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YouTube account canceled

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Spots, you are not a homophobe unless you are actually scared of homos.  Like their gonna come and get ya scared.  I seriously doubt that is the case.
That term is one of the worst pieces of PC, technically incorrrect bull#### ever thrust upon this nation.

I hate that term, but see the expediency behind it's usage. It's just like calling someone racist for being Republican or sheep if they happen to dislike guns.
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I hate that term, but see the expediency behind it's usage. It's just like calling someone racist for being Republican or sheep if they happen to dislike guns.


Yep.  It ends the argument and not another word can be said.

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OK, well, I can take a joke as well as the next guy. But it's hard to tell on a forum. Smileys will add a bit of joviality to your posts and we'll know you're pulling our leg.  :rofl:  See? Like that.  :up:

Where do those smilies come from btw? I only know how to build ;) :) and :(

How do I get ahold of the little rolling around guy and the eye rolling guy? Those would come in handy around these parts...
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Where do those smilies come from btw? I only know how to build ;) :) and :(

How do I get ahold of the little rolling around guy and the eye rolling guy? Those would come in handy around these parts...


On a 'puter, there's a smiley icon interface among all the others on top of post composing window, which shows about 15 of them, with a link to show all of them (and shows keyboard text for them also) -  or you can link to others offsite like any any picture.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Guest Keal G Seo

I don't get some people. Okay, so personally and ideologically I don't agree with homosexuality but as far as equal rights go I support them wholeheartedly. I don't think that any company coming out as pro or anti gay is doing much for either side. As for not using services that promote the gay agenda, bet you are using one right now. Both MS and Apple have both been pro gay and made extremely large donation to such foundations...you going to stop using computers? What about Amazon? General Mills? Starbucks? Levis? JCPenny? Target? Google? Home Depot? Gonna quit watching the majority of TV because Viacom is a large contributor as well. Budweiser is also a proud supporter, not making me stop drinking my bud. How about you? One more that might surprise you, OREO! Yeah that's right, your favorite cookies. Burger King, Nike, American Airlines, Boeing, and the list goes on and on and on. So if you are choosing to only do business with companies that don't support gay rights or have no stance you might want to dig a little deeper, it may completely throw your life into a tailspin. Could you tell me again why my religion or own sexual preference should have anything to do with the way I want my country run? If it isn't to do with that then please feel free to tell me what the political/economical reasons are you don't support equal rights. Don't worry, I don't throw homophobe around. I too have been accused of this but the day an insult changes my personal feelings is the day hell freezes over. Yes I will tell a gay guy he is going to burn in hell for what he is doing but just as I have the right to tell him that he has the right to be treated fairly. Let's assume homosexuality is a "new" thing and pretend it hasn't been around and well documented for centuries. Is a new group of people not due or deserving of the same rights as everyone else?

Anyway, back on the OP's original topic: I am sure you are starting a movement and YouTube is going to be so hurt by all the people that are leaving because they put a heart on their page.

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Guest ThePunisher
Most of those companies are only paying a bribe to these strong armed groups to keep from getting bad publicity. Jesse Jackson has been strong arming companies for years, and I guess all the minority groups have learned these tactics of bribery.
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I don't get some people. Okay, so personally and ideologically I don't agree with homosexuality but as far as equal rights go I support them wholeheartedly. I don't think that any company coming out as pro or anti gay is doing much for either side. As for not using services that promote the gay agenda, bet you are using one right now. Both MS and Apple have both been pro gay and made extremely large donation to such foundations...you going to stop using computers? What about Amazon? General Mills? Starbucks? Levis? JCPenny? Target? Google? Home Depot? Gonna quit watching the majority of TV because Viacom is a large contributor as well. Budweiser is also a proud supporter, not making me stop drinking my bud. How about you? One more that might surprise you, OREO! Yeah that's right, your favorite cookies. Burger King, Nike, American Airlines, Boeing, and the list goes on and on and on. So if you are choosing to only do business with companies that don't support gay rights or have no stance you might want to dig a little deeper, it may completely throw your life into a tailspin. Could you tell me again why my religion or own sexual preference should have anything to do with the way I want my country run? If it isn't to do with that then please feel free to tell me what the political/economical reasons are you don't support equal rights. Don't worry, I don't throw homophobe around. I too have been accused of this but the day an insult changes my personal feelings is the day hell freezes over. Yes I will tell a gay guy he is going to burn in hell for what he is doing but just as I have the right to tell him that he has the right to be treated fairly. Let's assume homosexuality is a "new" thing and pretend it hasn't been around and well documented for centuries. Is a new group of people not due or deserving of the same rights as everyone else?

