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Coyotes in the hood tonight


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On the back porch. Been listening to yotes howling around the neighborhood.

All of a sudden all hell breaks loose in the back neighbors yard (about 75 yds away). Yotes grabbed something, heard the death squeels.

spooky !

Edited by R_Bert
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Never seen or heard them kill something. But Ive heard some good fights 2 or 3 yotes vs my 170 lb Great Pyrenees. He has never lost or been hurt to date. They leave him alone now, and stay off the farm.

Be vigilant, they are just plotting their revenge

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I keep our dog inside unless supervised, but the neighbors pair of huskies battle with the local yotes on a regular basis, so far so good, but I think it is only a matter of time before they are killed.

Yotes don't give up easily when they think there is food to be had.

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I have a mini daschund, small boston terrier, and a 90 lb pit bull. The two small dogs are male and the pit is female. Moving them from town to the country has been an experience. The pit is the youngest but plays momma to the two smaller dogs. Any time they get upset she gets really quiet with dander up watching everything in attack mode. It trips my wife out, but I seem to think it is a good thing. I would like to think she would defend with her life and my wife has a gun.


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We have a number of them around here too. On occasion, they are very close to the house and wake me up in the middle of the night when they start that pack yelping. I might only see a couple a year and they seem to be shy and elusive.

They must have different habits than domestic dogs. I constantly see coyote scat on my tar & gravel road when I take a walk. I've never seen a K-9 prefer taking a dump on a road when grass / ground is all around? The yotes must eat a lot of some sort of bean or paw paw, as the scat is loaded with them and fur.

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I've seen them all over Clarksville, day and night. Usually on the neighborhoods getting out from town,

but I'm smack dab downtown and have seen several in my back yard.

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We have a pack of them living in my neighborhood, right here in downtown Oak Ridge. There is a small greenway across the street. It has been coming into yards at night, and even in the day sometimes (I have a crazy neighbor that puts food scraps out for wildlife).

I called the City to see if they would come take care of it. They said if it were a dog or cat, they would be out here lickety split to collect it, but since it is wildlife, they don't bother with them. I said that it could bite someone's pet or child, and they were uncaring. gave me the number for a local trapper that I would have to pay for. I asked if I could put a .22 in it, and they got really interested in who I was. The Animal Control in OR is a division of the police dept. After a bit of discussion they said discharging a firearm is illegal in the city.

I called TWRA and they said that unless the coyote had actually bit someone, they couldn't do anything either. They recommended I buy a trap. I asked if they would come take the animal and relocate it once I caught it, and the y said I would have to dispose of it. I told them the city won't let me shoot it, and how was I supposed to dispose of it. I said What am I supposed to do beat it to death? She said clubbing a nuisance animal is a perfectly acceptable form of euthanization.


For now it's not bothering anyone, so I guess I'll just leave it be.

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My dad shot a coyote in his neighborhood last summer, it was pretty mangy looking too. Granted it was in the county and legal, I am sure neighbors could have pressed the issue. Considering he shot it from his yard and the coyote was in the neighbors yard. Most of the neighbors ended up not really caring because most have small dogs, cats, or kids.

I can tell you if I saw a coyote in my yard I'd be dropping it. I have 2 cats and a jack russel terrier, and although they stay inside they get loose on occasion being the escape artists that they are. Easy decision for me if it comes to shooting a yote and getting yelled at by neighbors or losing one of my pets.

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I stay at my in-laws in West Knoxville, where the neighbors dog was taken. There is a cow pasture behind our house. Probably the last in developed area around. They old man still has cows on it from time to time. After the dog incident I was contemplating shooting them, we are just past the city limits in the county (Just east of North Peters Rd). Although I would still be illegal with the distance from residence. The yotes ended up killing a calf an a cow before I could do anything. So the old man filled the cow carcass with anti-freeze(not recommended) an a few days later found 4 dead coyotes near the nearby creek.

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We have a pack of them living in my neighborhood, right here in downtown Oak Ridge. There is a small greenway across the street. It has been coming into yards at night, and even in the day sometimes (I have a crazy neighbor that puts food scraps out for wildlife).

I called the City to see if they would come take care of it. They said if it were a dog or cat, they would be out here lickety split to collect it, but since it is wildlife, they don't bother with them. I said that it could bite someone's pet or child, and they were uncaring. gave me the number for a local trapper that I would have to pay for. I asked if I could put a .22 in it, and they got really interested in who I was. The Animal Control in OR is a division of the police dept. After a bit of discussion they said discharging a firearm is illegal in the city.

I called TWRA and they said that unless the coyote had actually bit someone, they couldn't do anything either. They recommended I buy a trap. I asked if they would come take the animal and relocate it once I caught it, and the y said I would have to dispose of it. I told them the city won't let me shoot it, and how was I supposed to dispose of it. I said What am I supposed to do beat it to death? She said clubbing a nuisance animal is a perfectly acceptable form of euthanization.


For now it's not bothering anyone, so I guess I'll just leave it be.

Yep. I called once asking if I could even use a slingshot on some skunks and they said nope! Not domestic so it's out of their jurisdiction. We don't have any outside animals but I'm always out in the middle of the night letting ours out to pee so I'm always watchful. I can tell you now that I'll play really dumb and surpirsed if the cops ever show up asking how a yote ended up dead with a slug in him on my lawn.

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My dad shot a coyote in his neighborhood last summer, it was pretty mangy looking too. Granted it was in the county and legal, I am sure neighbors could have pressed the issue. Considering he shot it from his yard and the coyote was in the neighbors yard. Most of the neighbors ended up not really caring because most have small dogs, cats, or kids.

I can tell you if I saw a coyote in my yard I'd be dropping it. I have 2 cats and a jack russel terrier, and although they stay inside they get loose on occasion being the escape artists that they are. Easy decision for me if it comes to shooting a yote and getting yelled at by neighbors or losing one of my pets.

I'm lucky in that I live in the country and my neighbors are my mom (on one side) and my sister and her husband and kids (on the other side.) If I got the chance, I'd drop a coyote in a heartbeat. My mom would probably be happy that it didn't get one of her dogs. My sister probably would be happy that it didn't get one of hers. My BIL might be a little mad/jealous that he didn't get to shoot it, instead.

My dog (which I think is a Mountain Cur mix) is only about five months old - so still a puppy - and somehow managed to completely ruin her right/rear knee while playing in a fenced in yard by herself a couple of weeks ago. She had to have orthopedic surgery and now has two pins in her leg and staples holding the incision closed (I got her free and, because of the costs of the surgery, she is now the most expensive dog I have ever owned.) In other words, she isn't up to fighting any coyotes. She mostly lives inside but I wouldn't take any chances if I saw a song dog hanging around. In fact, I am seriously considering getting a decoy and taking up coyote hunting in the woods on our property. The strange thing is that, although we hear them in the woods and sometimes see them standing or running along the road near where we live, I never see them close enough to our houses to get a shot at one.

Edited by JAB
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I can't imagine you'd be prosecuted for killing a nuisance animal... especially a coyote. "But officer, it growled and snarled at me in a very threatening manner. I saw it do that very clearly through my 10x scope before I fired..."

I'm more worried about the whole discharging a firearm within city limits that I'd probably get hit with.

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