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I’ve been holding it in, but here you go.

I’m reasonably certain now that my wife as well as both children have had the virus. No clue how I managed to avoid it. Only the wife has been vaccinated, and I expect she had it when she got the second dose.

Aside from the employer required vaccine she decided to take, none of us have costed the taxpayer or health insurance company a dime.

I may die of it before morning, but I still stand by my statement that it is no one’s business whether we’ve had the jab, and it would be impossible for us to infect anyone if we aren’t infected ourselves.

Carry on whining and looking down your nose until you’re satisfied.

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1 hour ago, gregintenn said:

I may die of it before morning.

Nope. You won't. If you die from it, it will be slow and agonizing. One pulmonary doctor in this area described it as a ghastly death.

Everybody needs their choice though. And yeah, the hall monitors are gonna keep being what they are. It's why we smacked them around in high school.

When it comes to believing you already had it, my brother has lots to say about that. The teenage girl had bad headaches for a solid week. The wife (53ish high school PE teacher), is into week 3 of splitting headaches and fever. And my brother is going into week 3 himself after an infusion. He's healthier than the PE teacher. Anyway, they though they had it before too. They are out of the woods, but are still sick sick.

My brother would get the vaccine to avoid all the hell he has been through. 

But, when it comes down to it, I'm responsible for ME alone. 

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9 hours ago, gregintenn said:

I’ve been holding it in, but here you go.

I’m reasonably certain now that my wife as well as both children have had the virus. No clue how I managed to avoid it. Only the wife has been vaccinated, and I expect she had it when she got the second dose.

Aside from the employer required vaccine she decided to take, none of us have costed the taxpayer or health insurance company a dime.

I may die of it before morning, but I still stand by my statement that it is no one’s business whether we’ve had the jab, and it would be impossible for us to infect anyone if we aren’t infected ourselves.

Carry on whining and looking down your nose until you’re satisfied.

So glad yall are on the mends. We in my world will not be looking down, we look up to the good life of freedom!

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12 hours ago, Daniel said:

Many vaccinated covid patients die you are reading?  Where are you reading that?  Please link it.  


You hate that it has become political yet you dont believe the truth because it doesnt align with your political views.


The emperor has no clothes.

No need to be so condescending.  But then of course you are ever so much smarter than me, I'm sure. I said I took the vaccine and booster because I thought it was best for me, at my age and with my health.  I just don't think it should be mandated for several reasons, not least of which it seems at least in some cases that it can be spread by a vaccinated person.  Here's the link you wanted, at least one of them:  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/08/10/us/covid-breakthrough-infections-vaccines.html

Mind you, this is from a very liberal, woke organization, so if they are printing it, I would imagine the numbers are higher.

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8 hours ago, Daniel said:

LOL he lost in in November and was tossed out in Jan.

How can you get so many things ass backwards? 🙂 

I almost forgot. My new Frankenstein router table with home made top...


Edited by mikegideon
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18 hours ago, RED333 said:

Talk about luck of the draw, did y’all Take any special precautions? I’m curious how one could get it and two did not. When my family had it a year ago this month we all had it within days.

My  wife and I both are regular multi-vitamin consumers with vitamin D3 enhancement. She also takes elderberry. She wore a mask around the house when we knew the first granddaughter was COVID positive. I wore no masks.

COVID can hit one and not the other because the J&J is only around 66.3% effective; therefore, it worked on my daughter and my wife was part of the 33.7% of the people it did not work on. It did make her symptoms less severe, because with her co-morbidities she'd have likely died. The Moderna is 95% effective, so I'm NOT one of the 5% it is not effective on.

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16 hours ago, Defender said:

No need to be so condescending.  But then of course you are ever so much smarter than me, I'm sure. I said I took the vaccine and booster because I thought it was best for me, at my age and with my health.  I just don't think it should be mandated for several reasons, not least of which it seems at least in some cases that it can be spread by a vaccinated person.  Here's the link you wanted, at least one of them:  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/08/10/us/covid-breakthrough-infections-vaccines.html

Mind you, this is from a very liberal, woke organization, so if they are printing it, I would imagine the numbers are higher.

How Rates of New Covid-19 Hospital Admissions and Deaths Compare

Among fully vaccinated people and among people who were not fully vaccinated in each state since vaccination began.

Alabama 9 696 75x higher for unvaccinated people 3 124 48x higher for unvaccinated people
Alaska 9 154 17x 1 11 10x
Arizona 27 1,306 47x 2 182 73x
California 9 647 68x 1 58 58x
Colorado 24 567 22x 4 37 8x
Delaware 7 978 148x 2 26 14x
Georgia 5 735 161x 1 99 87x
Idaho 11 288 25x 2 30 16x
Illinois 20 1,001 48x 5 68 11x
Indiana 9 547 57x 4 29 7x
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8 hours ago, Daniel said:

How Rates of New Covid-19 Hospital Admissions and Deaths Compare

Among fully vaccinated people and among people who were not fully vaccinated in each state since vaccination began.

Alabama 9 696 75x higher for unvaccinated people 3 124 48x higher for unvaccinated people
Alaska 9 154 17x 1 11 10x
Arizona 27 1,306 47x 2 182 73x
California 9 647 68x 1 58 58x
Colorado 24 567 22x 4 37 8x
Delaware 7 978 148x 2 26 14x
Georgia 5 735 161x 1 99 87x
Idaho 11 288 25x 2 30 16x
Illinois 20 1,001 48x 5 68 11x
Indiana 9 547 57x 4 29 7x


Looks like people who got the shot have no reason to be concerned...

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1 hour ago, gregintenn said:

Depends on which state they happen to be in. That sure is a wide difference. I”m skeptical.

That's the damn truth if I ever heard it. Stevie Wonder can see the stark contrast when the news throws up the map of most assured places to be unpoked and die.

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7 hours ago, Daniel said:


From what I've learned, Ivermectin probably isn't worth a damn, and the antibody infusion is great.

Speaking of product review, the Chinese suck at drywall, but make the best virus money can buy. Kudos to the Cockwomble for knowing how to pick them.

Had another vaccinated friend pass his covid admission test. Doc says he won't get sick. Good thing. Being a covid victim sucks worse than Chinese drywall.

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