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Nutnfancy - Does anyone else think he's annoying?

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I have tried to watch several of this guy's videos, but I can't ever make it past the first couple of minutes. I just tried to watch his video on the Ruger SP101 and he basically spent 10 full minutes going on and on and on and on about how heavy it is. After the first 50 or 60 times he said it is a heavy gun, I got the picture. The other 9 minutes of his discussion on the handgun's weight was just maddening. It doesn't help that he talks so friggin' fast. It's like listening to a used car advertisement or an infomercial.

Does anyone else want to stab out their eyes and ears with a sharpened stick while trying to watch his videos?

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Guest bkelm18

God yes. He's got to be one of the world's biggest narcissists. That man loves to hear himself talk. Everything he does is always tacticool mall ninja stuff. He was a Lt. Col. in the USAF, so I respect that, but I can't stand him otherwise.

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lol he is long winded to a fault i agree and i also agree with some of you in that i think Hickock45 is more fun to watch (i prefer Hickock45 myself) but i cant really say i dislike nutnfancy he is pretty forthcoming about having long videos and how alot of people wont enjoy his review style BUT i have to say he covers everything in his vids, sorta the Alton brown of youtube gun reviewers (if ya dont know he's a guy who hosts shows on food network, known for breaking everything down to a scientific level) lol

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I can't say that I find NF annoying, but I have yet to be able to sit through one of his long-winded videos. I have made several knife purchases based on his reviews and have not been disappointed. No one can argue the fact that he has a huge fan base.

Edited by DaddyO
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I enjoy both nutnfancy and hickok45's videos. Im subscribed to both. Granted the "dude" content in each of nutn's videos gets pretty annoying at times. I still watch though because his review of gear is based on longgg term testing. For instance he just reviewed a dpms lr 308 that he has been using in the nutnfancy project for about five years.

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I actually really enjoy Nutn's videos... I knew nothing about firearms and gear when I found his channel, now I know way more, thanks in part to Nutn as well as this forum, Hickok, and other youtubers. I don't, however, think I could hang out with Nutn, he's a bit of a self admitted blowhard who has a massive audience. Ego gets involved at some point in that equation.

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He's meticulous and informative, but I can't sit through his vids either. He's kind of nerdy, in a bad way. I'm not saying he's a fake, but he kinda seems like he's trying too hard to be the tacticool guy.

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He's meticulous and informative, but I can't sit through his vids either. He's kind of nerdy, in a bad way. I'm not saying he's a fake, but he kinda seems like he's trying too hard to be the tacticool guy.

I see it as a mix of a televangalist and a religious zealot... I just imagine him with a streetsign saying "Sheepdog, Dude!" and a loadbearing harness full of Mags on a street corner somewhere....and I like his videos. Watched most of them, philosophy included.

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Although I am sub'd to Nutnfancy, I must admit I have never made it thru one of his videos. He plays with some cool toys, maybe not as many as FPSRussia, but still cool stuff. He just annoys me because he is such a know-it-all. I would MUCH rather watch Hickock45, FateofDestinee, tnoutdoors9, or FPSRussia. That and even I have noticed that sometimes NF is just plain out wrong about some of the things has passes off as fact.

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I see it as a mix of a televangalist and a religious zealot... I just imagine him with a streetsign saying "Sheepdog, Dude!" and a loadbearing harness full of Mags on a street corner somewhere....

He could inflate an onion sack.

I can't decide between these two comments which should be awarded the coveted "epic comment of this thread award" so I'm awarding it to both. You can share the trophy, ya know, kind of like child visitation.


Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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... He was a Lt. Col. in the USAF, so I respect that, ...

AFAIK, he still is. Anyway, I think he's a hoot...you just have to fast forward through some of his reviews, but when he covers something I'm interested in, it's always appreciated to see all the little nuances about it, albeit it often ad nauseam.

His "whit-chew!" sound effect when he presents a blade makes me giggle.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest bkelm18

AFAIK, he still is. Anyway, I think he's a hoot...you just have to fast forward through some of his reviews, but when he covers something I'm interested in, it's always appreciated to see all the little nuances about it, albeit it often ad nauseam.

His "whit-chew!" sound effect when he presents a blade makes me giggle.

- OS

Coulda swore he said he was retired in one of his vids. Beats me.

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