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Watch Magpuls response closely

Guest TankerHC

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Guest ThePunisher

Yep. The Dems are shooting themselves in the foot. I suspect they're using high capacity magazines :)

I wish they would aim a little higher toward their head that has sh** for brains, so they could really stink up their legislative chambers more than they do. Edited by ThePunisher
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Guest TankerHC

Guess what? Alfred Manufacturing, one of Magpuls Injection Molding suppliers has said they are leaving also. Thats another 120 employees out of a job and a 75,000 square foot plant closing as well as 63 million per year dumped into the local economy.



"We are a third-generation Colorado
company that has been committed to this state since my grandfather
founded the company in 1948," Greg Alfred, the company's chief
executive, wrote in the letter. "However, if House Bill 1224 passes, we
will plain and simply have no choice but to relocate part or all of our
operations to another state."
Alfred also said that the bill has caused him to freeze a planned expansion of plans in Colorado.

Magpul designs, markets and distributes weapons components and high-capacity
magazines. It also does some manufacturing, but contracts out much of
that work to Colorado suppliers like Alfred Manufacturing. Alfred, which
got its start 65 years ago as a machine shop, uses plastic injection
molding to create the gun accessories and ammunition magazine cases that
Magpul sells. Alfred is a key manufacturer among more than a dozen
firms that Magpul works with across the Front Range.


BTW, some Democrats are pulling away from this Bill.
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  • Admin Team

Evidently Magpul is a privately held company. No stockholder would ever endorse the huge costs involved in moving a manufacturing company just to get some pro 2nd amendment PR. If Magpul stays put they will make more money than they would by moving. While it may be a good move image wise it simply doesn't make economic sense. The average person buying a Magpul product doesn't care where it is made as long as its a good product at a good price.

There is a very specific reason that some of us who run privately held companies choose to do so - sometimes despite the seeming siren song of going public or raising a bunch of capital through a VC firm. That reason is the exact polar opposite of the quoted post.

We make that decision so that we keep our souls. We have a conscience and can act on it. We can speak when it matters and act when it matters.

This will no doubt be an expensive decision for Magpul. They are no doubt getting all kind of pressure to recant. Their response is exactly why this stuff matters. There are a lot of things in life that seem important and a few things that really are. As a business owner, you've got to be able to like what you see staring back at you when you look in the mirror in the morning.

I applaud them and will support them until the day the good Lord calls me home.

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Private companies almost always have stockholders. Learned that from those guys. They just don't have to tell you.


You're technically correct. Magpul Industries is incorporated so it does have one or more stockholders.


If Fitzpatrick has at least 51% of the shares (and I suspect he does) then it's going to behave more like a sole-proprietership and Oh Shoot is right. What Fitzpatrick says they'll do is what they'll do.

Edited by monkeylizard
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I have already been sending emails to Corker about this. I have also posted on his facebook page. He does a lot I don't like, but when it comes to bringing business to Chattanooga this guy has a stellar track record. If you want to find the thread on fb let me know. It would be nice to drive as much public attention as possible to this so they have to notice or respond. Even if we don't get Magpul it would be nice to expose our elected leaders to the possibility of bringing any of these businesses here, as well as showing them how motivated we can be as a group. 

 Post the FB page! I'll like it and post on it!!!

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I wish they would aim a little higher toward their head that has sh** for brains, so they could really stink up their legislative chambers more than they do.

You mean you want them to shoot themselves in the arse, cause that's what they are thinking out of!!! ;)

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You're technically correct. Magpul Industries is incorporated so it does have one or more stockholders.


If Fitzpatrick has at least 51% of the shares (and I suspect he does) then it's going to behave more like a sole-proprietership and Oh Shoot is right. What Fitzpatrick says they'll do is what they'll do.


If he has 51%, and I expect he does too, he has the legal power to do what he wants. I've seen companies run just fine that way. I've seen others implode when there wasn't strong agreement between stakeholders. I only made the point to support the idea that Magpul probably has a financially sound plan for moving their operations.


Who knows how many folks were in the room when they made the decision, what kind of loan covenants they had to satisfy, etc. They don't have to share any of that. If the whole thing is running out of Fitzpatrick's wallet, then God bless him :).

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Me likes: [Magpul's FB page]


We're hearing some rumors that the Gov and the Dem caucus think we are bluffing. Just to clarify for them, then...we're not a political company. We dont play political games. We've made our position very clear, very publicly. We would not survive lying to our customer base, nor would we ever consider it. If you pass this, we will leave, and you will own it. We've already got plans in place to get PMAG manufacturing moved rapidly, and the rest of the company will follow. We will make sure to at least have a small remain-behind operation through the 2014 elections so that we can remind folks why we are gone.

