended the coach.
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