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Farrakhan is calling for 10k men to kill


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Yes, that's an intresting declaration, it almost seems as if its a fatwa and call for jihad but given it was made in an AEMC that couldn't be the case. It surprises me in this era of political correctness and SJW where others are severely chastised for running off at the mouth others are simply ignored.

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BTW, he will be getting more and more air time over the next couple of months. He is going to be attending the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March with a message, "justice or else". He has said that since blacks are being killed by whites then the blacks need to kill whites. He said if they are going to die anyway might as well take some whites with them.


For anyone wanting to attend, the 20th anniversary is being held in Washington DC on the 10th of October. Most of the race baiters should be in attendance.

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No, I don't think I'd be intrested in attending the 20th Anniversary of what was numerically never a "million man march" although it still had a respectable turnout. I'll just sit at home, read about it and wonder at the levels of hostility and hate emanating from some of its attendees and speakers.  

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Perhaps Louis Eugene Wolcott should be charged with something or other under the Patriot Act?


Seems that an influential public figure fomenting mass murder on our nation's LEOs ought to fit in there somewhere?


- OS


edit: I forgot, we have BHO's Muslim-weighted and racist Department of "Justice". Hell, a Black Muslim can do anything he wants.

Edited by Oh Shoot
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All I want for all Americans is for everyone to be treated fairly. Right now that is just not the case and that is because no one is willing to admit that all parties involved have some culpability in where we are as a country.

Having anyone openly calling for the killing of others should be prosecuted the same as anyone else and without regard to skin color. But what we have is a group of racists who claim they cannot be racists despite the fact they are distinguishing who should be harmed solely on the skin color.

If these statements were made by anyone other than these racists there would be a national outcry for justice but because they are black they are allowed to make these threats under some sort of misguided sense of retribution. And there will be some who will act upon these inciteful words but only the shooter will be held accountable, not those urging the killing of innocents.

A racist makes decisions, good OR bad, based on race alone and I have yet to see anything from Farrakhan or any of the race baiters to make me think they are not racists.

But is even worse that our administration will not treat everyone fairly. They too will use race as the key factor in determining their reaction.
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I'd ask him to lead by example and see how it works out for him.


Imagine the stink that would come were a white guy to say something similar.


Not really how the "useful idiot" mechanism works. They have to be a catalyst in events, but they don't need to take part, and shouldn't. They aren't useful to their handlers if they're dead. But, once they're no longer useful, they'll get knocked off and replaced by the next blind go-getter.

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Well put Dolomite. I'll add EVERYONE is prejudice to some degree but not necesarily racist.

I happen to be EXTREMELY prejudice. I hate all stupid people of every race, color and creed. I think that's something we can all agree on too.
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