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I'd love to see them in TN, but I suspect TX would be the more likely destination. There's a risk for them to be facing the same issue in any other state some years or decades from now, but that's vanishingly small in Texas. Gov. Perry has been actively recruiting freedom-loving companies to relocate to Texas, so I expect he has already called Fitzpatrick. Landing Magpul would give hime some nice political capital. I'd guess Texas will offer a sweetheart deal.

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I just love this! It demonstraights the founders intent of states rights. All states were never intended to be all the same. If you don't like what's going on where you live, move somewhere else you do like.

The more we let the central government intrude the less freedom we have--- on many levels!
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Guest RevScottie

I completely understand the implications of staying vs moving for Magpul including the future political environment, but working in mfg for over 30 yrs I also understand costs. The company would have to take a huge economic hit by staying to justify the expenses of moving. I just don't think the majority sentiment is that strong even in the gun community. Are you guys going to boycott Remington if they don't move out of New York State?

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I think Magpul will be just fine with the move, last night at dinner my wife said to one of our friends that she didn't realize they even made "gun parts" until she saw it on the news. My dad asked her what the heck she thought that they made and she replied "iPhone cases". :)  He said that he didn't even know that they made iPhone cases! I had forgotten that I got her a pink magpul iphone case about 2 years ago b/c at the time I coundn't easily find any other american made cases in that style. :woohoo:

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I think Magpul will be just fine with the move, last night at dinner my wife said to one of our friends that she didn't realize they even made "gun parts" until she saw it on the news. My dad asked her what the heck she thought that they made and she replied "iPhone cases". :)  He said that he didn't even know that they made iPhone cases! I had forgotten that I got her a pink magpul iphone case about 2 years ago b/c at the time I coundn't easily find any other american made cases in that style. :woohoo:


Don't forget about the Ronin motorcycle.

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This is indeed sad, and senseless.  Here you've got a company that's in many ways the Apple of its industry, and the Colorado legislature is spitting on them.  Magpul has an opportunity to do something not many people or organizations get to do: show up an incompetent government.  I have no doubt that when they move (and I guess now it's gone from if to when) they'll be stronger and more profitable than ever.  At that point we should all send each legislator who voted for the ban a nice, dead crow, complete with utensils and napkin, for them to eat. 

Edited by Stegall Law Firm
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I can only look at this as a positive for Magpul.


They can now move from a state with Corporate Taxes (and state income tax) to a State with No Corporate Taxes & No State Income Tax (or at the very least -- heavy tax breaks/incentives for moving to another state)


This could actually be an incredibly PROFITABLE move for them :) 


My guess -- Magpul probably started looking at other areas/states when the Aurora Shooting took place .... Any smart business owner/board would.  Fast forward to the CT Shooting, and that plan was likely put in overdrive -- especially with Dem support growing in CO. 


They've had a plan in the works for quite a while -- I can almost guarantee it :)

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I completely understand the implications of staying vs moving for Magpul including the future political environment, but working in mfg for over 30 yrs I also understand costs. The company would have to take a huge economic hit by staying to justify the expenses of moving. I just don't think the majority sentiment is that strong even in the gun community. Are you guys going to boycott Remington if they don't move out of New York State?



Remington didn't take out a full-paged ad in the paper saying they were going to move if the state passed further bans. Magpul did. They would have been just fine had they not done that. I respect them for doing what they did. If their home state wants to remove part of their customer base, good for them for standing up for themselves. If they don't move, it's a giant flounce. I'll respect them less as a company, but I'd still buy their products beacsue I don't know of any real alternatives. Nothing else that I know of is as good, and they're still Made in the USA.


Something tells me that the costs of making the move will be greatly if not entirely offset by a sweetheart tax deal from another state and the loads of good-will this will produce in the enthusiast community. We're their customer base and they know it. They're probably not worried if the panic buyers don't buy their one P-Mag (but they will because there's a shortage of them so they must be awesome). They know that their bread and butter are guys like DMark who said  he buys them, gives them as gifts, recommends them to friends, and recommends them to students. That's where they get one person in a position of influence to like their products and they make thousands of sales because of it. A flounce hurts that good-will.


Who here would try something new if Dolomite or Hickok45 said it was awesome? What if they said it sucks? That's the power of word-of-mouth from respected figures in a niche market of enthusiasts.




xRustyx, I think you're right. I read that between the lines when Magpul said they can quickly move PMag production. The fact they know that means they've looked into it.

Edited by monkeylizard
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Remington didn't take out a full-paged ad in the paper saying they were going to move if the state passed further bans. Magpul did....


Well, unlike Magpul, "Remington" can't really make that call, what with having two layers of ownership above them.


- OS

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The cost to move will be expensive. But then you factor in the amount of publicity this is generating and you can't make a marketing budget with enough zeroes to buy that kind of good PR. Don't kid yourself, this was a very well thought out move by a very smart company. If they move they will be more than fine. This move could wind up being the smartest thing they've ever done. 

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