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Should worshipers be allowed to arm themselves?

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I hate the huggers! I run from them when I see them coming. I have done pretty good to let everyone know that I am not a hugger though.

I'm not a hugger either, but I have accepted it. At least none of them have been such sheep that they freak-out over the weapon. Of course, they know I was a cop, so perhaps that makes a difference. It has on occassion brought up the topic of why I carry. Most haven't cared after they found out.
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If there's one thing I will NEVER miss about church, it's all the touchy feely people. Always somebody determined to make physical contact. Love thy neighbor as thy self....Well I don't hug and paw all over myself I ain't huggin and pawin on anyone else either. Growin'up in a pentecostal church it's worse than group therapy for anger management. I got a serious butt chewing as a kid from the parents for suggesting that I would only be taking a bath from sunday NIGHT through friday morning. THat way I would smell like a big sweaty armpit and possibly deter the "huggers"

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Yeah where two or three are gathered, there will I be also. I don't recall mention of multi million dollar synagogues full of hypocrites. WHo are people fooling anyway? Do people really think God gives two wags of a rats butt how pretty your church is? NO. It's all a vanity act. A broken commandment for that matter. Taking the Lord's name in vain, that is, which has little to nothing to do with saying the profanity "G__d_mn" Hmmm, I wonder how many empty bellies could be filled, how many homeless people could be clothed and given a place to stay, how many crack whores could be cleaned up, ect. ect. with the amount of money churches pay for stained glass and ridiculous architecture. A true temple of Christ could easily be a tent from Friedman's Army Navy Surplus.

THere is one name by which we may be saved. He is real and I get the sinking feeling he's getting pissed by what he sees. It's going to be entertaining to me to see what he does when he gets back.

Organized religion is a sham. It's one step from a hippy psychiatrist couch. It's a place to make people feel good about the miserable lives they live. Hypocrites. Not all, certainly not all of them. BUt the vast majority. Get wasted Saturday night and hook up with some gutter slut only to sing and clap from the pew the next morning.

I hear it everyday, OHHH he's a good man, he's a deacon or a pastor.....YEah, so was John David Terry.

If ten people stand in front of a painting, all of them will not see the same thing.

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No choice -- it's unlawful to carry a sword around. :)

- OS

Which is REALLY archaic when you think about it. I somewhat understand concealing a knife over 4", but you can't carry one open? WTH? With the CCW why can I carry a freaking gun but not a knife over 4" long? We need to throw all of them out!
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Peter was armed because he cut off the soldier's ear with a sword when they came for Jesus.

I am armed when I am at church. As far as the huggers... I try to keep strong arm down over the weapon and receive the hug with the weak hand, kind of a sideways hug. No need for a full embrace anyway unless it's my wife, lol.

In the winter months, I'll carry a HK USP compact 40 in IWB holster or PF9 also IWB. In the summer, I usually carry a SIG P238 or Keltec P3AT in IWB tuckable. Sometimes I'll carry the P3At in a belly band if I need to be super-concealed. Sometimes my shirt is tucked, sometimes not. Not always the best access, but at least I have it on me.

Another item that I NEVER leave home without is my Fenix TK15 flashlight. I think a good flashlight is a very important tool, especially in a large, crowded building that could become quite dark and chaotic real fast.

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I carry at church. The pastor may or may not know. I do not plan on having any kind of "talk" with him about it. I am an American, and I want to carry. It's that simple. I don't feel the need to advise others when I am going to speak freely, so there is no reason to advise anyone I am armed.

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I am armed when I am at church. As far as the huggers... I try to keep strong arm down over the weapon and receive the hug with the weak hand, kind of a sideways hug. No need for a full embrace anyway unless it's my wife, lol.

Folks at church quit hugging me. I think it was the PLR-16.....maybe I should conceal it.... :screwy:

Edited by R_Bert
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I carry at church. The pastor may or may not know. I do not plan on having any kind of "talk" with him about it. I am an American, and I want to carry. It's that simple. I don't feel the need to advise others when I am going to speak freely, so there is no reason to advise anyone I am armed.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Most Christians read only bible verses or sunday school lessons instead of the whole testament. Yeshua probably did not carry a sword, but we know for sure several. if not all, of his disciples did. These were really turbulent and dangerous times in Palestine.At least one and possibly two other disciples were Zealots. Zealot during this time didn't mean really into something, it meant a rebel. In short a freedom fighter. So there were armed members at the very first "church services" and the Lord did not request that they disarm. I think that sets the precedent.

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Most Christians read only bible verses or sunday school lessons instead of the whole testament. Yeshua probably did not carry a sword, but we know for sure several. if not all, of his disciples did. These were really turbulent and dangerous times in Palestine.At least one and possibly two other disciples were Zealots. Zealot during this time didn't mean really into something, it meant a rebel. In short a freedom fighter. So there were armed members at the very first "church services" and the Lord did not request that they disarm. I think that sets the precedent.

All my Dale Fricke holsters were named after some of those precedents. That's a good one!
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  • 2 months later...


Again. Yes, I always carry at church.
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[quote name='monkeylizard' timestamp='1354574935' post='854439'][url="http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/3/police-man-shot-ex-wife-as-she-played-organ-church/print/"]http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/3/police-man-shot-ex-wife-as-she-played-organ-church/print/[/url]


Again. Yes, I always carry at church.[/quote]
I carry everywhere, why should church be any different? Edited by Chucktshoes
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