Anyway, back on the OP's original topic: I am sure you are starting a movement and YouTube is going to be so hurt by all the people that are leaving because they put a heart on their page.




They made their statement, I'm making mine. Recognizing and extending benefits to homosexual employees and their partners is really not quite the same thing as throwing a rainbow next to your logo and making what is really a political statement, knowing that you would alienate some of your members.I truly don't care if I'm the only one who cancels my account. I'm not stupid enough or arrogant enough to think that I'm going to start a movement of some kind, nor is that my intention.


What I don't get are people who seem to consider it a personal attack when someone doesn't support their agenda.

Edited by daddyo
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Yes. They're making a political statement. That's where the battle is. As you probably know, I have a lot of gay friends, some very close friends. I'm not for the government limiting their rights any more than anyone else's rights. It's just one more example of the ruling class controlling the people. 


I'm not gonna spend much time on this. They need to leave those people alone, just like they should leave us gun owners alone. That will happen eventually, especially with the recent SCOTUS decision.

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I'm generally in favor of more freedom.

Doma was clearly unconstitutional. Denying citizens the right to marry who they choose is no different than Jim Crow laws.


That's the whole deal. Gun owners, of all people, should get that.

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I don't agree with government limiting rights either. Just because something is legal doesn't mean I have to agree with it or that its morally right. I choose not use youtube now because they sent me an email and have big banners on google proclaiming their pride in the LGBT community. I do not agree with that lifestyle and think its morally wrong. I'm not saying they don't have rights, just that I don't have to support them. I'm with daddyo. I dont give a damn about starting some movement. I come here for good discussion which is what I get, especially with post like these. As far as pulling out of any company that supports gay rights heres how I see it. I will conitinue to support your company as long as you don't push the issue in my face. If I see an ad or a banner that says you do it then I'll stop. Just like anti gunners. I don't give a crap if you like guns or not. If you post an anti-gun sign I stop doing business with you. Your choice to stand up for your beliefs and my choice to stand up for mine.

sent from the backwoods

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I'm still waiting to hear one legitimate argument as to why gays should not be allowed equality under the law.

And the bible is not a legit argument, due to separation of church and state.

Without u tube I couldn't field strip half my guns...

Most peoples problem with it is that at marriage was a relegious institution long before the Government got involved in it. It doesnt have to do with rights. I dont care if they want a civil union with all the rights of a marriex couple. I would just personally prefer that we protect the sanctity of tradtional marriage. But thats my personal opinion and I'm pretty damn happy that one personal opinions can't run this country.

sent from the backwoods

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I doubt you'll find anyone here that will attack you for your decision. But are you going to at least be consistent and boycott all of the companies associated with YouTube (that Google owns)??

I boycotted google along time ago after their little anti gun crap.

sent from the backwoods

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I doubt you'll find anyone here that will attack you for your decision.  But are you going to at least be consistent and boycott all of the companies associated with YouTube (that Google owns)??


I looked through that list and didn't see a single Google-owned company that I support with my income.

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And the hundred or so companies that they own?

The ones I can find that I use, yes. Youtube, google, gmail, google maps. I dropped the last 3 after the gun stuff awhile back. Like I said earlier. Don't flash it in my face and I dont give a shit. Just like being gay. Respect me in public. Dont stick your tounge down each others throats, dress and act at least a little modestly and I really don't care what you do in the bedroom. I want straight people to act the same way. A little modesty on both sides of the sexual coin would do this country some good
sent from the backwoods

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I think they should also immediately repeal most government benefits that come with being married.

This is very true. And its most visible in the military. You can stay single, live in a barracks, and get paid less, or you can get married, move off base as a low rank, get paid a ton of extra for housing and food, get seperations pay when deployed, etc. Marriage should have no affect on rights or benefits.

sent from the backwoods

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I don't agree with government limiting rights either. Just because something is legal doesn't mean I have to agree with it or that its morally right. I choose not use youtube now because they sent me an email and have big banners on google proclaiming their pride in the LGBT community. I do not agree with that lifestyle and think its morally wrong. I'm not saying they don't have rights, just that I don't have to support them. I'm with daddyo. I dont give a damn about starting some movement. I come here for good discussion which is what I get, especially with post like these. As far as pulling out of any company that supports gay rights heres how I see it. I will conitinue to support your company as long as you don't push the issue in my face. If I see an ad or a banner that says you do it then I'll stop. Just like anti gunners. I don't give a crap if you like guns or not. If you post an anti-gun sign I stop doing business with you. Your choice to stand up for your beliefs and my choice to stand up for mine.

sent from the backwoods


I've done some things with girls that would be considered immoral in 35 states. :) Where does that fit into all of this? :)

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