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Christian and Newsom Murders, The Blaze Article


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They should all die exactly the same way their victims did, be resuscitated and the process repeated.  Over and over until their CNS or cardiopulmonary system can no longer sustain life.  And then... life support, and repeat.


When there's nothing remotely resembling a human form left, Hell can have them.

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This story illustrates two truths... The first is that there is a heinous double standard in the media and in society RE:  Black on white crime and it's reporting.  The second is that you had better be armed. 


This whole sorry thing did more to arm real people in knoxville and the surrounding area than anything ive ever seen; and i fully understand why. It also emptied the "cup of kindness" for the black community for their silence on this heinous crime.



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I'd like to see them turned over to Gary Christian.

 I have said that for years.


One thing, I wonder they got up that morning intent on doing something like that or if they just acted spur of the moment target of opportunity. 

I mean, with the heinous nature of that, I just can't see how that was a first attempt.  Makes me wonder if there are other victims or not.

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I read on another forum that the family stated they didn't believe race played a factor in this crime. I find that hard to believe. 


I can't even imagine the uproar this would have caused if the roles were revered and 5 white men tortured, raped, and killed a black couple. We would still be hearing about it.

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Race definitely played a role, as well as the deceased being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Reality is, there are places young white kids shouldn't go. But the media would lead you to believe only black people are targeted after dark.


Speaking of wood chippers...

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I'd like to see them turned over to Gary Christian.

Didn't he try to post bail for them? I would've like to haveseen the next day's paper if that happened....

Man uses 4" fire hose as enema on victim, bashes another's spinal cord out of the body with a meat tenderizer, impaled a third on a dirty street light down town, runs over another with one of those old manual powered lawn mowers, and made the last person watch it all before decapitation by chainsaw
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Stories like this prove how racist the media is. The irony is that we're the ones labeled as racist, although we don't blame the entirety of the black community for the actions of the few, however, had the races been reversed it would have been used as proof at how racist the white community is.
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Race definitely played a role, as well as the deceased being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Reality is, there are places young white kids shouldn't go. But the media would lead you to believe only black people are targeted after dark.


Sorry, Lumberjack, but they weren't somewhere young white kids shouldn't go. They were at a condo complex on Washington Pike.

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Race definitely played a role, as well as the deceased being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Reality is, there are places young white kids shouldn't go. But the media would lead you to believe only black people are targeted after dark.

Sorry, Lumberjack, but they weren't somewhere young white kids shouldn't go. They were at a condo complex on Washington Pike.

This is true. I was confusing the carjacking for the location I the abandoned vehicle. Although some sections of Washington Pike give me pause.

I still believe it was racially motivated regardless of what the investigation says.
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I still believe it was racially motivated regardless of what the investigation says.


It probably was in some way.  Maybe they just wanted to rape a white girl.  I don't think that has anything to do with this other than proving that liberals will focus on race if the victim is of a different skin color than white. 


These animals don't deserve to be convicted of a so-called "hate crime."  They simply deserve to be raped to death by a herd of rhinos, just like anyone who would commit the crimes they did.


I really don't want to think about what the victims went through.  At first I couldn't believe how any human being could do the things these monsters did to an innocent person, but then considered how I would have no problem torturing and killing these animals in the same way they did their victims.  In fact, I would probably sleep better.

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A horrible attack.  Yes, Gary Christian tried to post bail. 


I'm on the fence with regard to national publicity.  It's been on the news non-stop here for 6 years.  Just when I thought I might not have to hear about it, the Baumgartner scandal came up and then all the re-trial mess...  I'm just tired of hearing about it.  I can't imagine what the parents have gone through over all these years.  I'm not sure I could deal with that.  I guess that's why I'm tired of hearing about it.  Horrible beyond comprehension. 


As for wood chippers and such...  Seen the movie "Law Abiding Citizen"?  If so, you know which scene I've got in mind.

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As for wood chippers and such...  Seen the movie "Law Abiding Citizen"?  If so, you know which scene I've got in mind.


Every prosecutor and Judge should be forced to watch that movie.  Especially the ones in my area.

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Speaking of wood chippers...



I've got lots of them.  The vast majority are profanity.  Some of them involve a wood chipper.


Well...  I just got my wood chipper two days ago, so I have one available. :)


Since the sick bastards like to use chemicals, I would probably take that approach when dealing with them.  I would probably start by soaking their genitalia in a warm 50% sodium hydroxide solution.  The pain would be unbelievable as the caustic slowly saponified their skin.  I could also start with an upside down compressed air can in the ears, or perhaps a few drops of sulfuric acid.  Regardless of how I started, I could assure you one thing, the medieval inquisitions would pale in comparison.

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Guest nra37922

I followed the whole thing on TV and was just in shock on what they did to this couple.Horrid!


These are not human beings.  If that would have been my daughter or son, I don't know what I would have done but Gary showed  helluva more decorum that I would have...

They are feral animals that should be put down for the good of society. 

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